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Islamic Economic

H. Hendri Tanjung, Ph.D
• Epistemology (//; from Greek ἐπιστήμη, epistēmē, meaning
"knowledge", and λόγος, logos, meaning "discourse") is a branch of
philosophy that deals with the theory of knowledge.
• Epistemology studies the nature of knowledge, justification, and the
rationality of belief.
Much of the debate in epistemology centers on four areas:
1. Philosophical analysis of the nature of knowledge and how it relates
to concepts such as truth, belief, and justification.
2. Various problems of skepticism,
3. The sources and scope of knowledge and justification for belief, and
4. Criteria for knowledge and justification.
Epistemology addresses questions such as:
• What makes justified truth, justified ?,
• What does it mean to say that someone knows something?
• How do we know, we know?
The term 'Epistemology' was first used by the Scottish philosopher
James Frederick Ferrier in 1854.
Resources of Knowledge
1. Al-Qur’an:
• Al Baqarah, 2: 2.
• An Nisa, 4: 174.
• Fussilat, 41: 53
• Al-Hijr, 15:9
Resources of Knowledge
2. As-Sunnah
• An Nisa, 4: 59.
• An Nisa, 4: 80.
• Al-Ahzab, 33:36
• Al-Hasyr, 59:7
Resources of Knowledge
3. Ijma’
• The agreement of all mujtahidin scholars from this ummat at one
time was on one syar'i law after the death of the Prophet SAW.
Resources of Knowledge
4. Qiyas, according to ushul terms are:
• Equating the law of an event that does not have a text (legal
information from al-quran and as-Sunnah) with the law of an event
that has a text because both have the same illat in law. (illat is
characterizing something based on the law of origin)
• According to the scholars, the wisdom of this qiyas can be seen from
several verses of the al-quran (Qs. 59: 2)
Resources of Knowledge
5. Istihsan
• In language, is to return something to the good.
• In terms, leaving him a mujtahid from qiyas jail to qiyas khafi, or from
kulli law to istisna'I law because there are arguments that are
considered strong by him so that he favored leaving the qiyas jail or
kulli law.
Resources of Knowledge
6. Maslahah mursalah
• It is taking maslahat and rejecting mafsadat.
• Example: collecting al-quran in one book, building a factory, printing
money, etc.
Resources of Knowledge
7. Saddu az-Zara’i
• Is to prevent a path or intermediary (action) that leads to mafsadah
Resources of Knowledge
8. al-’urf
• Is what people know and live with each other, either in the form of
words and deeds or leaving them.
Resources of Knowledge
9. al-istishab
• Is to take lessons from the companions of the prophet SAW and keep
it continuously.
• provide a legal opinion on something with a pre-existing condition,
until there is evidence to change it.
Epistemology introduced by al-jabiri
Al-jabiri provides 3 types of Islamic epistemology :
1. Bayani (explanation)
2. Irfani
3. burhani
Epistemology (Bayani, Irfani, Burhani)
No Fundamental Epistemology bayani Epistemology irfani Epistemology burhani
1 Origin Wahyu (nash), as-Sunnah, Experience: ru’yah al- Reality/al-waqi (Nature,
Ijma, Qiyas mubasyirah, direct experience social, humanity); al-ilm al-
(al-ilm al-khuduri); preverbal husuli
(prelogical knowledge)
2 methods Ijtihadiyah Al-dzauqiyah; al-riyadhah (al- Abstraction; bahtsiyyah-
intinbatiyah/qiyas mujahadah; al-kashfiyah; al- tahliliyyah-tarkibiyyah-
ladunniyah; inner appreciation maqdiyyah
3 approach Lughawiyyah (Language) Psico-genosis, intuitif, qalb, al- Philosophical-scientific
and dalalah laduniyyah
4 Theoretical Al ash al Far, istinbathiyah Dhahir-bathin; tanzil wa ta’wil, Al-tashawwur at\l-tashdiq;
Framework (deduktif), qiyas, qiyas al- nubuwwah-wilayah; haqiqi logical premises; silogisme;
dalalah, lafadz-makna, ‘am- majazi kulli-juz’I; jauhar-ardl
khas, majaz, etc.
Epistemology (Bayani, Irfani, Burhani)
No Fundamental Epistemology bayani Epistemology irfani Epistemology burhani
5 Function and Intellect as a restraint and Partisipatif; al hads wa al Heuristic-analitic-critic; al-
Role of Intellect regulator of lust, widjan; bila wasith bila hijab sabab wa al musabab; al-aql
justification, taqlid. al-kauni
6 Benchmark The closeness between texts Universal reciprocity; empathy; Correspondence, coherence,
Scientific Validity and reality sympathy; understanding others pragmatic
7 Basic Principles Discontinue-atomistic; tajwiz Al-ma’rifah, al-ittihad/al-fana’; al sabab; al-hatmiyyah
(all-round, there is no law of al-hulul. (certainty); al-mutabaqah
causality, muqarabah) baina al-’qal wa nidzam al-
Epistemology (Bayani, Irfani, Burhani)
No Fundamental Epistemology bayani Epistemology irfani Epistemology burhani
8 Supporting Fiqh, ushuliyun, nahwu, Al-mutasawwifin; asshab al-Irfan Philosophy, scientist (Nature,
Science Group balaghah (esoteric); hermes/arifun social, humanity)
9 Subject to object Subjective Intersubjective, wihdat ul Objective, objective-
relationship wujud; ittihad al-arif wa al- rationalism (separate
ma’ruf between subject and object)
10 Argument type Dialectic, defensive, Athifiyyah-wihdaniyyah; Demonstrative (explorative,
apologetic, polemic, spirituality verificative; explanative)
Ibn Khaldun Theory of Economic
1. The power of the ruler (G) will not be
realized except with the implementation of
Shari'ah (S)
2. Shari'ah (S) cannot be implemented except
by the Ruler (G)
3. Ruler (G) cannot gain power except through
the People (N)
4. People (N) cannot be preserved except with
Wealth (W)
5. Wealth (W) cannot be obtained except
through Development (al-Imarah)
6. Development (g) cannot be achieved except
through Justice (j)
7. Justice (j) is the criterion (al-mizan) of Allah
judging His servants, and
8. The Ruler (G) is responsible for actualizing
Justice (j).
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