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•To be successful in Baking. It is important to
have a basic understanding of how baking
ingredients function and how they react to each
•Knowledge of these principles and processes will
not only help you to follow any formula and
produce better quality products but will also aid
What is Baking?

Baking is a food cooking

method that uses prolonged
dry heat by convection, rather
than by thermal radiation,
normally in an oven.
Classification of Bakery Products




What is BREAD?

•It is food made of flour, water, and yeast or

another leavening agent, mixed together and
•It is made from grains that have been ground
into flour or meal, moistened and kneaded into
a dough, and then baked. Many types of bread
are leavened, usually with yeast, which induces
fermentation and causes the breads to rise
Types of Breads




•Lamination is term for the process of alternating layers of

dough and butter when making pastry. The dough is
wrapped around butter (so that the butter is completely
enclosed in dough and cannot slip out), the “package” is
rolled out, folded over to double the number of layers, and
then the whole thing is repeated.
•Each time the dough is folded, it is called a “turn.” The more
turns your laminated dough has, the more flaky your finished
pastry will be. Laminated dough include puff pastry,
croissant dough and danish dough.

•Refers to bread that uses

yeast as a leavener.
•The yeast causes the
formation of carbon
dioxide gas through
fermentation of the sugars
in the bread dough.
•This causes the bread to
rise, making it light and

•Is a simple bread made with

flour, water and salt, and
then thoroughly rolled into
flattened dough. Many
flatbreads are unleavened
made without yeast
although some are slightly
leavened, such as pita

•A type of bread which

is leavened with
agents other than
yeast (such as baking
soda plus an acid) and
thus rises more

•An item of soft, sweet food

made from a mixture of flour,
shortening, eggs, sugar, and
other ingredients, baked and
often decorated.
•A sweet baked food made from
a dough or thick batter usually
containing flour and sugar and
often shortening, eggs, and a
raising agent (as baking powder).

•May also refer to the dough

from which such baked
products are made. Pastry
dough is rolled out thinly
and used as a base for baked
•Common pastry dishes
include pies, tarts, quiches
and choux pastry etc..
Pastry is differentiated from bread by having a higher fat content, which
contributes to a flaky or crumbly texture. A good pastry is light and airy and fatty,
but firm enough to support the weight of the filling

Pastries and cakes are both prepared from flour and are baked products.
However, they differ in the type of flour that is used to prepare them. Cake flour
contains less protein than pastry flour, as the protein promotes the creation of
gluten. A cake is a stand alone sweet dessert, whereas the pastry can be
sometimes used as standalone or can be added to other food items like added in
the making of pies.

• The term dessert can apply to

many foods, such
as cakes, tarts, cookies, biscuits,
gelatins, pastries, ice
creams, pies, puddings, custards,
and sweet soups.
• Fruit is also commonly found in
dessert courses because of its
naturally occurring sweetness.
Some cultures sweeten foods
that are more commonly savory
to create desserts.

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