Simple Past+ Past Participle Tenses

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Simple Past & Past Continuous Tenses

Prepared by: Nur Hazirah binti Azman Nurulizati binti Mohd Johar Naqibatul Afiqah binti Shoib


Put in the Simple Past tense or the Past Continuous tense of the verb in brackets. entered 1. When I __________ (enter) the room, he was talking __________(talk) to someone on the telephone.
was cooking 2. She __________ (cook) dinner when the fire started __________ (start) in the kitchen.

walked 3. As he __________ (walk) down the road, he steped _________ (step) on a banana peel and fell _________ (fall) heavily.

did interrupt 4. Why _________ you _________ (interrupt) us were having just now? We __________ (have) an interesting discussion on politics.

seem 5. She __________ (seem) quite happy when I saw __________ (see) her this morning.

were searching 6. As they __________ (search) for the key, they found _________ (find) an unopened letter adressed to him.

was reading 7. He _________ (read) an exciting story when went did not come the lights _________ (go) off. They ________ (not come) on until there hours later.

looked 8. While all of us ________ (look) for him, he was sleeping _________ (sleep) peacefully in his room.

was explaining 9. The teacher _________ (explain) the method stood when Leela __________ (stand) up and asked ________ (ask) him a question.

were walking 10. As we _________ (walk) home after school, it began ________ (begin) to rain heavily, so we ran _________ (run) into a nearby shop for shelter.

fell 11. A fiery spark _________ (fall) on my shirt and knew was happening before I __________(know) what _________ was (happening), my shirt _________ (be) on fire.

was getting 12. She _________ (get) into the car when she realized _________(realize) that she had forgotten to lock up the house.

been sold 13. Vegetables ___________ (sell) very cheaply at the market this bought morning. She ____________ (buy) a lot of each type and
_________ storred (store) them in the refrigerator.

was watering 14. He _____________ (water) the plants in the garden when a bee stung swollen ___________ (sting) him on the hand. His hand _________
(swell) up almost at once.

was driving 15. He ___________

__________ stopped license.

(drive) down the road when a policeman (ask) to see his

asked (stop) his car and ______

was listening 16. I ___________ (listen) to the news on the radio

when I __________ (hear) a knock on the door. I heard _________ was opening (open) it and
saw _______

(see) a

was carrying small boy standing on the doorstep. He _______

(carry) a bottle of tadpoles.


1. He was wearing a pair of dark glasses when I saw ______ him.

was walking 2. He said that he __________ here when he saw the accident.

3. My brother ________ came afternoon.

home late in the

were piling 4. Bunches of bananas ________ on top of one another.

5. If you was asking him nicely he would tell you _______ the answer.

6. I suddenly at me.

realized __________

was starring that everyone _________

Have 7. ________ today?

the postman

delivered ________

any parcel

was being 8. The man s every movement _________ watched

9. She

was ________ always complaining about the _________

pressure of work.

10. The players

were not informed ________

of the

cancellation of work.

11) When the headmaster


into the

classroom, the students were writing an essay.

12) While their parents children

were listening


plans, the


13) Vegetables the market.

was being sold

very cheaply at

14) The little girl

was standing

on a chair and

tried ___________ t to reach for the cup.





him when he

fell down the stairs?

did not talk 16) We long with each other as was he in a hurry.

17) When he was learning how to ride a bicycle, he had a few accidents. 18) His room was in a mess as he was redecorating it.

19) She fruit.

was feeling

ill after she had eaten the

20) The wrecked boat sea and soon

was sinking

into the

was being lost

to sight.

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