Modals and Police Requests Fun Activities Games Grammar Guides

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Using modals to

make polite requests

Writing 1, Unit 7
Will and Should
Will/going to = definite/certain future
Should = uncertain future or to give advice

A: What should I have for lunch?

B: You should eat something healthy like a salad from Subway.
A: A salad? I’ll still be hungry if I only eat a salad!
B: Will you still be hungry if you eat a turkey sandwich?
A: I’m not sure. I think a sandwich should fill me up.
B: I don’t know what you’re going to eat, but I’m hungry! I’m going to
Subway! I’m going to try the ham sandwich for the first time. It
should taste great!
A: I guess I should come with you! I’ll try the turkey sandwich!
Will, May and Might
Will – shows certainty about the future
• Often written as a conjunction (I’ll, you’ll, she’ll, he’ll, we’ll, they’ll)
Example: You’ll pay more if you don’t bring coupons.

May / Might- For possibility about the future

Examples: “I may go to the party. I’m not sure.”
“I might go to Erica’s house after the party.”
• The negative forms are may not and might not.
• There is no contraction form.
Examples: I might not have time to study. mayn’t
These cookies may not be healthy.
Should: to ask for advice. To give advice.
To give a warning.
• Contraction of negative form : shouldn’t = should not
Give advice
• You should eat healthy food.
• You should use coupons to save money.
• You should try this sandwich. It’s delicious.
Give a warning
You shouldn’t skip class. You might fail the class.
You should not eat raw chicken. It will make you sick.
Ask for advice
Should I buy a new or used car?
Shouldn’t I try a free sample before I buy the product?
Must /have to– to show necessity
Must and have to mean the same thing in affirmative sentences.
They show a need. Must is a more formal word.

I must study for the next test!

I have to study for the next test!
I need to study for the next test!


We must go inside. It’s going to rain.

We have to go inside. It’s going to rain.
We need to go inside. It’s going to rain.
Must / Have to
in negative sentences.
In positive statements: same meaning
Example: You must (have to) buy a textbook for the class.

In negative statements: different meanings

Must not = against the law. Prohibited
Don’t have to = not necessary (there is some choice)
Example: You must not steal items from a store.
You don’t have to go to the party.
• Must not and cannot have a VERY similar meaning.
• Contraction: mustn’t = must not.
Might / May– to show possibility
Might and may have the same meaning when they are used to show
possibility. They both mean the same as maybe.

You might fail this class. SAME

You may fail this class. MEANING!

Maybe you will fail this class.

It might rain soon.

It may rain soon. MEANING!
Maybe it will rain soon.
Can = ability, possibility or *permission
The man and woman can skate.
The little girl cannot skate. She needs help.

You can lose weight if you exercise.

You can start the assignment when you get home.

*Contraction of negative form: can’t

May = to give permission (proper English)

CAN is often confused with MAY.
CAN is used for ABILITIES.
MAY is used to ask or show PERMISSION:
A. May I go to the bathroom?
B. Yes, you may. PERMISSION: to let, to allow, to permit

A. Can you buy my lunch?

B. No, I can’t. I don’t have much money. ABILITY: able, capable
Could & Would: Polite requests
Could is similar to can. Would is similar to will = Just more polite.
Examples: Could I have another cookie please? Can I have a cookie?
Would you lend me a pencil please? Will you lend me a pencil?

Would like = want

• “Would like” is more formal than “want”.
• It is Commonly written as a conjunction (I’d, you’d, he’d, she’d, we’d, they’d)
*I would like to make a deposit please. *I’d like to purchase a ticket please.

Could: past tense abilities.

• Can = present tense abilities. Cannot / can’t = negative
• Could = past tense abilities. Could not / couldn’t =negative
• Example: I could run very fast when I was young. Now that I am old, I
cannot run at all!
Student advice: using should
Advice for a friend coming to the United States
Write sentences or questions: use will, should, must, might,
Practice using modals with
Follow the link and write sentences or questions about
the pictures. Use modals in your statements.

• http://
Imperatives = commands
Instructions/requests: Sign your name on the line,
Come to school at 8:45am.

Warnings: Be careful! The floor is wet!

Encouragement: Relax and do your best on the test.
Have a great weekend! Get well soon!

Suggestions: Let’s go to the park! (Let’s = let us)

Why don’t we go to Applebees?

Impolite, angry expressions: Go away! Leave me

alone! Stop touching my things!
Modals make commands more polite

GO TO THE LIBRARY. = Would you go to the library please?

MAKE DINNER!= Will you make dinner (please)?

STOP USING YOUR CELL PHONE! = Would you stop using your
cell phone please?

DO NOT DO THAT! =You should not do that! OR I would not do


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