20-Chapter 26 Properties of Light

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Exams Topics
• Exam I - Sound Chapters 19, 20, 21

• Exam II - Light Chapters 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

• Exam III - Mechanics Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

• Exam IV - Mechanics Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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Chapter 26
Properties of
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Photons Light
These three are the same…
• Light
* pure energy
• Electromagnetic Waves
* energy-carrying waves emitted by vibrating
• Photons
* particles of light
• Demo
– Tesla Coil, Radio, Fluorescent light
Wave Velocity
• The speed of light is the same for all
seven forms of light.

• It is 300,000,000 meters per second or

186,000 miles per second.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
• Radio Waves - communication
• Microwaves - used to cook
• Infrared - “heat waves”
• Visible Light - detected by your eyes
• Ultraviolet - causes sunburns
• X-rays - penetrates tissue
• Gamma Rays - most energetic
EM Waves Sources
Radio Waves Vibrating charges
Microwaves Molecular vibrations
Infrared Molecular vibrations

Visible Atomic vibrations

Ultraviolet Atomic vibrations
X-rays Atomic vibrations
Gamma rays Nuclear vibrations
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
• A range of light waves extending in
wavelength from radio waves to
gamma rays
The Visible Spectrum
•A range of light waves extending in wavelength
from about 400 to 700 namometers.
• Transparent - the term applied to
materials through which light can pass in
straight lines
Opaque Materials
• Opaque - the term applied to materials
that absorb light
Example Questions
• Are clouds transparent or opaque to visible
– Answer: opaque

• Are clouds transparent or opaque to

ultraviolet light?
– Answer: transparent
• Umbra - the darker part of a shadow
where all the light is blocked

• Penumbra - a partial shadow

• These terms also apply to Solar Eclipses

and Lunar Eclipses.
Solar Eclipse
Full Shadow Earth

Partial Shadow

• A solar eclipse occurs when

the Moon passes in front of
the Sun.
Lunar Eclipse

• A lunar eclipse occurs when

the Moon passes into the
Earth's shadow.
• Which type of eclipse is dangerous to
view with the unprotected eye?

• Why are lunar eclipses more

commonly seen than solar eclipses?
• Cornea - does most of the focusing

• Iris - has the eye color and controls light intensity

• Pupil - the hole in the eye (red eye demo)
• Lens - does remainder of focusing
• Retina - location of light sensors, has rods and cones
• Fovea - center of vision, predominantly cones
optic nerve exit, no light sensors
• Blind spot -
Color Deficiency
Myopia (Near-Sightedness)

People with near-sightedness cannot

see clearly at distance.
Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

People with far-sightedness cannot see

clearly up close.
Chapter 26 Review Questions
You will observe a total eclipse
of the sun when...
(a) you stand in the penumbra of the moon’s shadow
(b) you stand in the umbra of the moon’s shadow
(c) sunlight diffracts around the moon
(d) sunlight reflects from the moon to the earth
The speed of light...

(a) has never been measured

(b) is about the same as that of sound
(c) is infinitely fast
(d) is very fast, but not infinite
In the dark at late evening, no
color is seen because of lack of
stimulation of
a. rods.
b. cones.
c. cornea.
d. crystalline lens.
• How old do you think I am?
End of Chapter 26

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