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Ph.D. in English Linguistics

Language Analyst
Researcher in Computational Linguistics
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students


0. Introduction

0.1. Aim of this course

0.2. Scope of this course
0.3. Selected Bibliography
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 I.1. The computer system

 I.2. Software
 I.3. Hardware (Architecture)
 I.4. Memory
 I.5. Processor
 I.6. Keyboard
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 I.7. Mouse
 I.8. Operating System
 I.9. File (Creating a file)
 I.10. Menu
 I.11. Tool bar
 I.12. Tasks (name, type, copy, delete, click, paste, rename,
select, install, etc.)
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 I.13. Illustration of a window (title bar, menu bar, cursor,

 I.14. Printing
 I.15. Scanning
 I.16. Icon
 I.17. Data
 I.18. Database
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE

 I.19. Encoding (entering data)

 I.20. Input and output
 I.21. Central Unit
 I.22. Peripheral parts
 I.23. Screen
 I.24. Hard disk
 I.25. Text treatment
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 II.1. The two categories of software: system and

 II.2. Hardware: Your physical Interface
 II.3. Telecommunications devices
 II.4. The internet and the worldwide web
 II.5. E-business
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE


 (To be provided as the course proceeds)
Technical English Course For Computer
SCIENCE Students
 0.1. Aim of this course

 The aim of this course is to provide Computing

SCIENCE students with basic English grammatical tools
(rules and structure) and fundamental notions or concepts
in computer science. These materials and notions should
allow him or her to talk or write roughly about computer
tools and tasks. At the end of this class, a student should be
able to discuss or compose briefly in English on some major
topics related to computer science.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE

 0.2. Scope of this course

 This course is a further step in the acquisition of the

English language by students who already had a beginners’
English course in G1 (first undergraduate year). If the G1 class
focused rather more on the academic language with a special
emphasis on the development of the writing skill, the G2 (second
undergraduate year) class will focus more on the technical jargon
of computer science with a special emphasis on the speaking
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE

 0.3. Selected Bibliography

 Baarda, D.B. (2004) Introduction to Statistics with SPSS.

 Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff.
 Fitikides, T..J. (1963) Common Mistakes in English. (5th ed.),
 Essex, Longman.
 Fontaine, R. (2002) Excel XP. Paris, Bertrand-Lacoste.
 Goupille, P. A. (2001) Les outils informatiques de l’étudiant. Paris,
Technical English Course For Computer
SCIENCE Students

 Selected Bibliography (continued)

 Haag, S. et al. (2002) Microsoft Office XP. Vol.1, New-York, McGraw-

 Hill.

 Harrison, B. (1983) English as Second and Foreign Language. London,

 Arnold.
 Murphy, R. (1985) English Grammar in use: A self-study reference
 and practice for intermediate students. London,
 C.U.P.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 Selected Bibliography (continued)

 O’Leary, T.J. & O’Leary, L.I. (2000) Microsoft PowerPoint

 2000. Boston, McGraw-Hill.

 Swan, M. (1980) Practical English Usage. Oxford, O.U.P.

 Thomson, A.J. & Martinet, A.V. (1986) A Practical English

 Grammar. Oxford, O.U.P.

Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students


I.1. The Computer System
A computer (or computer system) is a set of tools that helps you perform
information-related tasks. So your computer is a set of tools that can help you
surf the web, maintain an address book, prepare a report for class, do an
assignment, keep a checkbook, create slides for a presentation, watch movies and
even play video games (the commands you enter for movement and to initiate
actions are, in fact, information to the video game). All the tools that make up
your computer are necessary and important.

Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 Your computer contains two major sets of tools: software and hardware. And within
each of those, you can categorize various tools as follows:

 I.2. Software
 • System software (is the main software. It details how your
computer carries out technology-specific tasks like writing information to a disk or
checking for viruses).
 • Application software (is the secondary software. It helps your
computer execute tasks like surfing the web, keeping a home budget, processing
payroll or communicating with others).

 I.3. Hardware
 • Input devices: such as a keyboard (the primary input device), a mouse
(the primary input device for pointing), and an internet video camera help
you capture information and translate it into a form that can be
processed and used by other parts of your computer.

Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

• Output devices: such as a printer, set of speakers, and monitor take

information within your computer and present it to you in a form that you can

• CPU and RAM: The system box contains your CPU and RAM — these make up
your computer’s brain. The CPU carries out instructions it receives from your
software, and RAM is temporary memory for holding software and

• Storage devices: such as a flash disk, hard drive, CD-RW drive, CD-ROM
drive, and Zip drive store information so you can recall and use that information
at a later time.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

• Telecommunication devices: such as a modem and network can help you
communicate information to people in other locations. These types of devices are
housed within your system box and have connections located in the back of your
system box.
• Hardware connections: are physical locations from which your computer can be
connected to a peripheral device.

Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

central unit 


 PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)

Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

screen  PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)

loudspeaker loudspeaker 

central unit


 keyboard
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

Peripheral parts for data output (screen, printer, loudspeaker, etc.)

Peripheral parts for storing data (vivid memory, CD-ROM, floppy disk, etc.), as well
as an internet connection by means of a modem.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 ♦ What use is a computer?

 ♦ Whose computer is it / this?

 ♦ How much is it?

 ♦ What make is it?

 ♦ How often do you use a computer?

 ♦ How long since have you been using a computer?

 ♦ Do you think a computer is an indispensable tool?

Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 I.4. Memory
 The role of memory is played by the device called RAM (Random Access
Memory). In fact, the RAM is a temporary memory that holds software
instructions and information for your CPU or processor.
 The storage capacity of the memory (RAM) is expressed in terms of the
number of bytes it can hold. A byte is equivalent to a character.

 Kilobyte (KB or K) 1,024 bytes

 Megabyte (MB or M or Meg) roughly 1 million bytes
 Gigabyte (GB or Gig) roughly 1 billion bytes
 Terabyte (TB) roughly 1 trillion bytes.

 I.5. Processor
 The processor is also called CPU, which means Central Processing Unit. It is
the chip (or piece) that carries out instructions it receives from your software. It
is also referred to as microprocessor. The prominent manufacturer of CPUs is
Intel, with its Pentium series.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 I.6. Keyboard
 This is the primary input device, which helps you capture information and translate it
into a form that can be processed and used by other parts of your computer. How keys
are laid varies from one manufacturer to another. It also varies depending on the
language of the manufacturer. Therefore keyboards come in a variety of shapes and
 I.7. Mouse
 This is the primary input device for pointing. When you move your mouse (whether on
your pad or not) the cursor (in the form of an arrow tip) also moves on the screen. Note
that the mouse can also be used to capture and translate information (with the help of
the processor). The left side of the mouse is the most used part but the right side can also
be used for some specific functions.

 I.8. Operating System

 This is part of the software. So it can also be called operating system software. This
system controls your application software and manages how your hardware devices work
together. As an example of operating systems we can mention the Microsoft family
(Windows ’98, windows 2000 Me, Windows 2000 Pro, Windows XP Home, Windows
XP Pro and Windows Vista), Linux and Mac OS (the operating system for Apple
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE

 In fact, your operating system gets your system going and manages all your
resources as you use your computer. So, if you want to retrieve a file from a
floppy disk, your operating system checks to make sure the disk is in drive A
(the floppy disk drive) and actually retrieves the file once you specify a file

 Your operating system also performs a number of other important tasks.

Multitasking is one of them. Multitasking allows you to work with more than
one piece of software at a time. For instance, it is possible to use both Word
(word processing software) and Excel (spreadsheet software) at the same time.
In this case one would use Excel to create the graph and then copy it into one’s
word processing document. The advantage of multitasking is that you don’t
have to work with one piece of software, exit it, and then start another piece of
software. You can open both of them at the same time. You can even open more
than two if you wish.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

 Another important operating system feature is security. When you start your computer, it will
ask you for a user name and password. And you must enter them correctly in order to use your
computer. It is your operating system that allows you to maintain and change your password
from time to time. This is something that we recommend (that) you do about once a month.

 I.9. File (creating a file)

 To create a file ( or open a new document) click on start. Then, drag the mouse pointer (cursor)
to Microsoft Word 2010 and click. Drag again the mouse pointer (cursor) to the File tab
and click it;
1. Click the File tab.

 After clicking the File tab, you click New. Then, double click Blank document. So, your
document blank page is ready for typing a text. Note that the text can be saved and named.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

I.10. Menu
The menu of Microsoft Word relates to the multiple options offered to the user of the computer who
wants to treat a text. These options are found on the menu bar. So the menu bar helps reveal a file
command. Options or menus are arranged in a familiar way beginning on the left with the File menu.
Clicking the File menu, for example, reveals the New, Open, Close and Save commands, among others,
that are typical of all Windows File menu commands.

I.11. Toolbar(s)
There are two toolbars. One is the standard toolbar. It appears below the menu bar. And, it contains
buttons that execute popular menu bar commands such as Open, Save, Print, Cut, etc. The other one is the
Formatting toolbar. It contains buttons that change the appearance of a text in a document. For
instance, one can bold, italicize, underline, justify, number and even bullet texts by pressing Formatting
toolbar buttons.

I.12. Tasks (name, type, copy, paste, delete, cut, select, rename, etc.)
Many tasks can be performed thanks to the great variety of options presented by the different bars. One
can type and manipulate a text by inserting new words or lines at any point in a document. Before all, a
name should be given to the new file. Then, while typing a text, it is possible to copy, paste, delete, cut or
select it (including moving it to a new location). One can also rename a text if (s)he wants; or (s)he can
replace portions of a text. This is an illustration of the key features of the activity that has come to be
known as desktop publishing.
I.13. Illustration of a window (title bar, menu bar, toolbar,

Title bar

Menu bar




Status bar

Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

I.14. Printing
Printing is an operation performed by a printer. This output device (printer) creates
a hard copy or paper version of the information you want to see. Nowadays, personal
computer printers include inkjet and laser printers. For both inkjets and lasers, the
resolution of a printer is the number of dots per inch (dpi) it produces. Which is
the same principle as the resolution in monitors. The more dots, the better the image
and, usually, the more costly the printer.
I.15. Scanning
Scanning is an operation performed by a scanner. This input device (scanner) can
help you capture different kinds of data or information. These data may be a text, a
table with figures, images or pictures. They will be automatically entered in the
computer without the help of the keyboard as it usually is with text typing. Scanning
requires that the computer has a sufficient amount of memory available. It can even be
executed remotely if your installation system allows it.
I.16. Icon
An icon is a small drawing or image that serves as a shortcut for an application.
Toolbars, for instance, include a lot of icons. The advantage that windows offers with
icons is that you can save time in making a command at once by clicking on it.
Otherwise you would need two, three or more steps before having it executed.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

This is an illustration of icons on a toolbar (with excell) allowing multiple tasking for

I.17. Data
Data are nothing else than information. This information can appear under different
forms, sizes and types. It can be a text. Or, it can consist of figures presented in a table.
It can also be a combination of figures and text. Sometimes, data consist of drawings or
photos with or without text for comment. Even instrumental music or games constitute
a possible category of data that can be stored in a computer. Unlike the beginner in
computer science, who generally and wrongly restricts data to text, you can realize how
wide and complex is the range of possible data. In fact, it is always possible to combine
different kinds of data in the same file.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

I.18. Database
A database is a bank (or a bulk) of information that you can use for any treatment or
analysis. If there is no database available then you can create one. The information
collected is to be stored in an appropriate software (programme) for use. Letters, for
instance can be stored in Word. For the analysis of literary texts you can use Lexico, for
instance. Tables including figures can be stored in Excel, SPSS, Statistica, Epi Info,
etc. The advantage of a database is that it offers you the possibility to use the same source
of information as many times as you wish instead of being obliged to re-encode or re-type
it for each use.
I.19. Encoding (entering data)
When you have collected the research data and composed a coding scheme, you can enter
data. Which means that data have to be entered rationally following a code. The computer
analyst will have to make the choice among a variety of softwares like excel, SPSS,
Statistica, etc. A name should immediately be assigned to the variables for which scores
are being entered. Values and codes need to be checked at that time. For sex, for instance,
use is most frequently made of the codes ‘1= male’ and ‘2=female’. The entries under sex
in the database must, therefore, only be ones and twos. If, haphazard, a seven appears, it
means that the data probably include a mistake. Such a mistake ought to be corrected
before starting the analysis of the data.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

I.20. Input and Output

The terms input and output are used to refer respectively to the process of entering
data and that of yielding the results of data analysis. As one uses his or her computer,
(s)he’s not limited to capturing (entering) information that exists in a text or numeric
form. (S)he also can enter audio (using a microphone), images and video data (using a
digital video camera).
One can also take information within a computer and present it in a form that
everybody could understand. Such an output cannot only be read but even watched or
heard. Many of today’s computers are multimedia based. Which imply a presentation
of information that can include sound, text, graphics, video and animation over which
one has a sort of control.
I.21. Central Unit
The central unit of a computer is the tower, a vertical system box that includes the
computer’s brain: the CPU and RAM. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the chip
that carries out instructions it receives from the software. The RAM is the temporary
memory that holds information and the software that people can use. The most
dominant manufacturer of CPU is Intel, with its Pentium series. The most helpful
information for comparing CPUs is their relative speeds. CPU speed is usually quoted
in megahertz or gigahertz. Megahertz (MHz) is the number of millions of CPU cycles
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

per second. The number of CPU cycles per second determines how fast your CPU
carries out the software instructions. So, a 1.4 GHz CPU operates at 1.4 billion cycles
per second and is faster than an 800 MHz CPU, which operates at 800 million cycles
per second.
RAM (Random Access Memory) is temporary memory that holds software
instructions and information for your CPU. RAM holds:
1. Operating system instructions.
2. Application software instructions.
3. The information you’re working with (a Web site or perhaps a document).
4. Keyboard strokes and mouse movements.
The storage capacity of RAM is expressed in the terms of the number of bytes it can
hold. A byte is equivalent to a character:
Kilobyte (KB or K) — 1,024 bytes
Megabyte (MB or M or Meg) — roughly 1 million bytes
Gigabyte (GB or Gig) — roughly 1 billion bytes
Terabyte (TB) — roughly 1 trillion bytes.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

The speed of one’s CPU and the amount of RAM that you have are critical factors in
determining the overall speed and performance of your computer, not to mention price.
I.22. Peripheral parts
Apart from the CPU and RAM all the remaining parts of your computer fall into the
broad grouping named as peripheral parts or devices. These peripheral devices are
of different kinds. There are input devices, output devices, storage devices and
telecommunication devices. Note, however, that a device may play a double role at
once. Such is the case with the hard disk, which may be taken altogether as an input
and output device.
I.23. Screen
The screen is wrongly called " monitor " . In fact, a monitor is an output device that
displays information to you on a screen and comes into two basic types: CRT or flat-
panel display. A CRT looks like a TV. A flat-panel display is a thin, lightweight monitor
and take up much less space than a CRT. Of these two kinds of devices for displaying
information, the CRT is the most common, but this will change rapidly as more and
more people opt for flat-panel displays. The technology of most flat-panel display is
referred to as LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). Whenever you buy a monitor, you should
consider the screen size, resolution and dot pitch.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

I.24. Hard disk

It is a magnetic storage medium, usually fixed inside your system unit, consisting of one or
more thin platters or disks that store information. Hard disks can hold much more
information than any of the other magnetic storage options. Common hard disks today on
personal computers can easily hold hundreds of GB of information (that’s over one
hundred billion characters).
The one who purchases to buy a computer is recommended to look for the largest hard disk
(s)he can afford. Why? Because the hard disk is where one will store his/her operating
system software, his/her application software and the information (s)he creates. After a
while, those start to take up a lot of space. One certainly doesn’t want to face having to
install a new hard disk because (s)he has no room left on his/her current one.
I.25. Text treatment
The expression « text treatment » refers to the process that involves creating,
handling and saving texts. Word is the most famous software for text treatment. It
was created by Microsoft in the early 1980’s (more precisely in 1983). This sofware has
been improved with time and went through many adjustments. In 2011, the most
recent version in use was Word 2010. From simple letters to Ph.D. dissertations
through CVs and other kinds of notes, text treatment departs essentially from database
SCIENCE, for which more appropriate sofwares can be used.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students


There are two categories of software: system and application. The system software is the
software that details how your computer carries out technology-specific tasks. These tasks
include getting your computer going when you turn it on, writing information to a disk,
checking for viruses, and a host of other activities. Because the system software deals with
technology-specific tasks, we say that it’s the layer of software closest to your computer. The
application software is the software that allows you to perform specific tasks such as
writing a term paper, surfing the web, keeping a home budget, and creating slides for a
presentation. Because application software deals with specific information-related tasks you
want to perform, we say that it’s the layer of software closest to you.

How many categories of software are there? There are two categories of software.
What are they? They are system software and application software.
What is the system software about? The system software helps communication between
the computer and its user
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students


The computer’s hardware is a physical interface between the software that you use and
yourself. For satisfying your need of achieving various tasks like capturing information of
different sources with the software, a number of physical devices will be used. These physical
devices that you can touch (although you shouldn’t in some instances) make up the overall
site of the computer as a system. Among these physical devices are:
♦ Input devices for capturing information
♦ Output devices for presenting information
♦ CPU and RAM for processing information
♦ Storage devices for storing information
♦ Telecommunication devices for communicating information

To connect all your hardware and allow them to communicate with each other, your
computer (system) contains a vast infrastructure of connections like ports.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

How else can you call the Hardware?

You can call it Physical interface
What are the different devices or peripheral parts of
your computer?
What use are input devices? They are used for capturing
… ……………….output devices? They …
………………….CPU and RAM? They …
………………….storage devices? They …
………………….communication devices? They …
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students


Whoever uses a computer will certainly need to be connected to the Internet. And,
connecting to the Internet or any other computer network requires some special hardware
(and software). An Internet connection is possible in one of the following five ways:
1. A telephone modem
2. A digital subscriber line (DSL)
3. A cable modem
4. A satellite modem
5. A wireless connection

A telephone modem is a device that connects your computer to your phone line, which
you can use to access your internet service provider. A digital subscriber line (DSL) is a
high-speed Internet connection using phone lines that allows you to use your phone for
voice communication at the same time. A cable modem is a device that uses your TV cable
to deliver an Internet connection. A satellite modem is a modem that allows you to get
Internet access using a satellite dish. A wireless network access point is a device that
allows computers to access a wired network using radio waves.
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students

In which way can you connect to the internet?

1) One can connect …by means of a telephone modem
2) One can connect….by means of a digital subscriber
line (DSL)
3) One can connect…. by means of a cable modem
4) One can connect….by means of a satellite modem
5) One can connect….by means of a wireless
Technical English Course For Computer SCIENCE Students


With its worlwide web, the internet appears to be the most visible and explosive
technology today. The internet itself is a vast network of computer systems
(hardware and software) that connects millions of people all over the world. The
world wide web (simply called web) is the internet in a linked multimedia form.
Most people use the terms « Internet » and « Web » interchangeably. There is
actually a distinct difference between the two, but people can’t anymore specify it.

With the worldwide expansion of Internet services and the proliferation of
websites, a new type of trade has emerged. That is E-business. One can now
purchase and buy a commodity or another in a few clicks. (S)he has to surf on the
web and see for himself or herself what’s available. Prices can be compared for
similar goods. One noticeable advantage is that people can stay home and await for
the delivery there at the moment agreed with the seller. Payment can be made cash
on delivery. Or an amount can be given in advance by means of electronic payment.

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