URP 329 CA3 Anirban

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SDG Goals

In India
Submitted by – Anirban Mukhopadhyay
Regn. No. – 12116009
Submitted to – Mr. Vinod Singh Parmar
B. Planning 2 Year

The United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (UN SDGs), also known as the Global
Goals, are a broad set of 17 goals that all UN
member states have committed to working
towards. The goals cover a wide range of areas,
including poverty alleviation, gender equality,
healthcare, education, and climate change.
SDG Goals

The UN SDGs are an ambitious attempt to

address the world’s most pressing problems,
and they offer a framework for countries to
develop sustainable policies and programs.
While the UN SDGs are not legally binding,
they provide an important blueprint for how the
international community can work together to
build a better future for all.
SDG 13: Climate Action
•2019 was the second warmest year on record and the
end of the warmest decade (2010- 2019) ever recorded.
•Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and other greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere rose to new records in 2019.
•Climate change is affecting every country on every
continent. It is disrupting national economies and
affecting lives. Weather patterns are changing, sea
levels are rising, and weather events are becoming more
•The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, aims to
strengthen the global response to the threat of climate
change by keeping a global temperature rise this century
well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial
•The agreement also aims to strengthen the ability of
countries to deal with the impacts of climate change,
through appropriate financial flows, a new technology
framework, and an enhanced capacity-building
• 13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-
related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
• 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies,
strategies, and planning
• 13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising, and human and
SDG 13 Targets
institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation,
impact reduction, and early warning
• 13.A Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-
country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion
annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of
developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation
actions and transparency on implementation and fully
operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization
as soon as possible
• 13.B Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective
climate change-related planning and management in the least
developed countries and small island developing States, including
focusing on women, youth, and local and marginalized
communities*Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change is the primary international,
intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to
climate change.
• Besides the above-mentioned targets, the Government of
India is also implementing the National Action Plan on
Climate Change which provides an overarching policy
framework for all climate actions including mitigation and
India’s Take on

• It comprises eight core Missions in specific areas of solar

energy, enhanced energy efficiency, sustainable habitat,
water, sustaining Himalayan ecosystems, Green India,
sustainable agriculture, and strategic knowledge for climate
• 33 States and Union Territories have prepared State Action
Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) consistent with the
SDG 13

objectives of NAPCC. 
• The adaptation activities in the States and Union Territories
of India are being supported through National Adaptation
Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC). 
• NAFCC is implemented in project mode and to date, 30
adaptation projects have been approved under NAFCC in 27
States and UTs.
India’s •To measure India’s
performance towards the
•Goal 13 Index Score
SDG Index Score for
Take on Goal of Climate Action,
five national-level
Goal 13 ranges
between 16 and 70 for
SDG 13 indicators have been
identified, which capture
States and between 18
and 77 for us.
two out of the five SDG •Odisha and Andaman
targets for 2030 outlined and Nicobar Islands
under this Goal. The are the top performers
indicator set also covers among the States and
one SDG target each the UTs, respectively.
from Goals 3, 7, and 11). •Six States and three
•These indicators have UTs bagged a position
been selected based on in the category of
the availability of data at Front Runners (score
the sub-national level and range between 65 and
to ensure comparability 99, including both).
across States and UT’s •However, ten States
and two UTs fell
behind in the Aspirants
category (with Index
scores less than 50)
• Achieving the SDGs in a country as
diverse as India will be a Herculean
task, but not unachievable. 
• We need to clearly identify priorities,
have locally relevant and people-
Way forward centric development policies and build
strong partnerships. 
• The government also needs to have a
focused plan for tracking and
evaluating impact and scaling up
successful interventions.

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