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Weld Discontinuities and defects

 Definition
 Influence
 Types
 Causes
Discontinuity & Defect

Discontinuity refers to any interruption or

in-homogeneity in the material that is
otherwise homogenous

Defect refers to an interruption having

dimensions/features beyond acceptable
Defects are otherwise called as Flaw or
Imperfections that are to be repaired so that
the material is made more homogeneous as
assumed in the design
Weld joint is itself is a Discontinuity


The Microstructure is different in the different

regions of weld zones of weld joint.
So the mechanical properties also vary from
zone to zone.
Discontinuity & Strength

Strength of the weld joint is influenced by

Filler metal strength
The extent of penetration
Presence of discontinuities in the weld
Presence of stresses in the weld joint

t t
Influence of discontinuities
 They act as stress raisers
 They reduce the cross sectional
area and thereby increase the stress
concentration around them
 They provide a leak path
 They are potential sites of crack
 They act as potential sites of corrosion
and erosion
Common surface Discontinuities

Un-equal weld size

Under sized weld
Non-uniform weld size
(along the length)
Oversized weld
Excess Penetration
Weld crater
Common surface Discontinuities

Improper Weld bead Profile

Excess Convexity
Root concavity
Excess Reinforcement
Lack of Penetration
Common Internal Discontinuities
Blow Holes / Aligned / distributed /
Cluster / worm hole Porosities
Lack of fusion/ Lack of Penetration
Lack of side wall fusion / Inter run
fusion / lack of fusion at root
Under-bead cracking / Delayed
cracking /Hydrogen induced cracking
Hot cracking, shrinkage cracks,
Fatigue cracking
Arc strikes & Spatter
Excess Penetration

Excess Penetration

Proper Penetration
Root Concavity
Weld Size & Reinforcement
Shallow Obtuse
angle > 100 

Obtuse angle > 90

High level of
stress Acute angle > 90
Undercut - Causes
Porosity - Cause /Source
Cavities / voids formed due to entrapment of gases when the
molten metal solidifies from liquid state when more gases get
dissolved into molten metal

Moisture in Inadequate Gas shielding

due to
Plate edges
Improper setting of gas
Non-baked/dried flow rates
Electrodes Improper Torch angles
Filler wire Improper setting of
welding Parameters
Wet / Non-dried flux
Pneumatic fixture
In the atmosphere
Surface Porosity & Slag
Types of Porosity

Distributed Pores

Aligned Pores

Clustered Pores
Pin-hole Porosity

Start Stop Porosity

Slag Inclusion
Incomplete fusion -Causes
Types of defects
Types of Cracking

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