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❖Consist of beliefs and values
system, a discussion of
existing power relationships,
an exploration of how political
change is achieved in line
with these power relations
and an illustration of a desired
❖Is a set of ethical ideas
that explains how society
should work that offers
political and cultural
blueprint for social order
focusing on the type of
government and economy.
Characteristics of
Political Ideology

It offers an It provides a It outlines

account of
model of how political
the existing
order often desired change can
in the form of future, a and should
the vision of be brought
worldview. good about.
❖With these characteristics of Political Ideologies, it
demonstrates that, it concerns with the issues in
the society and how these should be addressed.
❖Some of the concern issues are: economy,
education, healthcare, military, race, immigration,
justice system, labor and criminal law
⮚ Political authority in all it’s form
and especially in the form of
the state, is both evil and
⮚ Anarchist do not believe on
hierarchy or authority.
Karl Marx
⮚ To give workers to control the production.
⮚ That is where communism and socialism came
into the picture.

⮚ Is a precursor to communism and next logical
step after capitalism.
⮚ Doesn’t believe in social classes and worker

Communist countries is a Socialist


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