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Artificial Intelligence

(CSC 415)

Iheanetu, O.U.
Concept of Intelligence
› What is Intelligence??

› How can it be Measured??

› How does the brain work??

• What is Intelligence??

A thing (Trait)??
A Concept??
• Individuals differ from one another in their
ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt
effectively to the environment, to learn from
experience, to engage in various forms of
reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking
thought.” - American Psychological Association
(U. Neisser, G. Boodoo, T. J. Bouchard, Jr., A. W. Boykin, N. Brody, S. J. Ceci, D. F.
Halpern, J. C. Loehlin, R. Perloff, R. J. Sternberg, and S. Urbina. Intelligence: Knowns and
unknowns. American Psychologist, 51(2):77–101, 96)
• “The ability to learn, understand and make
judgments or have opinions that are based on
- Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary, 2006
• A person possesses intelligence insofar as he has
learned, or can learn, to adjust himself to his
environment. - S. S. Colvin
(R. J. Sternberg, editor. Handbook of Intelligence. Cambridge University Press, 2000)
• [An intelligent agent does what] is appropriate
for its circumstances and its goal, it is flexible
to changing environments and changing goals,
it learns from experience, and it makes
appropriate choices (judgement) given
perceptual limitations and finite computation.

- D. Poole, A. Mackworth, and R. Goebel. Computational Intelligence: A logical

approach. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, 1998.
Definition of AI
› Develops machines that behave as though they
were intelligent – John McCarthy (1955)
› Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make
computers do things at which, at the moment,
humans are better – (Rich & Knight, 1991)
– Requires Understanding of Human Reasoning and Intelligent

› Develops artificial versions of natural systems

What Tasks are Computers Better

What Tasks are Humans Better at??

› Observe your immediate
environment and suggest things you
can solve/handle with AI

Requires modelling
› Reasoning
– Neuroscience
› Perception
– Become aware of.. (through the senses)
› (Intelligent) Behavior
– Calculation
– Recall
– Reasoning
– Understanding
Adapting to new situations could refer to
– Transition from living at home to living on your own (hostel)
– Transition that Brazilian people must make as a result of
destruction of the rain forest.

› Problem solving using a Goal-oriented approach
– Ensures an optimal solution (not necessarily the best), not a
fixed solution – predicate logic
Milestones in the development of AI from Gödel to today

1931 The Austrian Kurt Gödel shows that in first-order predicate logic all true
statements are derivable. In higher-order logics, on the other hand, there
are true statements that are unprovable. Gödel showed that predicate logic
extended with the axioms of arithmetic is incomplete.)

1937 Alan Turing points out the limits of intelligent machines with the halting
1943 McCulloch and Pitts model neural networks and make the connection to
propositional logic.
1950 Alan Turing defines machine intelligence with the Turing test and writes
about learning machines and genetic algorithms

1951 Marvin Minsky develops a neural network machine. With 3000 vacuum
tubes he simulates 40 neurons.
1955 Arthur Samuel (IBM) builds a learning checkers program that plays better
than its developer
1956 McCarthy organizes a conference in Dartmouth College. Here the name
Artificial Intelligence was first introduced.
Newell and Simon of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) present the Logic
Theorist, the first symbol-processing computer program
1958 McCarthy invents at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) the high-
level language LISP. He writes programs that are capable of modifying

1959 Gelernter (IBM) builds the Geometry Theorem Prover

1961 The General Problem Solver (GPS) by Newell and Simon imitates human
1963 McCarthy founds the AI Lab at Stanford University
1965 Robinson invents the resolution calculus for predicate logic
1966 Weizenbaum’s program Eliza carries out dialog with people in natural

1969 Minsky and Papert show in their book Perceptrons that the perceptron, a
very simple neural network, can only represent linear functions

1972 French scientist Alain Colmerauer invents the logic programming language
PROLOG. British physician de Dombal develops an expert system for
diagnosis of acute abdominal pain. It goes unnoticed in the mainstream AI
community of the time
1976 Shortliffe and Buchanan develop MYCIN, an expert system for diagnosis of
infectious diseases, which is capable of dealing with uncertainty

1981 Japan begins, at great expense, the “Fifth Generation Project” with the goal
of building a powerful PROLOG machine.

1982 the expert system for configuring computers, saves Digital Equipment
Corporation 40 million dollars per year

1986 Renaissance of neural networks through, among others, Rumelhart, Hinton

and Sejnowski. The system Nettalk learns to read texts aloud

1990 Pearl. Cheeseman, Whittaker, Spiegelhalter bring probability theory

into AI with Bayesian networks (Sect. 7.4). Multi-agent systems become
1992 Tesauros TD-gammon program demonstrates the advantages of
reinforcement learning.

1993 Worldwide RoboCup initiative to build soccer-playing autonomous robots

1995 From statistical learning theory, Vapnik develops support vector machines,
which are very important today.
1997 IBM’s chess computer Deep Blue defeats the chess world champion Gary
Kasparov. First international RoboCup competition in Japan.

2003 The robots in RoboCup demonstrate impressively what AI and robotics are
capable of achieving.
2006 Service robotics becomes a major AI research area.
2009 First Google self-driving car drives on the California freeway
2010 Autonomous robots begin to improve their behavior through learning.
2011 IBM’s “Watson” beats two human champions on the television game show
“Jeopardy!”. Watson understands natural language and can answer difficult
questions very quickly
2015 Daimler premiers the first autonomous truck on the Autobahn. Google self-
driving cars have driven over one million miles and operate within cities.
Deep learning enables very good image classification. Paintings in the style
of the Old Masters can be automatically generated with deep learning. AI
becomes creative!
2016 The Go program AlphaGo by Google DeepMind beats the European
champion 5:0 in January and Korean Lee Sedol, one of the world’s best Go
players, 4:1 in March. Deep learning techniques applied to pattern
recognition, as well as reinforcement learning and Monte Carlo tree search
lead to this success
Test these AI Systems
› Eliza – by Joseph Weizenbaum
– Share your experience with Eliza

› More Chatterbot conversations see The Simon Laven

Page > Friendly Chatterbots
Strong AI vs. Weak AI

› Weak AI ( Narrow AI) - is an › Strong AI that can replicate

AI system that is designed human cognitive abilities.
and trained to complete a
› Uses fuzzy logic to apply
specific task. knowledge from one
– Industrial robots and virtual domain to another and find
personal assistants, such as
Apple's Siri, use weak AI.
a solution autonomously.

› AI based on computation › Theoretically, strong AI

program should be able to
pass both a Turing test and
the Chinese room test.
1. Machine Learning - science of getting machines to
interpret, process and analyze data in order to solve
real-world problems.
– Supervised Learning
– Unsupervised Learning
– Reinforcement Learning
2. Natural Language Processing - science of drawing insights
from natural human language in order to communicate with
machines. The ability to "understand" and respond to the
natural language.
- Computational Linguistics
- Speech Understanding/ Processing (ASR, TTS)
- Semantic Information Processing
- Question Answering
- Information Retrieval
- Machine Translation/ Language Translation
-Spelling Checking
-POS Tagging
- Language Identification
3. Robotics: AI Robots are artificial agents acting in a real-
world environment to produce results by taking accountable
action. Robota re used in the following areas- Example Sophia
the humanoid
‒ Exploration - (NASA’s ROVER, China’s Change-5 )
‒ Transportation/Navigation (Tesla’s Self-driving car)
‒ Industrial Automation (e.g., Process Control, Assembly Tasks,
Executive Tasks)
‒ Security
‒ Other (Agriculture, Fishing, Mining, Sanitation, Construction, etc.)
‒ Military
‒ Household
‒ Service - and
4. Expert Systems - An expert system is an AI-based computer
system that learns and reciprocates the decision-making ability of a
human expert. Expert systems use if-then logical notations to solve
complex problems. It does not rely on conventional procedural
Expert systems are mainly used in
‒ information management,
‒ medical facilities,
‒ loan analysis,
‒ virus detection
5. Games: The ability to accept a formal set of
rules for games (such as Chess, Go, Kalah,
Checkers, etc.), and to translate these rules
into a representation or structure which allows
problem-solving and learning abilities to be
used in reaching an adequate level of
‒Particular Games (Chess, Go, Bridge, etc.)
‒Dota 2 pros
Other Branches of AI
› Computational biology (Bioinformatics)
› Computer graphics
› Computer vision
› Computational Linguistics (Human language technology)
› Medical informatics
› Scheduling › Learning
› Diagnosis › Planning
› Human Computer Interaction › Transportation
› Games › Services
– Bartender
› Data mining
– Waiter
› Logistics – PA
› Knowledge – Receptionist
– Dietician
› Reasoning – Weather Forecasting etc
Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial
› AI processes large amounts of data much faster and
makes predictions (or decisions) more accurately than
humanly possible (using ANNs and deep learning AI
› Primary disadvantage of using AI is that it is expensive to
process the large amounts of data that AI programming
– IBM Watson - 90 IBM Power 750 servers, each of which contains
32 processors, resulting in 2880 parallel processors
How is System Intelligence Measured?
Turing Test (Alan Turing, 1950)
• Used as criteria for evaluating success of AI system
• A method to determine whether a system can think (is
• Inquisitor, AI System, Human Inquisitor connected to
AI System and Human by “wire” and free to ask either
any question
• If Inquisitor can not determine which is the Human
without guessing then AI System is successful
The Imitation Game (1950)
Chinese Room Argument
› Imagine a native English speaker who knows no Chinese locked in
a room full of boxes of Chinese symbols (a data base) together
with a book of instructions for manipulating the symbols (the
› Imagine that people outside the room send in other Chinese
symbols which, unknown to the person in the room, are questions
in Chinese (the input).
› And imagine that by following the instructions in the program the
man in the room is able to pass out Chinese symbols which are
correct answers to the questions (the output).
› The program enables the person in the room to pass the Turing
Test for understanding Chinese but he does not understand a word
of Chinese.
Goals of Artificial Intelligence
› Scientific goal: to understand the principles that make
intelligent behavior possible in natural or artificial
– Analyze natural and artificial agents
› formulate and test hypotheses about what it takes to construct intelligent
› design, build, and experiment with computational systems that perform
tasks that require intelligence

› Engineering goal: design useful, intelligent artifacts.

Analogy between studying flying machines and thinking
Risks Posed by Artificial Intelligence
› People might lose their jobs to automation.
› People might have too much (or too little) leisure time.
› People might lose their sense of being unique.
› AI systems might be used toward undesirable ends.
› The use of AI systems might result in a loss of
› The success of AI might mean the end of the human
Can AI Ever get to This??
Some Pertinent Questions in A.I.
• What are our underlying assumptions about
• What kinds of technique will be useful for solving AI
• At what level of detail, if at all, are we trying to model
human intelligence?
• How can we tell when we have succeeded in building an
intelligent program?

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