Chapter 5 Job Order Costing

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Chapter 5:

Job Order

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Dalam job order costing: Rincian tentang suatu
biaya produksi job dicatat dalam suatu
diakumulasikan ke setiap JOB ORDER COST SHEET
job. atau COST SHEET (Kartu
Contoh COST
Material purchased:

Materials $25.000

Accounting for Account Payable/Cash $25.000

Materials Material used:

Direct material:

WIP $31.000

Material $31.000

Indirect Material:

FOH Control $6.000

Materials $6.000
Materials Purchased and Used
Labor cost incurred:

Accounting for Payroll $31.000

Accrued payroll $31.000

Labor Labor cost distributed:

WIP $27.000

Payroll $27.000

FOH Control $4.000

Payroll $4.000
Labor Cost
Accounting for FOH
Actual FOH Incurred:

FOH Control $4.929

Accumulated Depreciation – Machinery $4.929

FOH Control $516

Prepaid insurance $516

Estimated FOH Applied:

Predetermined FOH Rate = 7.500 machine hours/$300.000 = $40/machine hours.

For the period, a tota of 330 machine hours used  FOH Applied = 330 x $40 = $13.200.

WIP $13.200

FOH Applied $13.200

Closing entry:

FOH Applied $13.200

FOH Control $13.200

Accounting for Job Completed and Product
Utk job yang selesai lalu dikirim langsung ke pelanggan:
Account Receivable $7.860
Sales $7.860
COGS $5.254
WIP $5.254
Untuk job yang selesai lalu disimpan di gudang, kemudian terjual sebagian:
Finished Goods $56.926
WIP $56.926
Accout Receivable $70.000
Sales S70.000
COGS $52.300
Finished Goods $52.300

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