Approximation Algorithms

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Approximation Algorithm

Approximation Algorithm
 Up to now, the best algorithm for solving an
NP-complete problem requires exponential
time in the worst case. It is too time-
 To reduce the time required for solving a
problem, we can relax the problem, and
obtain a feasible solution “close” to an
optimal solution
Approximation Algorithm
 One compromise is to use heuristic solutions.

 The word “heuristic” may be interpreted as

“educated guess.”

Approximation Algorithm
An algorithm that returns near-optimal solutions is called
an approximation algorithm.

We need to find an approximation ratio bound for an

approximation algorithm.

Approximation ratio bound
We say an approximation algorithm for the problem has a ratio
bound of  (n) if for any input size n, the cost C of the solution

produced by the approximation algorithm is within a factor of

 (n) of the C* of the optimal solution:

C C*
max{ , }   (n)
C* C
This definition applies for both minimization and maximization

-approximation algorithm
 An approximation algorithm with an
approximation ratio bound of  is called a -
approximation algorithm or a (1+)-
approximation algorithm.

 Note that  is always larger than 1 and =-

Vertex Cover Problem
 Let G=(V, E). The subset S of V that
meets every edge of E is called the
vertex cover.
 The Vertex Cover problem is to find a
vertex cover of the minimum size. It is
NP-hard or the optimization version of
an NP-Complete decision problem.

Examples of vertex cover

1 C 
2 E'  E( G )
3 while E'  
4 do let ( u, v ) be an arbitrary edge of E'
5 C  C  {u , v}
6 remove from E' every edge incident on either u or v
7 return C
b c d b c d

a e f g a e f g

b c d b c d

a e f g a e f g

b c d b c d

a e f g a e f g

Complexity: O(E) 10
Theorem 35.1 APPROX_VERTEX_COVER has ratio
bound of 2. C*: optimal solution
C: approximate solution
Proof. A: the set of edges selected in step 4
Let A be the set of selected edges.
| C|  2| A| When one edge is selected, 2 vertices are added into C.

| A| | C*| No two edges in A share a common

endpoint due to step 6.
| C|  2| C*|

The traveling salesperson problem
with triangle inequality
 Given a graph G=(V, E), the TSP problem is to
find a tour, starting from any vertex, visiting every
other vertex and returning to the starting vertex,
with the minimum cost.
 Triangle inequality for the cost matrix:
c( u, w )  c( u, v )  c( v , w ) u, v , w V

The TSP with triangle inequality

1 Select a vertex r V [ G ] to be a root vertex
2 grow a MST T for G from root r using
3 Let L be the list of vertices visited in a preorder
walk of T.
4 return the hamiltonian cycle H that visit the vertices in
the order L.

a d T a d T a d
e e e
b f g b f g b f g
c h c h c h

T a d a d solution
e e
b f g b f g
c h H c h H*

Theorem 35.2. APPROX_TSP_TOUR is an approximation
algorithm with ratio bound of 2 for TSP with triangular
c( T )  c( H*)

c( W )  2 c( T )  2 c( H*)

c( H )  c( W )

 c( H )  2 c( H*)

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