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Dead Bodies

Management after
Ns. Wenny Trisnaningtyas, S.Kep.,M.Kep
• Definisi Manajemen Kematian
• Pendekatan masyarakat pada korban yang meninggal
• Penyimpanan mayat darurat
Outline • Identifikasi visual
• Penyimpanan dan perawatan mayat
First, the rescue and
treatment of survivor

Actions after Second, the repair and

disaster maintenance basic services

The recovery and

management of bodies
• Dead bodies bag, if possible with handle, zip, and white
• Labels (waterproof) with fasteners
• Waterproof felth-tip
Equipment • Plastic bags for personal belongings
• Dead bodies identification form
• After most natural disaster there is fear that
dead boides will cause epidemic
Infectious • This belief is wrongly promoted by the
media, as well as some medical dan disaster
disease risk? professionals
• Dead bodies do not cause epidemic after
natural disasters
Infectious disease risk
The political pressure brought about by these rumours causes
authorities to use unnecessary measures such as rapid mass brurials

The consequences of mismanagement of the dead, include mental

distress and legal problem for relatives of the victims

The surviving population is much more likely to spread disesase

Safety Basic hygiene protects workers
from exposure to disease
spread by blood and certain Use gloves and boots
precautions for body fluid. Workers should use
the following precautions

body handlers

Wash hands with soap and

Avoid wiping face or mouth
water after handling bodies
with hands
and before eating

Wash and disinfect all

Face masks are unnecessary,
equipment, clothes and
but should be provided if
vehicles used for
requested to avoid anxiety
transportation of bodies
Body Rapid retrieval is a priority because it aids identification and reduces the
psychological burden on survivors

recovery Recovery of bodies should not interrupt other interventions aimded at helping

The dead and the bereaved should be respectd at all times

Cultural and religious need should be respected

Advices and assistance from religious and communitu leader should be sought to
improve understanding and acceptance of the recovery, management, and
identification of the dead bodies

Cultural and religious need should be respected

Advice and assistance from religious and community leader should be be sought to
improve understanding and acceptance of the recovery, management, and
identification of the dead bodies.
Identification The early work of non-specialist in
managing the dead (especially poper
recovery, documentation and storage
methods) will determine much of the
success of future identifications by
forensic speacielst

The dead bodies identification form

can be used to collect basic and
invaluable information that will aid
later forensic identification
Whichever storage option is used, each
body or body part should be kept in a body
bag or wrapped in a sheet before storage
Storage of
dead bodies Waterproof label (e.g. paper in sealed
plastic) with a unique dentification number
should be used. Do not write identification
number on bodies or body bag/ sheet as
they are erased easily during storage
Process • Assign a sequential, unique reference number to each body or
body part. Reference numbers must not be duplicated
reference • Any separated body part which proves that a person is dead
can iad in the identification and should therefore be managed
number as though it is a whole body (i.e. using a unique reference
Write the unique reference number
on a waterproof label (e.g paper
sealed in plastic) then securely attach
it to the body or body part

Process label A waterproof label with the same

unique reference number must also
be attached to the container for the
body or body part (e.g body bag,
cover sheet or bag for the body part)
Personal belonging should be securely
packaged labelled woth the sae
unique reference number, and stored
with the body part. This is mandatory
Clothing should be left on the body
Place recovery team/
Unique person body count
numbering for
dead bodues
For example : JCD
Academy/ JCD USAR
Medical Unit/ 001
Definisi Manajemen Kematian

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