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Effectiveness of Using of Cisco Packet Tracer to Give

Theoretical Concept on Networking at Bachelor Level

Objective of the study
1. To compare the achievement of students taught by cisco packet
tracer assisted teaching method and conventional teaching method
on networking at bachelor's level.
2. To elicit the attitude of students on cisco packet tracer software in
learning networking at bachelor's level.
Research Questions
1. Are there any differences in student learning with and
without using cisco packet tracer while learning networking
at bachelor's level?
2. Does the use of simulating tools increase students' interest in
learning networking at bachelor's level?
3. How have learning of networking using simulating tools ease
in hands-on laboratory at bachelor's level?
4. Does the use of simulating tools enhance students'
engagement in learning networking at bachelor's level?
Teaching topic : IP address, networking devices, routing protocols, subnetting, CIDR, and route
summarization. .

Method: Quasi-experimental research design on which pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design was

Sample: Second semester student of BIM program of Indreni College and Saptagandaki Multiple Campus.

Achievement test:
 Pre achievement test consisted of twenty multiple-choice test items to be solved related to the
theoretical concept of networking. Pre-achievement test items cover areas basic concept of
networking, data communication, topology, network architecture, OSI reference model,
networking devices and so on.
 The post-achievement test also included twenty multiple-choice test items. A post-achievement
test was conducted to assess students' progress after using cisco packet tracer software.
Reliability and Validity:
 To assure the high validity of the research findings, scholarly
(subject teacher, thesis supervisor, computer network education
specialist) suggestions were incorporated on achievement test
and opinionnaire items before conducting pilot test of items.
 Item analysis was used to analyze data obtained from pre and
post achievement pilot tests.
 Moreover, Kurder and Richardson-20 reliability coefficients were
calculated to ensure the test's reliability.
 The reliability coefficient of pre achievement pilot test items on
30 students yielded a value of 0.883.
 On 28 students, the pilot posttest achievement test reliability
coefficient was 0.926.
 The result shows that both pretest and posttest achievement pilot
test was reliable.
 The researcher considered the thesis supervisor's suggestion to
Result of Student attitudes towards cisco packet tracer in learning
a. Students’ attitude on interest in learning networking with the use
of cisco packet tracer simulator.
The average mean of the items was 4.225. As a result, integrating
cisco packet tracer into networking classes catches students'
attention, which increases their interest in learning networking

b. Students’ attitude towards enhancement of engagement in

learning networking with use of cisco packet tracer simulating
The items' average mean was 4.16. Hence using cisco packet tracer
in networking learning improves their participation, and assistance in
solving problem in learning improves student engagement
Result of Student attitudes towards cisco packet tracer in learning
c. Students’ attitude towards ease of cisco packet tracer simulating
tool in setting real networking devices.
The items' average mean was 4.1. As a result, it can be stated that
cisco packet tracer enhance confident level while dealing with real
physical devices as well as technical support in learning simulating
tool in setting real networking devices.
• The researcher used Vygotsky's Social Constructivist learning
theory when teaching networking.
• Peer collaboration, teacher guidance and cisco packet tracer tool
play the role of scaffolding which enable them to reach to their
• Using this theory to teach networking with cisco packer tracer,
impact on students’ achievement seems to be positive.
• And it appears that student' attitudes toward cisco packer tracer
are positive in terms of interest, engagement, and enhancement of
confident level while dealing with real physical devices.
• Conclusively, using cisco packet tracer for teaching and learning
networking is an effective tool to enhance the students
achievement, their interest and engagement. Moreover, cisco
packet tracer is a supplementary tools but not the replacement of
hands on practice on laboratory.
Recommendation for future research
1. Teacher perception about the cisco packet tracer while teaching
2. Is it possible to implement cisco packet tracer as an alternative
tool for learning networking”.
3. It is recommended to conduct similar research on other levels of
education, IT programs.

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