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The total number of persons

inhabiting a country, city, or any
district or area.
 As of today's date, the world's population is estimated by
the United States Census Bureau to be 7.666 billion. The
US Census Bureau estimates the 7 billion number was
surpassed on 12 March 2012. According to a separate
estimate by the United Nations, Earth’s population
exceeded seven billion in October 2011, a milestone that
offers unprecedented challenges and opportunities to all
of humanity, according to UNFPA, the United Nations
Population Fund.

Unemployment represents the number of people in the work force who want

to work but do not have a job. It is generally stated as a percentage and
calculated by dividing the number of people who are unemployed by the
total work force.

The work force is made up of those people who want to work; it

excludes people who are retired, disabled, and able to work but not
currently looking for a position; for instance, they may be taking care of
children or going to college.
One of the main causes of unemployment is
increase in population:
It is the leading cause of unemployment in Rural India. In India, particularly in
rural areas, the population is increasing rapidly. It has adversely affected the
unemployment situation largely in two ways. In the first place, the growth of population
directly encouraged the unemployment by making large addition to labor force. It is
because the rate of job expansion could never have been as high as population growth
It ishave
true required.
that the increasing labor force requires the creation of new job
opportunities at an increasing rate. But in actual practice employment expansion has
not been sufficient to match the growth of the labor force, and to reduce the back leg of
unemployment. This leads to unemployment situation secondly; the rapid population
growth indirectly affected the unemployment situation by reducing the resources for
capital formation. Any rise in population, over a large absolute base as in India,
It means
a large
. on their rearing up, maintenance, and
education. As a consequence, more resources get used up in private consumption such
as food, clothing, shelter and son on in public consumption like drinking water,
electricity medical and educational facilities. This has reduced the opportunities of
diverting a larger proportion of incomes to saving and investment. Thus, population
growth has created obstacles in the way of first growth of the economy and retarded the
growth of job opportunities.
Steps to Solve problem of Unemployment:
The growth of population should be checked in order to solve
unemployment, problem. Family planning programme should be
implemented widely and effectively.
Decentralisation of Industrial activity is necessary to reduce
unemployment. If industrial activities are centralised at one place, there
will be less employment opportunities in the under developed areas. So
Govt. should adopt such policies which encourage decentralisation of
industrial activity.
In five year plans more importance should be given to employment.
The programmes like irrigation, roads, flood control, power, agriculture,
rural electrification can provide better employment to people.
Rate of capital formation in the country should be accelerated.
Capital formation should be particularly encouraged in such activities
which generate greater employment opportunities. Capital output ratio
should be kept low.
The main objective of county’s employment policy should be to
increase employment opportunities and productivity of labour. Govt.
Steps to Control Population:

1. Development.
2. Easy and Cheap
availability of
3. Education.
4. Eradicate Poverty.
5. Women Empowerment.
6. Spread Awareness.
7. Providing Incentives.
8. Legislative Actions.
9. Medical Facilities.
10. Delayed Marriages.
Why most poor countries have highest population growth instead of rich
ones? Poverty has a direct relation to the population growth. In developing
countries of Asia and Africa, child labor, slave trading and human
trafficking is highly prevalent. African countries for example, still have
maximum reporting of slave trading though trading of humans is legally
banned everywhere in the world. People give birth to kids and sell them to
rich people who in turn employ these kids in various laborious and
unethical tasks. If not sell, these parents force their kids to beg or work at
a very tender so as to earn some extra money for the family. These people
believe that more kids mean more hands for begging and work and thus
more money. Without concrete measures for growth and poverty
eradication, other methods of population control may prove to be

Population is an asset for a country but sometimes it becomes a liability too! &
the main cause for this population to become a liability is unemployment.
We need to take drastic measures and resolutely try to improve the quality of
our population to convert it in to quality human resource. We should mould this
population in to useful resource so it should not become liability but asset of the
economy of nation. The effort should start from very small unit of economy that
is family, parents should give more time and attention to raise, educate and train
the child. If India can make employment and skill level a priority, it might be able
to become the resource pool of the world…..

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