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◼The internet of things(IoT) is a system of

▪interrelated computing devices
▪mechanical and digital machines
▪animals or people
that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the
ability to transfer data over a network without requiring
human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
Characteristics of the IoT:

◼Intelligence and Identity
◼Dynamic and Self-Adapting

◼Connectivity is an important requirement of

the IoT infrastructure. Things of IoT should be
connected to the IoT infrastructure. Anyone,
anywhere, anytime can connect, this should be
guaranteed at all times.
◼For example, connection between people
through internet devices like mobile phones ,and
other gadgets, also connection between Internet
devices such as routers, gateways, sensors, etc.  

◼ thing in the internet of things can be a

person, a farm animal with a
biochip transponder, an automobile that has
built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire
pressure is low or any other natural or man-
made object that can be assigned an Internet
Protocol (IP) address and is able to transfer
data over a network.
◼Anything that can be tagged or connected is
considered as thing in IoT
◼Data is the glue of the Internet of Things, the first
step towards action and intelligence.
◼ IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by
connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device where
data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed or analyzed
locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate with
other related devices and act on the information they get
from one another. The devices do most of the work
without human intervention, although people can interact
with the devices -- for instance, to set them up, give them
instructions or access the data.

◼ Devices get connected so they can communicate

data and this data can be analyzed.
◼Communication can occur over short distances or
over a long range to very long range
◼Communication is an important characteristic of
IoT. Often one device can use another device’s
connectivity to establish network connectivity even
when the second device is not connected to a
network. This ability to communicate with each
other makes IoT more efficient and scalable than
other existing technologies.
The internet of things is on the rise and it is predicted that by
2030 there will be 29 billion devices connected to the internet.
With this many devices, it is important to be able to communicate
with these devices in order to make them work properly.

There are a few ways to communicate with these devices. One

way is through a cloud service, a type of software that allows the
device to be connected to the internet.

Another way is through a gateway which is a device that

connects with other devices to allow them to communicate with
each other.

◼The aspect of intelligence as in the sensing

capabilities in IoT devices and the intelligence
gathered from big data analytics
◼ The extraction of knowledge from the generated
data is very important.
◼ For example, a sensor generates data, but that
data will only be useful if it is interpreted
The intelligence of IoT devices is the intelligence of smart sensors
and devices to sense data, interact with each other and collect a
huge amount of data for analysis. Complex software, algorithms,
and protocols are used to connect IoT devices to the networks
and process the data from millions of data nodes.

The Internet of Things is only as good as the intelligence that

goes into it. If you want your IoT device to be smart, then you
need to make sure that it is always up-to-date with the latest
software and firmware.

◼Each IoT device has a unique identity. This

identification is helpful in tracking the
equipment and at times for querying its status.

◼The number of elements connected to the IoT zone

is increasing day by day
◼Hence, an IoT setup should be capable of handling
the massive expansion.
◼The data generated as an outcome is enormous,
and it should be handled appropriately.
◼ The IoT needs scalability in order to grow at the
pace that it needs to.
The IoT is an emerging technology that is
revolutionizing the way we live and work. There are
many different ways to use the IoT. One way is to scale
it to fit your business.

For example, if you are a hotel chain, you can use IoT
to track what room your guests are in and what
amenities they have used. The IoT is not just for big
businesses. If you are a small business owner, the IoT
could help you increase sales by sending targeted
offers to your customers.
Dynamic and Self-Adapting

◼IoT devices should dynamically adapt

themselves to the changing contexts and
◼Assume a camera meant for the surveillance. It
should be adaptable to work in different
conditions and different light situations

◼IoT architecture cannot be homogeneous in

◼It should be hybrid, supporting different
manufacturer’s products to function in the IoT
◼IoT is not owned by anyone engineering
◼IoT is a reality when multiple domains come

◼There is a danger of the sensitive personal

details of the users getting compromised when
all his/her devices are connected to the internet.
This can cause a loss to the user.
◼Hence, data security is the major challenge.
◼The equipment involved is huge. IoT networks
may also be at the risk. Therefore, equipment
safety is also critical.
The Internet of Things is growing at an exponential rate, which
means that there are more and more devices and appliances
being connected to the internet. There are also more and more
cyber-attacks on these devices and appliances, which is why it is
important to take security into consideration when developing a
product or service.

The idea of the internet of things is that everything around us will

be connected to the internet, which will make our lives easier.
However, there are also a lot of risks that come with this new
technology. In order to stay safe and secure from these risks, it is
important to take steps in order to protect your personal
How does IoT work?

◼An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled

smart devices that use embedded systems, such
as processors, sensors and communication
hardware, to collect, send and act on data they
acquire from their environments. 
◼IoT devices share the sensor data they collect
by connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge
device where data is either sent to the cloud to be
analyzed or analyzed locally.
◼ Sometimes, these devices communicate with
Why IoT is important?

◼It helps people live and work smarter, as well

as gain complete control over their lives.
◼In addition to offering smart devices to
automate homes, IoT is essential to business.
◼IoT enables companies to automate processes
and reduce labor costs.
◼It also cuts down on waste and improves
service delivery, making it less expensive to
manufacture and deliver goods, as well as
offering transparency into customer transactions.
What are the benefits of IoT to
Some benefits are industry-specific, and some are
applicable across multiple industries. Some of the
common benefits of IoT enable businesses to:
◼monitor their overall business processes;
◼improve the customer experience (CX);
◼save time and money;
◼make better business decisions;
◼generate more revenue.
◼IoT encourages companies to rethink the ways they
approach their businesses and gives them the tools to
improve their business strategies.
◼IoT can benefit farmers in agriculture by
making their job easier. Sensors can collect data
on rainfall, humidity, temperature and soil
content, as well as other factors, that would help
automate farming techniques.
◼The ability to monitor operations surrounding
infrastructure is also a factor that IoT can help
with. Sensors, for example, could be used to
monitor events or changes within structural
buildings, bridges and other infrastructure. This

◼ability to access information from anywhere at

any time on any device;
◼improved communication between connected
electronic devices;
◼transferring data packets over a connected
network saving time and money;
◼automating tasks helping to improve the
quality of a business's services and reducing the
need for human intervention.

◼As the number of connected devices increases

and more information is shared between devices,
the potential that a hacker could steal
confidential information also increases.
◼Enterprises may eventually have to deal with
massive numbers -- maybe even millions -- of
IoT devices, and collecting and managing the
data from all those devices will be challenging.
◼If there's a bug in the system, it's likely that
every connected device will become corrupted.
Why IoT Matters

◼When something is connected to the

internet, that means that it can send
information or receive information, or
both.This ability to send and/or receive
information makes things “smart
◼Example: smartphones
◼To be smart, a thing doesn’t need to have
super storage or a super computer inside of it -
it just needs access to it.
◼In IoT, all the things that are being
connected to the internet can be put into
three categories:
▪Things that collect information and then send it
▪Things that receive information and then act on it
▪Things that do both
1. Collecting and Sending
◼Sensors : temp sensors, motion sensors,
moisture sensors, air quality sensors, light
Receiving and Acting on
Doing Both: The Goal of an IoT
◼The real power of the Internet of Things
arises when things can do both
IoT Devices Vs Computers
IoT devices Computers

IoT devices are special-purpose devices. Computers are general-purpose devices.

IoT devices can do only a particular task for Computers can do so many tasks.
which it is designed.

The hardware and software built-in in the IoT The hardware and software built-in in the
devices are streamlined for that particular task. computers are streamlined to do many
tasks(such as calculation, gaming, music player,
etc. )

IoT devices can be cheaper and faster at a A computer can be expensive and slower at a
particular task than computers, as IoT devices particular task than an IoT device.
are made to do that particular task.

Examples: Music Player- iPod, Alexa, smart Examples: Desktop computers, Laptops, etc.
cars, etc.
Societal Benefits of IoT

◼From smart home appliances to connected

cars, consumers are increasingly experiencing
the benefits of the internet of things (IoT).

1. Monitoring And
Reducing Air Pollution
◼The city of Linz in Austria connected all of its light rail trams and
buses to the IoT.
◼More than 500 different data sets -- including information on
energy usage, acceleration, braking and equipment health -- are
collected from each tram or bus and delivered to the city’s traffic
management center.
◼Traffic management officials used this data to train its operators
to drive more efficiently.
◼As a result, the city reduced the energy consumption of the public
transit system by 10% and carbon dioxide output by more than 490
2. Improving Water Conservation

◼To survive we need some basic few

elements, without them we cant survive.
◼How Chennai, one of the world's wettest
major cities, ran out of water:
◼The economic times- 4 feb 2011.
◼Water goes into much demand in recent
days and especially in Chennai.
◼Firstly, whats the mistake happening in our
daily life.
◼when you switch on the motor you forget to
switch them off and what happens?
◼Water overflowing and goes waste. So you
should first start saving water from your home
and the rest will be put on place.
◼Rain water harvesting in IOT.
◼It can be developed using the Arduino micro
controller which is economy and its
performance is high.
◼The Ultra sonic sensor, stepper motor, water
level sensor and the rain water sensor has
been connected along with the Arduino micro
2. Improving Water Conservation
Smart irrigation system:
◼Cities are also using IoT technologies to
conserve water.
◼Barcelona implemented an IoT-enabled,
smart irrigation system using
underground probes placed in parks
throughout the city to monitor soil
◼The remotely monitored devices upload
data to the cloud and can automatically
open electronic valves, watering the
landscaping only when needed and when
weather conditions are right.
◼As a result, the municipal water bill has
been reduced by 25% and, more
◼The Oxford team installed motion
Smart water pumps by Oxford
sensors in the handles of these pumps
University in Kenya
and connected them to the cellular
◼When a pump stops functioning, a
repair team that is incentivized to make
timely repairs is automatically alerted.

◼The result has been a dramatic increase
in uptime of pumps and wells.
◼The system also collects water
consumption data, which is used to
better prioritize and plan the watering
 3. Feeding A Hungry World
◼While the world population grows, the amount of arable
land on the planet has decreased by 33%.
◼Droughts are becoming more common.
◼To address these challenges, farmers are turning to IoT
◼By installing sensors in air and soil, growers can track
microclimates across cropland, closely monitoring
temperature, humidity and other conditions in real time.
◼During the recent drought in California, farmers who
implemented such solutions reduced water usage by up to
40% without reducing yields
We can use drones, robotics, cloud
computing, machine learning and other
technologies in connection with IoT to
improve planting, production and delivery
◼For example, just south of Silicon
Valley, Driscoll Berries and Taylor
Farms are both exploring the use of
automation and robots for picking
and packing berries to address their
sector’s increasing labor shortages
and to more efficiently feed an
increasingly hungry world.
 4. Saving Critical Species

◼The IoT is not just about connecting

devices, sensors and machines to each other
and the internet.
◼Even people and other living creatures can
be connected.
◼Case in point: bees.
◼Bees are the world’s main pollinator of food crops.
However, the global bee population is declining quickly.

◼To help reverse the trend, an international alliance of

researchers and scientists is collecting data on bees
using microsensing technology.

◼By equipping bees with tiny backpacks (RFID

technology) researchers use electronic readers to record
the behavior of individual bees. Cisco worked together with
the researchers to use IoT
◼The technology has revealed an unprecedented level technologies to gather data
of detail about not only the movements of bees but also and make it available for a
the factors impacting their ability to pollinate, such as : variety of applications and
▪disease, scientific analysis, in the hopes
▪pesticides, that we can make the changes
▪ air pollution, necessary to save our most
▪water contamination, precious pollinators.
Technical Building Blocks

◼An IoT system comprises four basic

building blocks: 
▪ gateways,
1. Sensors

◼The sensor is the front end of the IoT

◼The main aim of the sensor is to çollect data
from the environment
◼Sensors have a unique IP address therefore
they can be easily determined over a large
◼Sensors are active in nature because they
collect real-time data.
◼They can either work on their own or work
Examples of sensors:

◼temp sensors, motion sensors, moisture

sensors, air quality sensors, light sensors
◼ Motors– there are many different aspects
of motors and most of these require
temperature measurement to ensure the
motor itself does not overheat.
◼Computers– within computers there are
temperature sensors to ensure the system
does not overheat
Motion sensors:

◼Detect when a potential intruder is near to

or inside your home or business.
◼Alert you if people enter restricted areas. At
home, this might be the basement or garage.
◼Save energy by powering lights in an area
only when needed.
moisture sensors

◼These sensors can be stationary or portables

such as handheld probes.
◼Stationary sensors are placed at the
predetermined locations and depths in the
field, whereas portable soil moisture probes
can measure soil moisture at several location
◼Processors are the brain of the IoT system.
◼The main function is to process the data captured by the
sensors and process them so as to extract valuable data from
the enormous amount of raw data collected.
◼ Processors mostly work on a real-time basis and can be
easily controlled by applications.
◼These are also responsible for securing the data – that is
performing encryption and decryption of data.
◼Embedded hardware devices, microcontrollers, etc are the
ones that process the data because they have processors
attached to them.

◼The main function of the gateway is to route

the processed data and send it to the location
for proper utilization.
◼Examples of a gateway are LAN, WAN, PAN

◼Applications are important for the proper

utilization of all the data collected.
◼ These cloud-based applications are
responsible for rendering effective meaning to
the data collected.
◼Applications are controlled by users and are
a delivery point of particular services.
◼Examples of applications are home
automation apps, security systems, industrial
control hubs, etc.
◼Physical Design of IoT:
▪Things in IoT,
▪Interoperability of IoT Devices,
▪Sensors and Actuators
◼Logical Design of IoT:
▪IoT functional blocks,
▪IoT enabling technologies,
▪IoT levels and deployment templates
▪ Applications in IoT
Physical Design
of IoT
◼The physical design of an IoT system is referred to as
the Things/Devices and protocols that are used to build an IoT
◼All these things/Devices (Node Devices) has a unique identity
that performs remote sensing, actuating and monitoring work.
◼Protocols are used to establish communication between the
Node devices and servers over the internet.
◼Popular protocols include: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
TCP/IP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), Post Office Protocol (POP3), Internet Message
Access Protocol (IMAP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

◼Things/Devices are used to build a

connection, process data, provide
interfaces, provide storage, and provide
graphics interfaces in an IoT system.
◼All these generate data in a form that can be
analyzed and program to perform operations
and used to improve the system. 
IoT Protocols
◼These protocols are used to establish communication
between a node device and a server over the internet.
◼it helps to send commands to an IoT device and receive data
from an IoT device over the internet.
◼we use different types of protocols that are present on both
the server and client-side and these protocols are managed by
network layers like application, transport, network, and link
◼To give input and output signals to sensors, and
actuators we use things like UART, I2C, SPI etc.
◼UART (Universal Asynchronous Reception &
Transmission): supports bi-directional, asynchronous
and serial data transmission. Half duplex
◼I2C( Inter-integrated-circuit):Serial, bidirectional,
synchronous, half duplex
◼SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface ): bidirectional,
synchronous serial data transmission, Full duplex
Interoperability of IoT Devices

◼IoT interoperability is the capacity for

multiple components within an IoT
deployment to effectively communicate, share
data and perform together to achieve a shared
◼Organizations must be able to transmit and
understand data throughout all the
connections from devices to the cloud
Interoperability of IoT Devices

◼Interoperability is the ability of two or

more devices in systems to work in
◼Interoperability enables communication
between heterogeneous devices or system in
order to achieve a common goal.
◼However, the current devices and systems
are fragmented with respect to the
communication technologies, protocols, and
data formats. This diversity makes it difficult
Sensors and Actuators

◼A sensor is a device that measures physical

input from its environment and converts
it into data that can be interpreted by
either a human or a machine.
◼An actuator is a device which converts an
electrical signal into physical event.
◼In other words, It receives control input and
generates change in physical system by
producing force, heat, motion etc.
◼Example: Loudspeaker, LED, motors
logical design of an IoT
◼The logical design of an IoT system refers to an abstract
representation of entities and processes without going into
the low-level specifies of implementation. it uses Functional
Blocks, Communication Models, and Communication
APIs to implement a system
IoT Functional blocks
◼An IoT system consists of a number of functional blocks
like Devices, services, communication, security, and
application that provide the capability for sensing, actuation,
identification, communication, and management.
◼These functional blocks consist of
▪devices that provide
▪ monitoring control functions,
▪handle communication between host and server,
▪manage the transfer of data,
▪secure the system using authentication and other
▪It is an interface that provides a control system that
use by users to view the status and analyze of system.

▪This functional block provides various functions
that are used to manage an IoT system.

▪This functional block provides some services like
monitoring and controlling a device and publishing
and deleting the data and restoring the system.
▪This block handles the communication between the
client and the cloud-based server and sends/receives
the data using protocols.

▪This block is used to secure an IoT system using
some functions like authorization, data security,
authentication, 2-step verification, etc.

▪These devices are used to provide sensing and
IoT Communication Models

◼Communication models determine the

manner in which data or information is
exchanged or transferred or shared,
▪request-response model
▪publish-subscribe model
▪push-pull model
▪exclusive pair model
Communication Model
◼Consist of two parts: client and server
◼In this model, client sends the request for
data to the server and the server responds
according to the request.
◼when a server receives a request it fetches
the data, retrieves the resources and prepares
the response, and then sends the data back to
the client. 
◼Each request-response pair is independent
as it is a stateless model.
Stateless Model

◼The server treats all client connections

equally and saves no information from
prior requests or sessions.
◼A website that serves up a simple static web
page is a good example of the stateless mode
▪When we search a query on a browser then the
browser submits an HTTP request to the server and
then the server returns a response to the
Publish-Subscribe Communication
◼It consist of 3 parties: publisher, subscriber,
▪Publisher: data producers
▪Subscribers: data consumers
▪Brokers: data managers
◼In this communication model, we have a
broker between publisher and consumer.
◼Publishers are the source of data but they
are not aware of consumers.
◼They send the data managed by the brokers

◼On the website many times we subscribed

to their newsletters using our email address.
◼These email addresses are managed by some
third-party services and when a new article is
published on the website it is directly sent to
the broker and then the broker sends these
new data or posts to all the subscribers.
Push-Pull Communication Model

◼ It is a communication model in which the

data push by the producers in a queue and the
consumers pull the data from the queues.
◼Here also producers are not aware of the
◼When we visit a website we saw a number of
posts that are published in a queue and
according to our requirements, we click on a
post and start reading it.
Exclusive Pair Communication
◼It is a bidirectional fully duplex
communication model
◼It uses a persistent connection between the
client and server.
◼here first set up a connection between the
client and the server and remain open until
the client sends a close connection request to
the server.
IoT communication APIs

◼An application programming interface is a

way for two or more computer programs to
communicate with each other.
◼A document or standard that describes how
to build or use such a connection or interface
is called an API specification
◼REST and WebSocket
REST-based communication APIs

◼Representational state transfer(REST) API

◼uses a set of architectural principles that
used to design web services.
◼these APIs focus on the systems' resources
that how resource states are transferred using
the request-response communication model.
◼this API uses some architectural constraints.

◼Here the client is not aware of the storage of

data because it is concerned about the server
◼similarly the server should not be concerned
about the user interface because it is a
concern of the client.
◼and this separation is needed for
independent development and updating of
server and client.
◼no matter how the client is using the

◼It means each request from the client to the

server must contain all the necessary
information to understand by the server.
◼because if the server can't understand the
request of the client then it can't fetch the
request data in a proper manner.
WebSocket based communication
◼This type of API allows bi-directional full-
duplex communication between server and
client using the exclusive pair communication
◼this API uses full-duplex communication so
it does not require a new connection setup
every time when it requests new data.
◼WebSocket API begins with a connection
setup between the server and client and if the
WebSocket is supported by the server then it
IoT Levels- Deployment Templates
Developing an IoT Level Template system consists of the following components:

1. Device: These may be sensors or actuators capable of identifying, remote sensing, or monitoring.
2. Resources: These are software components on IoT devices for accessing and processing. storing software
components or controlling actuators connected to the device. Resources also include software components
that enable network access.
3. Controller Service: It is a service that runs on the device and interacts with web services. The controller
service sends data from the device to the web service and receives commands from the application via web
services for controlling the device.
4. Database: Stores data generated from the device
5. Web Service: It provides a link between IoT devices, applications, databases, and analysis components.
6. Analysis Component: It performs an analysis of the data generated by the lol device and generates results
in a form which are easy for the user to understand.
7. Application: It provides a system for the user to view the system status and view product data. It also allows
users to control and monitor various aspects of the IoT system.
IoT Levels

IoT Level 1
IoT Level 2
IoT Level 3
IoT Level 4
IoT Level 5
IoT Level 6
IoT Level 1
IoT systems have a single device that performs
sensing or actuation, stores, analyses it and
hosts the application.

IoT system-level-l is the best example for

modeling low complexity and low-cost solution
where the analysis requirement is hok
comprehensive and data involved is not big.
let's look at the IoT device that monitors the lights in a
house. The lights are controlled through switches. The
database has maintained the status of each light and also
REST services deployed locally allow retrieving and updating
the state of each light and trigger the switches accordingly.
For controlling the lights and applications, the application has
an interface. The device is connected to the internet and
hence the application can be accessed remotely as well.
IoT level1
IoT level2

A node performs sensing/actuation and local analysis.

Data is stored in the cloud. this level is facilitated where
the data involved is big and primary analysis is not

Cloud-based application is used for monitoring and

controlling the IoT system A single node monitors the soil
moisture in the field Which is sent to the database on the
cloud using REST APIS. The controller service continuously
monitors moisture levels.
IoT level 2
IoT level 3

At this level, the application is cloud-based. A single node

monitors the environment and stores data in the cloud. This
is suitable where data is comprehensive and analysis 1
computationally intensive.
A node is monitoring a package using devices like an
accelerometer and gyroscope. These devices track vibration
levels. controller service sends sensor data to the cloud in
the rear time using WebSocket APL. Data is stored in the
cloud and visualized using a cloud-based application. The
analysis component triggers an alert if vibration levels cross
a threshold.
IoT level 3
IoT level 4

At this level, Multiple nodes collect information and store it

in the cloud. Local and rent server nodes are used to grant
and receive information collected in the cloud from various
devices. Observer nodes can process information and use it
for applications but not perform control functions, This level
is the best solution where data involvement is big,
requirement analysis is comprehensive and multiple nodes
are required.

Analysis is done on the cloud and the entire IoT

system has monitored the cloud using an
application. Noise monitoring of an area
requires various nodes to function
independently of each other. Each has its own
controller service. Data is stored in a cloud
IoT Level 4
IoT Level 5

In this level Nodes present locally are of two

types end odes and coordinator nodes End
nodes collect data and perform sensing or
actuation or both. Coordinator nodes collect data
from end nodes and send it to the cloud. Data is
stored and analyzed in the cloud. This level is
best for WSN, where the data involved is big
and the requirement analysis is comprehensive.

A monitoring system has various components:

end nodes collect various data from the
environment and send it to the coordinator node.
The coordinator node acts as a gateway and
allows the data to be transferred to cloud
storage using REST API. The controller service
on the coordinator node sends data to the cloud.
IoT Level 5
IoT Level 6

At this level, the application is also cloud-based

and data is stored in the cloud-like of levels.
Multiple independent end nodes perform
sensing and actuation and send d to the cloud.
The analytics components analyze the data and
store the results in the cloud database. The
results are visualized with a cloud-based
application. The centralized controller is aware
of the status of all the end nodes and sends

Weather monitoring consists of sensors that

monitor different aspects of the system. The
end nodes send data to cloud storage. Analysis
of components, applications, and storage areas
in the cloud. The centralized controller controls
all nodes and provides inputs.

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