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For Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Differentiation

Chapter Objectives
• To compute derivatives by using the limit
• To develop basic differentiation rules.
• To interpret the derivative as an instantaneous
rate of change.
• To apply the product and quotient rules.
• To apply the chain rule.

2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

Chapter 11: Differentiation

Chapter Outline
11.1) The Derivative
11.2) Rules for Differentiation
11.3) The Derivative as a Rate of Change
11.4) The Product Rule and the Quotient Rule
11.5) The Chain Rule and the Power Rule

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11.1 The Derivative
One of the 1st problems of differential calculus is the tangent line problem

Note that some curves

have no tangent line:

Applications to Business and Economics:

Marginal Cost, Marginal Profit, Minimizing
Cost, Maximizing profit, Etc…
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y2  y1
x2  x1

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Therefore the equation of tangent line at (1,1) is:

y  y1  m( x  x1 )
y  1  2( x  1)
y 1  2x  2
y  2x 1

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Leibnitz notation

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Let’s construct equation of tangent line at a different point:

At ( 2,5) : f ' (2)  2  2  4

y  y1  m( x  x1 )
y  5  4( x  2 )
y  5  4x  8
y  4x  3
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Foregoing a rigorous proof, the idea is that if a function is smooth enough to have a
tangent line, so it must be continuous without jumps etc…

a. For f(x) = x2, it must be continuous for all x.

b. For f(p) =(1/2)p, it is not continuous at p = 0, thus
the derivative does not exist at p = 0.

Note that converse is not necessarily true as for f(x)=|x|

I.e. this function is continuous at x = 0, but NOT differentiable

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Section 11.1 HW 7 25

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Section 11.1 HW 7 25

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11.2 Rules for Differentiation


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This rule is actually valid for any real power!
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Chapter 11: Differentiation
11.2 Rules for Differentiation

Example 3 – Rewriting Functions in the Form xn

Differentiate the following functions:
a. y  x
dy 1 1/ 2 1 1
 x 
dx 2 2 x
b. hx  
x x

d 3 / 2 3 3
h' x  
x  2

  x 3 / 2 1   x 5 / 2

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Example – Using the Power Rule

In Example 2(c), note that before differentiating, 1/x2 was

rewritten as x-2.
Rewriting is the first step in many differentiation problems.

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Chapter 11: Differentiation
11.2 Rules for Differentiation

Example 5 – Differentiating Sums and Differences of Functions

Differentiate the following functions:

a. F x   3 x 5  x
F ' x  
3 x 5  d x1/ 2 
  21 x   15 x
 3 5x 4  1 / 2 4

2 x
z4 5
b. f z    1/ 3
4 z
d  z4  d  5 
f ' z      
dz  4  dz  z1/ 3 
1  1 5

  
4z 3  5  z  4 / 3   z 3  z  4 / 3
 3  3

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Chapter 11: Differentiation
11.2 Rules for Differentiation
Example 5 – Differentiating Sums and Differences of Functions

c. y  6 x 3  2 x 2  7 x  8
dy d d d d
 6 (x3 )  2 (x2 )  7 (x)  (8 )
dx dx dx dx dx
 18 x 2  4 x  7

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Chapter 11: Differentiation
11.2 Rules for Differentiation

Example 7 – Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line

Find an equation of the tangent line to the curve
3x 2  2
when x = 1.

Solution: The slope

3 xequation
2 is
  3 x  2 x 1
x x
 3  2 x 2
 3  21  5

When x = 1, x 1

y  1  5x  1
The equation is y  5 x  4
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Section 11.2 HW 67 69-71 83 87

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11.3 The Derivative as a Rate of Change

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Chapter 11: Differentiation

s f t  t   f t 
• Average velocity is given by v ave 

f t  t   f t 
• Velocity at time t is given by v  lim
t 0 t

Example 1 – Finding Average Velocity and Velocity

Suppose the position function of an object moving
along a number line is given by s = f(t) = 3t2 + 5,
where t is in seconds and s is in meters.
a. Find the average velocity over the interval [10,
b. Find the velocity when t = 10.

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Chapter 11: Differentiation
11.3 The Derivative as a Rate of Change
Example 1 – Finding Average Velocity and Velocity

a. When t = 10, s = f(t) = 3t2 + 5
s f t  t   f t 
vave  
t t
f 10  0.1  f 10 f 10.1  f 10 311.03  305
    60.3 m/s
0.1 0.1 0.1

b. Velocity at time t is given by

v  6t
When t = 10, the velocity is
 610   60m/s
dt t 10
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Demand and supply curves
were discussed in Ch3.
They give dependence between
the price/per unit and the
quantity demanded by
consumers of quantity produced
by suppliers

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Chapter 11: Differentiation
11.3 The Derivative as a Rate of Change

Example 5 – Rate of Change of Volume

A spherical balloon is being filled with air. Find the
rate of change of the volume of air in the balloon with
respect to its radius. Evaluate this rate of change
when the radius is 2 ft.
Solution: Rate of change of V with respect to r is
dV 4
dr 3
 
  3r 2  4r 2
When r = 2 ft, dV ft
 4 2  16

dr r 2 ft
This means that when radius is 2, changing it by 1
unit, will change volume by 16π units.
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In general:

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Chapter 11: Differentiation
11.3 The Derivative as a Rate of Change

Example 9 – Relative and Percentage Rates of Change

Determine the relative and percentage rates of
change of
y  f x   3 x 2  5 x  25
when x = 5.
Solution: f ' x   6 x  5
f ' 5  65  5  25
f ' 5 25
Relative change    0.333
f 5 75
f ' 5
% change  100%  33.3%
f 5

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11.3 HW 7 9 25 27 35 39 45

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11.4 The Product Rule and the Quotient Rule

Alternative method:

-- seems easier, but for products of

transcendental functions (exp, ln,
sin/cos etc…) it is essential

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Application to tangent lines:

Tangent line equation at (1,12) :

y  12  25( x  1)

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The Quotient Rule

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Note that in the demand equation:
p = price/unit
q = number of units

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11.4 HW 35 37 50-53 65 69


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11.4 HW 35 37 50-53 65 69

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Generalizes to:

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r ( m)  r ( q( m ))
r  pq
dr dp dq dp dq dq
 q p  q p
dm dm dm dq dm dm
dq  dq 
 pq 
dm  dm 

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HW 13 23 27 29 39
47 69 80

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HW 13 23 27 29 39
47 69 80

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