Interviewing Candidates-Group3

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Presenter: Group 3

Trịnh Gia Linh 4501751119

Ka Linh 4501751115

Lê Thị Mỹ Linh 46.01.751.091

Đào Diệu Linh 4501751113

Hoàng Thị Ngọc Mai 4501751126

Lê Thị Thúy Nga 4501751138

Structured vs
Unstructured Interviews
CONTENTS 2 Interview content
How should we conduct
the interview?
Structured vs
1 Unstructured
Unstructured (Non-
directive) interview

An unstructured conversational-style
interview in which the interviewer
pursues point of interest as they come
up in response to questions.

The manager follows no

set format.
Structured (or
directive) interview

An interview following a set

sequence of questions

The employer lists questions ahead

of time, and may even weigh possible
alternative answers for
2 Interview
Situational Interview
A series of job- related question that focus on how the candidate would
behave in a given situation.
Behavioral Interview
A series of job-related question that focus on how the
candidate reacted to actual situations in the past.

Behavioral interview is
increasingly used.
Other types of
Stress interview

 Job-related The applicant is made uncomfortable by a

interview series of often rude questions.
 Help identify hypersensitive applicants
and those with low or high stress
Job-related questions focus on relevant
past job-related behaviors. Aim : to spot sensitive applicants and those
with low (or high) stress tolerance.
The interview asks applicants questions
about job-relevant past experiences.
3 How Should We
Conduct The Interview?
One-on-one Interview
Sequential Interview
Panel Interview

Phone Interview
Computerized selection Interview
Web-based Video Interview
1. One-on-one Interview

The candidate meets

privately with a single
One-on-one Interview : Pros & Cons

The interviewer gains a better Inhibit shy people's ability to demonstrate their
understanding of the candidate's skills talent

Assist in giving a better judgment of the

Subjectivity in decision-making
interview candidates

Easier for establishing a rapport between

both parties
2. Sequential Interview

Several persons interview the

applicant, in sequence, one-on-
one, and then make their hiring
Sequential Interview : Two Types

Unstructured sequential interview

Each interviewer forms an independent
opinion after asking different questions.

Structured sequential interview

The applicant is interviewed sequentially
by several persons; each rates the
applicant on a standard form.
Sequential Interview: Pros & Cons

Take much time for both parties

Multiple personnel involve and conduct
separate one-on-one interviews to assess a
candidate's fit
Might be costly

Help recruiters searching for well-rounded

individuals with the required technical
capabilities as well as vital soft qualities The interview process is slow 
enhances the chances of losing a
candidate to another employer, raising
company hiring costs.
3. Panel Interview
A group of interviewers
questions the applicant.

Mass interview: A panel interviews several

candidates simultaneously.
Panel Interview : Pros & Cons

Each interviewer ask different questions 

get at different aspects of a candidate and Being formal and intimidating to the candidate
their experience

Reduce personal bias

It is harder to organize and interviewers may
not get a chance to ask all of their questions
Include more people and complete the
interview on time

Candidates get a chance to meet more

members of a company
4. Phone Interview

This interview is conducted over the

phone and its main objective is to
narrow down the probable list of
candidates so that only the most
eligible ones finally get shortlisted.
Phone Interview: Pros & Cons

A lack of body language and facial expressions

-> harder to understand
A quick and cost-effective method
It is not easy to judge how much attention
someone is.
Help alleviate some initial anxiety 
Short time slots make it challenging to build an
Save money by doing a phone in-depth conversation
interview before incurring significant
travel expenses
The call could be interrupted for many reasons
5. Computerized selection Interview (Computer-Based Job)

A job candidate’s oral and/or

computerized replies are obtained in
response to computerized oral, visual,
or written questions and/or situations
Computerized selection Interview : Pros & Cons

Computerized selection interviews can be Don’t take into account real-world

automated environments and can put undue pressure
on candidates

There’s flexibility in scheduling, human Only applicable to certain roles and

bias is removed, and comparisons can be industries
made easily

This interview can be combined with other

interview types
Web-Based Video Interview : Two Types

One-way live virtual

Allows an employer to send a list of questions to
candidates, record and email their responses

Two-way live virtual

A real-time interview that resembles an in-person

Platforms: Skype, Zoom, Facetime, Google Hangout, …

Web-Based Video Interview : Pros & Cons

Video interviews provide many of the

A lack of body language
advantages of phone interviews

As efficient as a one-on-one interview Unanticipated technical issues can disrupt

or distract from the interview.

Allow getting a sense of the candidate's The Internet connection is weak 

energy and how they present themselves disadvantage

Do not take time off work to attend Difficult to establish rapport

Presenter: Group 3

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