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A Story About Ben cat

Once Upon a time there was Ben cat and Ben ben. They build A little house. And
they stay in. One day they are very hungry. They don’t have food or something to
eat. Then Ben Cat say to Ben ben “ Ben ben I’am going to the forest and find a food
or something to eat “ Then Ben ben says “ Ben cat your are a nice best friend
forever in the word and come faster “ And then Ben cat was go. Ben ben was very
scard because Ben cat was a very best frined forever and when Ben cat don’t come
back again he will be a lonely. And Ben ben was wait Until Ben cat was come.
Ben Cat was very long and Ben Ben was so sad. {TWO YEARS LETTER}
Two years letter Ben cat was come along with a food or something for eat. When Ben cat was in
the forest Ben cat see the which. And Ben cat was so brave and Ben cat tall to the which. “ Which
what do you want me to do and what you want from me” Ben Cat says. And the Which says “ Cat
you are a little cat and I’am don’t scard you “ Which says. And Which Says again to Ben cat “ Hey
you if you do what I let you do I will give you a food. If you don’t do what I saying I will kill Ben
Ben”’ And Ben cat was says yes I will do what you say and don’t kill Ben Ben “ And the which says
you take this food all and let your friend Ben Ben eat. And Ben cat says “ What do you want you
let me do “ Ben cat says. And the Which says ohhh I forget. The which tell to the Ben cat “ You
have to do is your friend Ben Ben eat this food all and he will be snake and one years letter he
will daid” the which says. And which give the posion food a lot of. And give Ben cat.
• and Ben cat have a lot of posion food and go back to ben ben. Ben cat don’t say to Ben ben. And Ben ben says to
Ben cat “What are you happening at you why your face is sad what happening to you “ Ben ben ask to Ben cat.
And Ben cat says “don’t worry about me “ eat your food and we have to go UK. Ben ben says to Ben cat “ Why we
going to UK “ Ben Ben ask. And Ben cat says Don’t worry about the proble eat faster and you have to go UK in
this night Ben cat says. Ben ben says to ben cat and you don’t go with me .Ben cat says no I’am not going with you
because I have to do anything ben cat was said. And ben ben says to ben cat are come back my home? He said
and ben cat say to don’t worry I Will come back in your home with leter. ben ben don’t care about ben cat say I
will come back in your home with letter . And he said I very happy about you will come back he said. And ben cat
call the car and says to ben ben go faster and don’t come back again in here Do you promiss me ben cat says?
And ben ben says I promiss he say and ben ben says to ben cat bye bye see again. And ben cat say see you happy
forever and don’t be sad” Ben cat say and Ben ben go away in UK. And ben cat was very sad for ben ben because
the says to ben cat to kill ben ben but he don’t kill. Ben at see a one boy goin the street and he call a boy. “ Hey
boy what is your name can you tall me your real name” ben cat says. And the boy say who are you? Ben cat says “
I am your frined Ben ben” Ben cat says and the boy remember that his friend ben ben cat and he say to ben cat “
Why happening to you why do you call me and where is my friend ? He ask?
And ben cat says to ben ben friend “ Hey boy I don’t know your name but I know your face your
friend ben ben go UK this night and I need your help” Ben cat says to ben ben friend. And ben
Ben friend says to ben cat what can I help you he said? And ben cat give him a letter for ben ben
and ben cat give a latter to ben ben friend. And ben Ben friend was very wonder and ask ben cat
“ Why you give me a letter for ben ben and you will says to ben Ben you will be come back “ He
says. And ben cat says to ben ben friend the which says all of ben cat says to ben ben friend. And
ben Ben friend was very sad and take. And say to ben cat all your best and try your best bye bye I
am going be cureful and ben Ben friend go to UK. And ben cat go to the which and the which
says to ben cat “ Do you do what I say to do “ The which ask to ben cat ? And ben cat says to
which I don’t do what you tall me to do. And the which was very angry and the which says to ben
cat “ I am going to find ben ben and I am going to kill ben ben by myself “ The which says to ben
cat. And ben cat says to the which don’t kill ben ben just kill me and don’t kill ben ben this
problem is not ben ben the problem is me just kill me plessa ben cat say. And the which kill the
ben cat and eat ben cat meet.
• And ben ben was in UK. Ben ben wait for ben cat to eat dinner together. And Ben ben see his
friend comeing with the small letter. And ben ben tall to his friend “ Friend what happen to
you why do you come with a letter” He ask. Ben ben says don’t says me ben cat was died he
say. And ben ben friend says to Ben ben I am sorry about ben cat. Ben cat wrirte for you a
letter for you When ben cat was not died yet” He said. And ben ben was very sad and cry long
time at his house his room with his friend. Ben ben friend says to ben ben “ don’t cry ben ben
don’t cry Ben cat will see like that he will be angry” he said. And ben ben open the letter of
ben cat write for him. He read. In the letter ben cat says “ Ben ben I so sorry about you and me
don’t stay together with in UK and eat dinner together I am sorry about that. And I so sorry
about I lie to you please forgive me” Ben cat write for Ben ben. { THREE YEARS LETTER } Ben
ben was 20 years old and he miss Ben cat because when Ben cat will see like that Benben was
20 Years old Ben cat will give Ben ben a lot of present. One day Benben was a singer at the
world of 1. Ben ben write and sing for Ben cat a lot of song. And Ben ben do with his hand like
Ben cat with gold. And a lot of people are know that Ben cat was a superhero. And then Ben
cat was very
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