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CERN is a physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.

At CERN, people study High Energy Physics. That is the physics of really,
really small particles- particles much smaller than atoms.

 If you want to investigate really, really small things, you

need enormous machines called accelerators.
• An accelerator is a hardware device or a software
program with a main function of enhancing the
What is an overall performance of the computer.

accelerator? • Accelerators help in boosting the overall

performance of a computer. 
• Things were very frustrating in the past, you couldn't
get all information on different computers.
• People at CERN came from universities all over the
world. They brought all types of computers with
different types of software.
• Sometimes you had to learn a different program for
each computer.
• Then Tim Berners Lee connected all these
differnet information systems and make
just one imaginary information system, so
everybody could read the same system.
   And that became the WWW.
Was it easy to invent the WWW?
• Inventing was simple. The difficult part was to persuade
everybody to use the same system. It's incredible that so
many people now use it.
World Wide Web, which is also known as a Web, is a collection of websites or web
pages stored in web servers and connected to local computers through the internet.
These websites contain text pages, digital images, audios, videos, etc. 
• Users can access the content of these sites from any
part of the world over the internet using their
devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones,
etc. The WWW, along with internet, enables the
retrieval and display of text and media to your
• In Berners-Lee opinion, you can create a new computer
program were easy.
• In his opinion if you can imagine a computer doing
something you can program a computer to do that. The
only limit is your imagination. And couple of physics. Of
course, what happens with computers is that you have a
basic, simple idea. Than you have to add things on to it to
make work. But , all good computer programs are
simple inside-
Thank you for your
Ajdin Malagić

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