Module 2 Management Commitment

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Management Commitment

Towards S.H.E
Management Commitment
• Introduction
• The reasons of implementing safety
• Measure commitment through management actions and
• Management commitment through corporate safety mission
• Proactive and reactive safety strategy
• The costs and benefits
• Management commitment through effective action plans and
emergency planning.
• Conclusion
“An incident is just the tip of the iceberg, a sign of a much larger
problem below the surface” – Don Brown

Towards S.H.E

Individual Management
Reason of Implementing Safety

1. Prevent illness and injury at workplace – Procedures, training,

monitoring and protective equipments can greatly reduce potential illness
and injury.
2. Reduce health and safety hazards – Potential hazards exist at every
workplace. Anticipating it and having a proper plan to prevent and minimize
the risk.
3. Increase productivity and efficiency – Safe workplace will minimize
staff absenteeism through injury and medical problem.
4. Avoid serious legal consequences – Malaysian employers is bound
with OSHA 1994 act. Not following regulations will cause severe fine and
potential closed down.
5. Safeguard work premise - Not implementing safety could cause
damage to workplace such as machine breakdown, fire, electricity lose and
workplace being sealed by authorities
Measuring commitment through
management actions and behaviour
1. Financial
•Allocate budget for safety and health
•Providing conductive workplace and safe
operational machines
•Personal protective equipment(PPE)
2. Human resource
•In house safety and health officer
•Provide course and training to all personal
•Implement safety certification annually
•Promote safe working culture
•Internal study and employee perception survey
Measuring commitment through
management actions and behaviour
3. Leadership
•Lead the emergency response team
•Implementing safety Audit
•Organize safety campaign
•Risk assessment
Corporate Safety Mission
 Defines the organization’s mission, core values
and belief about safety
 Commitment to compliance with safety and
health regulations
 To strive for continual improvement in safety

Building Awareness Motivating Educating Policies & Procedures

 Employees know and understand the hazards of the work
they perform.
 Can provide overlooked suggestions for improvement.
 Well-trained employees can ensure that new employees
are properly informed of workplace hazards during on-the-
job training.
 Top management support leads employees to minimize
unsafe acts and therefore prevent accidents.
 Used consistently and effectively = strong safety and
health culture.

Proactive and Reactive
Safety Strategy
• A proactive response to safety and health
before an accident has occurred
• Give positive message to employees
• Cost less expensive in the long-term as a result of fewer accidents
and injuries.
• The examples of proactive safety and health programs include:
 Accident analysis to fix the system, not the blame.
 Safety committees and/or safety teams
 Hazard analysis programs.
 Inspection and Job hazard analysis programs.
 Incentive/Recognition programs that recognize complying, reporting,
suggesting, involvement.
 Safety education and training: must not be viewed as punishment.
 Accountability systems that do not tie discipline to accidents.
Proactive and Reactive
Safety Strategy
• A reactive response occurs after an
injury or illness
• Give negative message to employees.
• Cost much more than proactive programs.
• The examples of reactive safety programs include:
 Accident investigation to fix the blame, not the system.
 Early return to work/light duty programs.
 Incentive programs that reward not reporting..."Work six months
without an accident."
 Accountability systems that tie discipline to accidents
Cost and benefit
Safety ,Health and Environment Programs

Costs of Accidents $$$

Direct costs: Indirect costs:
• Cost of treatment • Schedule delays
• Cost of physician • Lower morale
and hospital • Increased
• Cost of Absenteeism
medications • Poor Customer Source: NIOSH

• Cost of medical Relations

equipment • Re-training
Cost and benefit
Safety ,Health and Environment Programs

Benefits may include:
• Improvements in
product, process, and
service quality
• Better morale
• Improved recruiting
and retention
Source: OSHA

• More favorable image

and reputation
Management Commitment Through Effective
Action Plans and Emergency Planning.
 Emergency Management Planning

It is a course of action developed to mitigate the damage of potential

events that could endanger an organization's ability. Such a plan
should include measures that provide for the safety of personnel and,
if possible, property and facilities

As plan objectives are stated below:

• Prevent fatalities and injuries

• Reduce damage to building, stock and equipment
• Protect the environment and community
• Acceleration the assumption of normal operation
Management Commitment Through Effective
Action Plans and Emergency Planning.
 Effective Action Plans

1. Prepare plant safety programs and present the importance of emergency

planning in Safety & Emergency Response Team.
2. Set Chain of Command
3. Communication & safety tools
4. Accounting for Personnel
5. Select Emergency Response Teams
6. Perform Training Programs
7. Deal with immediate response to the accident.
• Provide emergency care to the injured immediately.
• Report the accident occurrence to designated person/authorities within
the organization immediately.
• Secure the accident site immediately.
• Secure the accident site immediately and ensure all work activities are
stopped immediately.
Management Commitment Through Effective
Action Plans and Emergency Planning.
8. Select the level of investigation
9. Investigate the accident
10. Identify the causes
11. Report the findings
12. Develop a plan for corrective action
13. Implement the plan
14. Evaluate the effectiveness of the corrective action
15. Make changes for continuous improvement
16. Observe the condition, prevent disturbance of evidence, and identify
17. Investigate tools that help investigation
18- Information and consultation services
• Commitment are required at all levels in order to successfully
implement S.H.E activities
• Management, as influencer in organisation, must put S.H.E as
top priority.
• Appropriate safety strategies, cost and benefits studies, and
thorough plan will help prevent unnecessary risks to the

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