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Chemical Equilibrium


The Concept of Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium : Equilibrium is a state in which there are no
observable change as time goes by.
we write its equation with double arrow:
 N2O4(g) D 2NO2(g)

Chemical Equilibrium is achieved when:-

. The concentrations of all reactants and products remain
constant with time .
. The rates of the forward and revers reactions are equal .
* Equilibrium is not static, but is a highly dynamic situation
The equilibrium constant
• Consider the generalized reaction
aA + bB D cC + dD

• The equilibrium expression for this reaction would be

Kc =
• Other Characteristics of Kc
• 1) Equilibrium can be approached from either direction.
• 2) Kc does not depend on the initial concentrations of reactants and products.
• 3) Kc does depend on temperature.
write the equilibrium expression for the following reaction:-
(a) 2
(b) 2NO(g)+ (g) 2NOCI(g)
(c) (aq)+ 2(aq) Ag(N
2NO (g) +O2(g) D 2NO2(g)
At equilibrium, it was found that [NO]=0.0542M , [O2 ]=0.127M ,
[NO2]= 15.5M. What is the equilibrium constant.
Factors that effect chemical equilibrium
Le Chatelier’s Principle

If a system at equilibrium is disturbed by change in temperature ,

pressure, or the concentration of one of the components, the
system will shift its equilibrium position so as to counteract the
effect of the disturbance.
 1- Increasing the concentration of a reactant or removing a product will
result in a shift of reaction towards more products and vice versa.

2- In a reaction where the number of gaseous molecules produced is more

than the number of reacting gaseous molecules, increasing the pressure
of the system will shift the reaction toward the reactants in an attempt
to decrease the number of moles and vice versa. Reactions in solutions
are usually insensitive to changes in pressure.

3- Increasing the temperature of an exothermic reaction will shift the

reaction to left (more reactants and less products). The opposite is observed if
the reaction is exothermic or if heat is removed from an exothermic reaction.

4- Some reactions can be facilitated by addition of a catalyst (a substance that is not a

part of reactants or products but its presence makes the reaction faster). The catalyst
does not change the position of equilibrium but makes the time required to reach this
equilibrium point shorter.
In the reaction:-
A + 2B D 2C
2.0 mol/L of A is added to a reaction vessel containing 2.5 mol/L of B.
when the system reaches equilibrium it is determined that the
concentration of C is 0.50 mol/L. Determine the all equilibrium
Calculate the equilibrium concentration of A and B in a 0.10 M
solution of weak electrolyte AB if the equilibrium constant of the
reaction is 3.0x
AB D A + B

Home work 1:-
In the reaction
H2(g) +I2 (g) D 2HI(g)
If 2.0 mol of H2 and 3.0 mol of I2 are placed in 1.0 L vessel at 1100K,
what is the concentrations of each gas at equilibrium? Kc is 25.0

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