Made in Somalia

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Made in Somalia

Shopping is a part of our everyday lives, and
planning for our economy's future is critical in
order to enhance output and cash flow inside the
country while also optimizing profits with the
theme of prosperity for all. The following
business development concept envisions the
establishment of a supermarket chain in Somalia
that focuses on locally manufactured items
labeled "made in Somalia."
Why this Idea?

Because of its unique product and supply chain

management, this idea stands out among
Somalia's existing supermarkets. This concept
note describes the concept in detail as well as the
market prospects for this idea in Somalia.
The Main Goal

THE MAIN GOAL of the establishment of

a local produce chain of super markets is
to create a reliable and stable market for
locally produced goods.
1. Promote locally produced goods in Somalia
2. Create a transparent and structured supply chain
3. Be environmentally conscious and supportive of
the community
1. Increase profits
2. Jobs are generated or kept,
3. local and cultures are encouraged,
4. quality control is ensured;
5. local things are more likely to be fresh and organic than
items carried vast distances.
6. Establishing a unique network within the business
7. Support brands, manufacturing, and value.
8. Invest in local manufacturers.
Step 1: Capital Fundraising

The initial investment fom the founders will be used

 Consultancy (Business plan)
 Documentation
 Legalization and Licenses
 Business Management and Systems Development
 Supermarket Space acquisition and development
Investment Plan

Registration of Members
The company will open a share capital for
local investors who will be willing to invest in
the idea between USD 1000-5000 not more
than 100 investors that will be allocated
shares based on the investment.
Registered Manufacturers and producers of
different products will be the first priority.
Step 2 Supplu Chain Development

Supplier Registration
Supplies chain Management system
Product Sourcing
Store Stocking

 Sales
 marketing and delivery
 Support Production and Value Addition
 Product Standard, health and Quality
Assurance check (National and
 Technical Support and Consultancy
2. Marketing and delivery

Marketing and delivery

The company will create a unified marketing
and delivery set up- a platform for all
registered products where customers can
reach out to the sales personnel who if need
can do delivery to the in and out Somalia.
Support Production and Value Addition

The company will source investment for high

return product production investment, to
support and increase local production. The
investment will focus mainly on value
addition such as packaging, research,
technical Support and equipment.
Product Standard and Quality Assurance (National and International)

Laboratory Tests
Standard Evaluation
Local and International Certification
Technical Support and Consultancy

Production technical Support

Branding Support
Packaging, Handling and Preservation
Marketing Strategy and Sourcing

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