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Identitas Diri
Ir. Ruslan Yogaswara MT.
Jl. Cijawura Indah IV No. 4 Bandung,
Telp : 022-7566306, HP : 08562241240
Email :;;
Pendidikan :
S1 : Teknik Industri-ITB
S2 : Teknik & Manajemen Industri ITB
Pekerjaan :
Dosen Jurusan TI-ITT
Karyawan PT INTI Bandung
Direktur LP ARUNI

MK Materi
1 Pengertian, Ruang lingkup, dan proses Pengambilan keputusan
2 Konsep Biaya, manfaat, investasi, dan studi tekno-ekonomi

3 Konsep Time Value of Money dan Ekuivalensi, Cash flow

4 Simple & Compound Interest, Discrete Compound
Interest Tables, Relationship Between Interest
5 Nominal & Effective Interest, MARR, Useful Life & Study Period
6 Present Worth Analysis (Cost Alternatives, Investment
Alternatives, & Permanent Analysis)
7 Annual Worth Analysis (Cost Alternatives, Investment
Alternatives, & Permanent Analysis)
8 Annual Worth Analysis (Cost Alternatives, Investment
Alternatives, & Permanent Analysis)


10 UTS

MK Materi
11 IRR Analysis, (Cost Alternatives, Investment
Alternatives, & Permanent Analysis)

12 Other Technique Analysis (PBP, BCR, FW)

13 Mutually Exclusive Alternatives (MEA’s) Analysis & Incremental


14 Depreciation & Income Tax, After Tax Cash flow

15 After Tax Cash flow Analysis

16 Risk, Sensitivity, & Uncertainty

17 Public Utility Investment Analysis

18 UAS

19 UAS
1. Sullivan, Wicks, Luxhoj, “Engineering Economy”, 12th Edition,
Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, New Jersey, USA

2. Grant, Ireson, Levenworth, “Dasar-dasar Ekonomi Teknik”, PT

Rineka Cipta, 2001, New Jersey, USA

3. Thuesen, G.J. & Fabricky, W.J., ”Engineering Economy”, 9th

Edition, Pretince Hall, Inc., 2001, New Jersey, USA

4. De Garno, Sullivan, Bontadelli, Wicks, “Engineering Economy”,

Tenth Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1997, New Jersey, USA

5. Steiner, H.M., “Engineering Economy Principles”, Mc. Graw Hills

International, 1996, Singapore
Aturan Main
Kehadiran di kelas : 75 %
(Syarat Ujian & Penilaian)

UTS : 30 %
UAS : 40 %
Tugas : 30 %
Pengertian Studi
Tekno Ekonomi

Studi Tentang Proses Pengambilan

Keputusan dalam rangka memecahkan
masalah dimana aspek-aspek ekonomi
sangat dominan sehingga sangat
berpengaruh dalam menentukan
solusi yang terbaik
Ruang Lingkup

Aplikasi Sangat Luas

Fokus : Dunia Bisnis / Industri

Proses Pengambilan Keputusan
Tekno Ekonomi

1. Recognition of the problem

2. Definition of the goal or objective
3. Assembly of Data
4. Identification of feasible alternatives
5. Criteria for judging alternatives
6. Construction of the model
7. Obtaining Comparable outcomes
8. Choosing the best alternatives
Kriteria Pengambilan Keputusan
Tekno Ekonomi

Kategori / Situasi Kriteria

Fixed Input Maksimasi Benefit
Fixed Output Minimasi Cost
Input dan Output tidak Maksimasi (Benefit – Cost);
fixed Maksimasi Profit

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