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Foreign bodies of the nose

and paranasal sinuses

 Most often, foreign bodies are found in
children. In adults, foreign bodies enter the
nose under random circumstances. Larger
foreign bodies are found only in the mentally
ill. Foreign bodies of the nose and paranasal
sinuses are possible as a result of gunshot
wounds, when inflicted with a cold weapon or
any household item, the tip of which, fixed in
the bone tissues of the nasal cavity, breaks
 A foreign body trapped in the nasal cavity
reflexively causes sneezing, lacrimation,
rhinorrhea. Reflexes fade and the organism
adapts to a foreign object gradually. The
presence of a foreign body in the nose causes
the following symptoms:
 1) unilateral nasal congestion;
 2) unilateral purulent rhinitis;
 3) one-sided headaches;
 4) nosebleeds.
 Diagnosis
 The presence of a foreign body helps to

establish anamnesis, rhinoscopy, probing and

radiography. The formation of bleeding
granulations around a foreign body,
narrowing of the nasal passage and purulent
discharge can simulate other diseases. Age
matters in differential diagnosis: foreign
bodies are more common in children, and
inflammation of the paranasal sinuses due to
their underdevelopment is an exception.
 Removal of foreign bodies in fresh cases is not
particularly difficult. Sometimes they can be removed
by blowing out (it is better to drip vasoconstrictor
drops before this). If this procedure is not successful,
then after anemization and anesthesia of the nasal
mucosa, the foreign body can be removed with an
instrument. The most suitable for this purpose is a
blunt hook, which is inserted behind a foreign body
and, during the reverse movement, captures and
removes it. Attempting to remove a foreign body with
tweezers may push it deeper into the nose. Removal
of living foreign bodies is desirable to precede them
by immobilization (exposure to anesthetics)

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