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Idea Pitching –

Session 4
Aradhya Choudhary – 8th c
Problems to
Giving people a new way of living
1. Problems / Needs I Observed

2. Ideas Generated Through Ideation Techniques

3. The Right Idea Selected Via MIS

4. Problem Behind My Right Idea

5. Affected Group of the Problem

6. My Idea
Problems / Needs I Observed
Problems/ needs that would like to work upon during this course 
S.No. Problems/ Needs Sector Affected group Ease of Implementation

1. Medicines in time are not given to old and also children Pharmacy All human beings 6
Poor people sleep on roads and do not opt for proper
2. shelter Social Poor people 5

Literacy rate is gradually decreasing in many areas

3. (mostly in villages) Education Villagers, Women (Mostly) 3

People on the streets are discriminated against on the

4. basis of their race, religion, caste etc. Social Street People 3

Garbage is not picked up on time leading to diseases and

5. bacterial growth in the surroundings Environment City population 7

People are increasing the rate of deforestation instead of

6. afforestation Environment All human beings 5

People throw garbage in water bodies which makes it

7. impure to drink Environment(water) All human beings 5

Adults and children have stopped physical activities due

 8. to which they are facing obesity Physical Fitness All human beings 7

Disposal of plastic on roads is increasing day by day Health Animals 4

causing the death of animals like cows, buffaloes etc.
10. Unemployment rate is increasing in the youth. Finance Young People 5
Ideas Generated Details of the solutions of the problems
S.No. Ideation Technique Problem/ Need Affected Group Solution/ Idea
Solving a problem for a focused group Lack of medical facilities for old Old people(60 & above) Provide telemedicine support for old people by
1 people collaborating with various hospitals

Solving a problem for several groups Resistance against Poor people on the Spread awareness among people about the negative
2 discrimination streetside, low caste people effects of discrimination
Solving a problem for an affected group Decrease in literacy rate is Il-literate or less literate Create a platform everyone can afford where  all kinds
3 increasing nowadays people of things are taught from the very beginning

Solving a problem for an affected group Many people are facing financial People facing poverty, A charity of people can be made to work on a regular
4 issues these days financial problems etc. basis collecting some money from the kind people.

Solving a problem for animals Garbage especially plastic lying Animals like cows, dogs etc. Use of plastics should be minimized through spreading
on roads is eaten by cows, dogs awareness regarding several colours of dustbins.
and other animals leading to
even their death.
Solving a problem for everyone Pollution is increasing day by Everyone An active awareness programme can be conducted to
6 day due to automobiles and tell people how it is affecting our day to day lives.
vehicles etc.
Solving a problem for everyone Drinking water is diminishing in Everyone I would conduct public meetings on a regular basis for
7 many areas creating social awareness regarding availability of
drinking water.
Solving a problem for an affected group Obesity rate in youth is gradually Children, Youth I would create an app where the person could find a
8 increasing in India. proper health chart according to his/her physical
Solving a problem for an affected group Stress is becoming a major Youth(Mostly) I would create a website where one can find the
9 problem in the young generation solution to his/her problems instead of taking stress.

Solving a problem for an affected group Many people suffer from mental Introverts(mainly), Mentally ill I would create an app where the people could contact
10 illness, so they need advice of a  people several psychologists for proper counselling.
Right Idea Selection using
S.No Solution/ Idea
          Metamorphosis Idea Selection Model
Excitement about Magnitude of Experience in Confidence Value addition
Total Points

the idea Impact  related domain regarding to humanity

1. Building an app which will provide data on the 8 8 0 7 8 31
availability of oxygen in different hospitals and the data
will be updated on a real time basis.

2. Spread awareness among people about the negative 7 6 5 8 10 36

effects of discrimination by launching an app regarding
the same.
3. Create a platform everyone can afford where  all kinds 9 8 5 9 5 36
of things are taught from the very beginning
4. A charity of people can be made to work on a regular 6 7 0 6 10 29
basis collecting some money from the kind people. This
charity can be made by collaborating with the society.

5. Use of plastics should be minimised through spreading 7 9 0 8 4 28

awareness regarding several colours of dustbins.

6. An active awareness programme can be conducted to 9 8 0 7 5 29

tell people how pollution is affecting our day to day
7. I would conduct public meetings on a regular basis for 8 4 0 7 6 25
creating social awareness regarding availability of
drinking water.
8. I would create an app where the person could find a 8 10 5 9 8 40
proper health chart according to his/her physical fitness.
9. I would create a website where one can find everything 10 10 5 8 8 41
which they need at end moment. It would a multi-spots
website at a single place.
10. I would create an app where the people could contact 10 10 0 10 9 39
several psychologists for proper counselling.
On the basis of scores achieved by different
ideas, following are the three shortlisted ideas:
          Metamorphosis Idea Selection Model

S.No Solution/ Idea Parameters Total Points

Excitement about Magnitude of Experience in Value addition
the idea Impact  related domain to humanity

Spread awareness among people about the negative

2. effects of discrimination by launching an app regarding 7 6 5 8 10 36
the same.

I would create an app where the person could find a

8. 8 10 5 9 8 40
proper health chart according to his/her physical fitness.

I would create a website where one can find everything

9. which they need at end moment. It would a multi-spots 10 10 5 8 8 41
website at a single place.
I would work on:
I would create a website where one can
find everything which they need at end
1. 10 10 5 8 8 41
moment. It would a multi-spots website
at a single place.

Using MIS Model, this is the best idea for me and I would be
working on this idea during the further course of my
entrepreneurial journey.
● At last moments, people find it difficult
to find desired solution on several
websites on Google.
● When they are in a hurry, they rush
finding things on the internet as fast as
they can, but still fail to find them and get
● I have thought of creating a website which
would be dynamic and work on a real-time
● It would have all the common search items
or FAQs which multitude of people search
while they are in a rush.
● Here, people would find multiple things at
just one spot.
● They do not need to search the whole web
for small things.
● Also, I would try my best to add more and
more FAQ’s on a daily basis.
Affected Group
● Mainly, this problem is faced by almost every person.
● Some people are well-organized, hence, they manage to find their
things easily.
● On the other hand, some people like to keep their things messed up and
are not much well-organized.
● Hence, my website would help each and everyone in case of need.
Customer Profiling Demographic Categorization Customer Groups Broad Level Categorization

1. Age: Yes / No Age Group: <18 years

Age Below 40
Yes SEC: All SEC
<18 Years Old (Kids & Teenagers)
Gender Both men and women
18-25 Years Old (Young Adults) Yes Profession: Student, Businessman/Entrepreneur
SEC All SEC classes
25-35 Years Old (Adults) Yes Location: Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities

35-60 Years Old (Mature Adults) No Description:There will be a separate section for this group in the Student, Housewives, Service,
app/website. Here, the content is according to the requirements of kids and Businessman/Entrepreneur, Government
>60 Years Old (Senior Citizens No s
teens. Official
2. Gender: Yes / No Age Group: 18-25 years
Location Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities
Men Yes SEC: All SEC
Women Yes
Profession: Housewives, Service, Businessman/Entrepreneur,
Government Official
3. Socio-Economic Status (SEC): Yes / No Final Customer Groups
Location: Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities
SEC B Yes Description: There will be a separate section for this group in the Consumer Group  Reason for selecting the profile
app/website. Here, the content will be  according to the requirements of
SEC C Yes young adults.

SEC D Yes 1. GROUP 1 Varied difficulties faced by the group

Age Group: 25-35 years
SEC: All SEC 2. GROUP 2 Different set of problems faced
4. Professions: Yes / No
Profession: Housewives, Service, Government Official
Student (School/College) Yes 3. GROUP 3 New collection of solutions to problems
Housewives Yes Location: Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities

Workers/Labourers No Different abilities to solve the problems by

4. GROUP 4
Description: There will be a separate section for this group in the their own
Service Yes app/website. Here, the content will be  according to the needs of adults.

Sportsperson No
Age Group: 35-40 years
Businessman/Entrepreneur Yes
Indian Armed Forces No SEC: All SEC

Government Official Yes Profession: Housewives, Service, Government Official

5. Location: Yes / No
Location: Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities
Tier 1 Cities Yes
Description: There will be a separate section for this group in the
Tier 2 Cities Yes app/website. Here, the content will be  according to the requirements of
slightly mature adults.
Tier 3 Cities No
Thank You!

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