Meeting 3 - Word Classes (Noun, Pronoun, Adjective)

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Word Classes (Noun,

Pronoun, Adjective)
Word classes

Noun Pronoun Adjective

Verb Adverb n

Prepositio Interjectio
n n

Is a word that refer to people, animals, objects, substances, states, events, ideas, feeling.


A noun functions as a subject or object of a verb and can be modified by an adjective:

As a subject of a sentence
As an object of a sentence
As a complement (object of preposition)
Characteristics of noun

1 Noun can be abstract or concrete

 An abstract noun represents a thing that is more like a concept or idea: love, integrity,

democracy, friendship, beauty, knowledge are examples of abstract nouns.
 Concrete nouns represent a thing that is real and tangible: pig, person, rock, smell, air, soup,
Larry are all concrete nouns. Concrete noun examples: cup, computer, diamond,
rollercoaster, shampoo, Debby
1. The person threw the rock across the yard.
2. My dog, Oreo, jumped in the air and caught the ball!
3. Can you smell the soup, John?
4. Love and friendship are equally important.
5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
6. Your mind can know a million things.
2 Noun are proper or common

 Proper nouns are the name that identifies someone or something, a person or a place. Proper
nouns are capitalized
 Common nouns are the words that refer to most general things: country, evening, laughter,
puppy, umbrella
1. Emily loved spending time with her Aunt Nancy in Paris.
2. Buick and Jeep are two important carmakers.
3. We visited Lake Erie, which separates the United States and Canada
4. Cathy loves the weekends in the country.
5. We enjoy swimming after breakfast.
6. The cup fell and broke.
3 Noun are countable and uncountable

 A countable noun is a thing can be numbered or counted: airplane, sock, bowl, noodle,

teacher, as in two airplanes, three socks, 1000 noodles.
 Uncountable nouns can have a quantity or amount but cannot be actually counted: water,
music, clothes, understanding.
1. There are five dogs in the street.
2. I bought three tons of coal.
3. Margaret has six pairs of blue sandals.
4. Love is in the air.
5. The four elements are air, earth, fire and water.
6. Her humor knows no bounds.
3 Most of noun are singular or plural, but some are collective

 A countable noun can be singular or plural. Most nouns in English form the plural by adding -
s or -es to the noun. One dog, two dogs, red dog, blue dog.
1. I missed not just one bus today, but two buses.
2. New York City is one of the grandest cities in the world.
 Uncountable nouns and proper nouns are always considered to be singular:
1. The air in the countryside and in the city is clean and fresh (not the airs).
2. All knowledge is a good thing (not knowledges).
3. Florida has mostly warm weather in the winter.
 Collective nouns refer to a group of people or things: audience, team, bunch, family, class.
Collective nouns consider as singular. Collective noun examples: government, jury, team, bunch,
school, class, and room (the people in the room or building)
1. The government decided to close the airport due to the natural disaster.
2. The group dances happily. 
Kata benda berakhiran -f and -fe
• Untuk membentuk kata benda jamak berakhiran -f, ubah
huruf f menjadi huruf v kemudian tambahkan es. Hal yang sama untuk
kata benda berakhiran -fe, ubah huruf f menjadi v dan tambahkan s.
hasil dari kedua gtipe kata benda jamak tersebut menjadi akhiran -
Singular (-f, -fe) Plural (-ves)
knife Knives
Life Lives
Wife Wives
Leaf Leaves
Kata benda berakhiran -o
Kata benda jamak berakhiran -o biasanya dibentuk dengan
menambahkan akhiran -es.

Singular (-o) Plural (-oes)

potato Potatoes
Tomato Tomatoes
Hero Heroes
Torpedo Torpedoes
Veto Vetoes
Kata benda yang merubah vokal
Banyak kosa kata dalam bahasa inggris yang dibentuk menjadi kata
benda jamak dengan merubah huruf vocal seperti 00 menjadi ee atau
an menjadi en.
Singular Plural
Foot Feet
Tooth Teeth
Goose Geese
Man Men
Woman Women
Kata benda jamak tak beraturan yang berubah
secara substansi
Karena alas an historis, beberapa kata berubah ejaan substansial pada
kata benda jamak.
Singular Plural
Mouse Mice
Die Dice
Ox Oxen
Child Children
Person People
Penny Pence
Kata benda yang tidak berubah bentuk ketika
Beberapa kata benda dalam bahasa inggris memiliki bentuk yang sama
untuk bentuk tunggal dn jamak.

Singular Plural
Sheep Sheep
Fish Fish
Shrimp Shrimp
Swine Swine
Subject Object Possessive Reflexive pro
pronoun pronoun pronoun noun
I Me My Myself

You You Your Yourself

They Them Their Themselves

We Us Our Ourselves

He Him His Himself

She Her Her Herself

It It Its Itself
The function of reflexive pronoun:

Bella loves fried rice. She always cooks it everyday. she sometime loves to buy it at “R”

• She cooks fried rice by herself.

“Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think
of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.” (Mark Twain)

 Adjectives are used to identify or quantify individual people and unique

things, they are usually positioned before the noun or pronoun that they

 Some sentences contain multiple adjectives (adjective phrase)

 When we use more than one adjective, we always use the proper sequence/
order in which it is placed.
Example of adjective
Antique Small Uncomfortable

Sharp Strong

• Electricity becomes essential in people’s life.

• They also design new products that help people.
• Other engineers figure out how to build strong bridges
Adjective sequence/ order

Number of Fact adjective

Opinion adjective

General opinion shape
adjective Age
Specific opinion Color
adjective Origin
Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct
1. A beautiful table (wooden /
round) .............................................................
2. An unusual ring
(gold) ..................................................................................
3. An old house (beautiful) .............................................................................
4. Black gloves
(leather) ...................................................................................
5. An American film
(old) .................................................................................
6. Big clouds
(black) .........................................................................................
7. A metal box (black / small) ..........................................................................
8. A big cat (fat / black) ...................................................................................
9. A little village (old / lovely) .........................................................................
10. Long hair (black / beautiful) ........................................................................
What do we call these things and people? Use
the structure noun + noun.
1. A ticket for a concert is .............................................
2. A magazine about computers is .....................................
3. Photographs taken on your holiday are your .....................................
4. Chocolate made with milk is ..................................................................
5. Somobody whose job is to inspect factories
is ...............................................
6. A hotel in central London is ................................................
7. The results of your examinations are
your .....................................................
8. The carpet in the dining room is ..............................................
9. A scandal involving a football club is ..........................................
10. A question that has two parts is .........................................
11. A girl who is seven years old is ........................................
Carilah contoh kata-kata berikut dalam Bahasa Inggris:
1. Concrete Noun / Noun Phrase
2. Abstract Noun / Noun Phrase
3. Proper Noun / Noun Phrase
4. Common Noun / Noun Phrase
5. Countable noun / Noun Phrase
6. Uncountable noun / Noun Phrase
7. Singular Noun / Noun Phrase
8. Plural Noun / Noun Phrase

Carilah masing-masing 2 kata / frasa yang berhubungan dengan bidang hukum (law)
kemudian gunakan kata-kata/ frasa tersebut dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris.

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