Monthly September

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Monthly Project Report

BigBasket – SEM – September 2015

October, 2015

SEM Team – Abhay, Varun, Vishal, Sivaram

September had 18% increase in Overall Conversions
AdWords Adwords Transactions FO Cost % FO CoS CoFO Cost/Conv. Conv. Increase(%) Conversion Cost(%)
Bangalore Sept 3240 1286 337 7,57,085 26% 589 2247 234 -4.3% 0%
Bangalore August 3386 1232 369 7,93,564 30% 644 2151 234 -6.4% 16%
Bangalore July 3616 1334 361 7,30,217 27% 547 2023 202    
Chennai Sept 1276 606 227 4,52,844 37% 747 1995 355 3.7% 10%
Chennai August 1230 498 229 3,95,511 46% 794 1727 322 -14.7% 25%
Chennai July 1442 601 288 3,70,839 48% 617 1288 257    
Delhi Sept 2675 1906 886 11,45,423 46% 601 1293 428 8.3% 13%
Delhi August 2471 887 473 9,38,182 53% 1058 1983 380 -1.3% 8%
Delhi July 2503 826 454 8,79,824 55% 1065 1938 352    
Hyderabad Sept 1562 637 208 3,93,978 33% 618 1894 252 1.5% 3%
Hyderabad August 1539 600 198 3,75,140 33% 625 1895 244 -10.4% 16%
Hyderabad July 1717 739 226 3,62,426 31% 490 1604 211    
Mumbai Sept 3548 743 269 7,48,410 36% 1007 2782 211 114.6% -39%
Mumbai August 1653 652 253 5,70,305 39% 875 2254 345 1.3% 6%
Mumbai July 1632 661 255 5,29,875 39% 802 2078 325    
Pune Sept 836 536 211 2,44,538 39% 456 1159 293 -5.4% -14%
Pune August 884 491 192 3,01,507 39% 614 1570 341 -2.1% 56%
Pune July 903 533 213 1,97,945 40% 371 929 219    
Mysore Sept 33 17 13 18,186 76% 1070 1399 551    
Total Sept 13170 5731 2151 37,60,465 38% 656 1748 286 18.0% -5%
Total August 11163 4360 1714 33,74,209 39% 774 1969 302 -5.5% 16%
Total July 11813 4694 1797 30,71,126 38% 654 1709 260    
■ Overall Cost/Conversion has decreased by 5%
■ Increase in conversions in Mumbai after optimizing the account
■ Slight drop in conversions from Bangalore and Pune. HiveMinds / 2015 2
Brand conversions and FOs have decreased for few cities
August Clicks Impressions CTR Avg. CPC Cost Conversions Cost / Conversion Conversion Rate
Bangalore 65942 170752 38.62% 1.04 68,653.01 12067 5.69 18.31%
Chennai 16678 53639 31.09% 0.77 12,792.25 2266 5.65 13.59%
Delhi 13342 53426 24.97% 1.41 18,758.93 1401 13.39 10.50%
Hyderabad 27761 82956 33.46% 0.66 18,252.05 4276 4.27 15.40%
Mumbai 28353 84416 33.59% 0.68 19,246.16 4241 4.54 14.96%
Mysore 2280 5802 39.30% 0.85 1,937.60 172 11.27 7.54%
Pune 15282 37438 40.82% 0.93 14,287.26 3008 4.75 19.68%
Grand Total 169638 488429 34.73% 0.9 15,3927.26 27431 5.61 16.17%
• Overall Brand Conversions have decreased by 6%
Analytics • Cost/Conversion increased from 4.50 to 5.61
September Transactions FO %FO Cost CoS CoFO
Bangalore 7244 969 13% 68653.01 9.5 70.8
Chennai 1567 374 24% 12792.25 8.2 34.2
Delhi 789 235 30% 18758.93 23.8 79.8
Hyderabad 3220 512 16% 18252.05 5.7 35.6
Mumbai 2693 384 14% 19246.16 7.1 50.1
Mysore 62 21 34% 1937.6 31.3 92.3
Pune 2058 407 20% 14287.26 6.9 35.1
Grand Total 17633 2902 16% 153927.26 8.7 53.0

• Overall FO Conversions and total transactions have remained the same.

• Cost/FO decreased by 14%, from 52.6 to 45.2 HiveMinds / 2015 3
14% increase in Conversions from Search; Cost/Conversion decreased.
August Clicks Impressions CTR Avg. CPC Cost Conversions Cost / Conversion Conversion Rate
BLR 65869 1685358 3.91% 12.59 6,23,620 2119 294.3 3.2%
CHN 35194 1046058 3.36% 11.27 3,92,114 760 515.9 2.2%
DEL 91411 2118744 4.31% 11.45 10,35,789 1924 538.4 2.1%
HYD 35434 964042 3.68% 8.87 2,85,979 849 336.8 2.4%
MUM 80325 1717981 4.68% 11.66 6,58,793 2883 228.5 3.6%
MYS 1710 54049 3.16% 8.68 18,186 33 551.1 1.9%
PUN 28079 500085 5.61% 12.65 2,34,772 776 302.5 2.8%
Grand Total 338022 8086317 4.18% 11.08 32,49,253 9344 347.7 2.8%


August Clicks Impressions CTR Avg. CPC Cost Conversions Cost / Conversion Conversion Rate
Bangalore 4853 2115245 0.23% 27.50 1,33,466 1121 119.1 23.1%
CHN 2737 1005881 0.27% 22.19 60,731 516 117.7 18.9%
DEL 4384 1577509 0.28% 25.01 1,09,634 751 146.0 17.1%
HYD 4602 1847225 0.25% 23.47 1,07,999 713 151.5 15.5%
Mumbai 3673 1710273 0.21% 24.40 89,617 665 134.8 18.1%
Pune 363 191127 0.19% 26.90 9,766 60 162.8 16.5%
Grand Total 20612 8447260 0.24% 24.91 5,11,212 3826 133.6 18.6%

■ 14% Increase in Conversions from Search Campaigns.

■ Overall Cost/Conversion has decreased from 356 to 347.
■ Conversions from Remarketing has significantly increased by 27%.
■ Cost/Conversion has decreased from 157 to 133 for the RM Campaigns HiveMinds / 2015 4
Though clicks have increased for PLA, the conversion rate have decreased drastically.

PLA Conversions
Devices Conversion Cost Conv rate
613 Computers 1701 ₹ 4,97,993.44 10.80%
600 548
500 417 Mobile
384 ₹ 5,17,935.84 1.57%
400 345
340 devices
272 278
200 143 128 Tablets 113 ₹ 34,500.53 6.57%
7 13 Grand Total 2198 ₹ 10,50,429.81 6.31%
Bangalore Chennai Delhi Hyderabad Mumbai Mysore Pune

August September

August Clicks Impressions CTR Avg. CPC Cost Conversions Cost / Conversion Conversion Rate
Bangalore 23884 1095352 2.18% 5.77 1,55,898 613 254.3 2.6%
CHN 17128 774328 2.21% 5.71 1,62,678 207 785.9 1.2%
DEL 36111 1412692 2.56% 4.88 3,34,744 548 610.8 1.5%
HYD 15970 660977 2.42% 5.25 99,412 308 322.8 1.9%
Mumbai 22125 1050869 2.11% 7.29 2,42,014 340 711.8 1.5%
MYS 905 42540 2.13% 6.58 10,343 13 795.6 1.4%
Pune 7099 298603 2.38% 5.53 45,341 128 354.2 1.8%
Grand Total 123222 5335361 2.31% 5.86 10,50,430 2157 487.0 1.8%

■ Conversions from PLA Campaigns have almost remained same.

■ Cost/Conversion has increased from 359 to 487. HiveMinds / 2015 5
Decrease in PLA conversions rate overtime.
Devices Conversion Cost Conv rate
Device-wise Conv.rate
Computers 1701 ₹ 4,97,993.44 10.80%
384 ₹ 5,17,935.84 1.57%
Tablets 113 ₹ 34,500.53 6.57%

Grand Total 2198 ₹ 10,50,429.81 6.31% 20.0%

Mobiles 15.0%

450 5.0%
400 10.0%
350 4.0%
250 3.0%
200 2.0%
100 1.0% 0.0%
50 Computer Conv. rate Conv. rate Tablets Conv. rate
0 0.0%
April May June July Aug Sept
April May June July Aug Sept
Converted clicks Conv. rate
■ Cost/Conversion from mobile is very high. (CPA is Rs. 1350/conv)
■ Conversion rate in September is lower than what is was in the month of April.
■ Conversions have increased despite decrease in conversion rate and lesser number of products. HiveMinds / 2015 6
Mobile APP install continue to show upward trend in Clicks and Conversions.
App Installs
14000 80
75 12653
12000 70

10000 57 52
6644 41 40
6000 5292 35.4
2973 20

2000 10

0 0
May June July August September

Conversion Cost/Conv

• CPI has improved from Rs.41 to Rs. 35 , an improvement of 17%

• No. of Installs have increased from 9021 to 12653 ; increment of 36%

HiveMinds / 2015 7
Bing Ads - September
State Clicks Impressions CTR. Spend Avg. CPC. Conversions Cost/Conv. Conv. Rate.

Andhra Pradesh 138 2048 6.7% 216 1.56 16 13.5 11.6%

Brand 106 586 18.1% 108 1.01 14 7.7 13.2%
Non - Brand 32 1462 2.2% 108 3.38 2 54.1 6.3%
Karnataka 1391 21075 6.6% 3658 2.63 177 20.7 12.7%
Brand 1023 6394 16.0% 1047 1.02 159 6.6 15.5%
Non - Brand 368 14681 2.5% 2611 7.10 18 145.1 4.9%
Maharashtra 1633 19786 8.3% 3893 2.38 225 17.3 13.8%
Brand 1087 5538 19.6% 1177 1.08 189 6.2 17.4%
Non - Brand 546 14248 3.8% 2716 4.97 36 75.4 6.6%
Tamil Nadu 952 7161 13.3% 2295 2.41 40 57.4 4.2%
Brand 745 3070 24.3% 886 1.19 35 25.3 4.7%
Non - Brand 207 4091 5.1% 1409 6.81 5 281.8 2.4%
Delhi 1882 13667 13.8% 6412 3.41 133 48.2 7.1%
Brand 1131 4847 23.3% 1628 1.44 109 14.9 9.6%
Non - Brand 751 8820 8.5% 4784 6.37 24 199.3 3.2%
Uttar Pradesh 206 1916 10.8% 687 3.34 2 343.5 1.0%
Brand 116 635 18.3% 180 1.55 2 90.1 1.7%
Non - Brand 90 1281 7.0% 507 5.63 0 #DIV/0! 0.0%
Grand Total 6202 65653 9.4% 17162 2.77 593 28.9 9.6%
■ Brand conversions have dropped from 1095 to 593
■ Spend has remained almost same.
■ Cost/Conversion increased from Rs. 15.2 to Rs.28.9
HiveMinds / 2015 8
Project Activity Tracker – September
On-track / Done Pending / Minor delay Major Delay / At Risk

Sl.No Activity Target Date Responsibility Status Action items / Comments

1 Change all Logos Sept - First Half Vishal Done Changed the Display and Static
Banner Ads for the new LOGO
2 In-App installs common adgroup Sept 2nd week Vishal Done Consolidating all adgroups

3 iOS Campaigns tracking Sept 4th week Abhay WIP Awaiting App Launch (Oct 15th)

4 PLA feed Clean up Everyday Srinivas WIP Almost Cleaned Up

5 YouTube ads Sept 3rd week Vishal Done Done

6 Dynamic ads optimization Sept 2nd week Abhay Done

Change bidding strategies for

7 Sept First Half Abhay Done Added New terms
Search App

8 Sept 3rd week Added new negative KWs for Head

Search term analysis for all cities Abhay Done

9 PLA Expansions Sept 2nd week Vishal Done Added New PLA Ad Groups

10 Bid for all Head KWs in Search App Sept 4th week Vishal Done

HiveMinds / 2015 9
Milestones and Focus Area

Monthly Plan – Status of Progress

Target for the Month Achieved Focus for Next Month

• 4000 Conversions • 3826 Conversions • 4200 Conversions
 Aiming for 20% increase  Delay in RM Banners, hence the  Can reach the target only if new
over previous month reduced numbers banners are given in the 1st week
Remarketing Ads  Refresh the banners.

• 2400 Conversions • 2157 Conversions • 2500 Conversions

 Optimization of the Feed Data  Categorize more products and feed
and removal of the disapproved the source file
PLA Ads products helped a lot.

• 10000 Installs • 12,653 Conversion • 15000 Installs

 20% increase over  Increased conversions from  iOS App Installs
Mobile App previous month Search.

HiveMinds / 2015 10
Thank You!

HiveMinds is a marketing consulting firm, offering end-to-end digital marketing

solutions from strategy to execution. We specialize in digital marketing solutions like
SEO, Paid Campaigns, Analytics and Social Media marketing. We are distinguished
by our data-driven approach, our people, technology and our commitment to deliver
100% customer success. We have been trusted partners in defining and executing
digital marketing strategies to many start-ups and fast growing companies in India and
the US

For more information, visit,, +91-80-4126-


HiveMinds / 2015 11

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