Deeqo Ali Hersi Presentation

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Barriers To Girl-Child Access To Primary School Education In Bosaso,

Puntland Somalia.

Students Name:
Deeqo Ali Hirsi.

Master of Educational Management and Administration

Kampala University

• Education for the girls is lower than those of the boys resulted by factors. This study examines
Barriers to girl-child access to primary School Education in Bosaso, Puntland Somalia.
• In addition, there is lack of Role Models for Girls”, “Low Investment in girl child education”
• Early marriage, food insecurity, and child labor as major reasons discouraging girls from
continuing education.
• Another more related study conducted in Puntland found out that FGM practice, early marriage,
clan systems, preferential treatment of boys, poor English language skills, and the lack of female
role models as key obstacles to girls’ transition to higher education in Puntland.

Kampala University

1. To Identify Effect family income on girl-child access to primary School Education in Bosaso,
Puntland Somalia.

2. To find out Gender-based violence on girl-child access to primary School Education in

Bosaso, Puntland Somalia.

3. To reveal the impact of Early marriage on girl-child access to primary School Education in
Bosaso, Puntland Somalia.

Kampala University

1) What are the Effect family income on girl-child access to primary School Education in
Bosaso, Puntland Somalia?

2) How Gender-based violence effect on girl-child access to primary School Education in

Bosaso, Puntland Somalia?

3) What is the impact of Early marriage on girl-child access to primary School Education in
Bosaso, Puntland Somalia?

Kampala University

1.Geographically of scope
• The study conducts in Bosaso District Puntland, Somalia it focuses on the barriers and
benefits to girl’s education.

2. Time Scope
• The research was conducted from June 2022 up to December 2022 based on time
framework of the approval of the research proposal by the panelist.
• The target groups for the research study are parents/caregivers with school going girls,
community leaders and clan elders, teachers, education managers, school going children and
out-of-school children.

Kampala University

 This research will be benefited by all schools in the country especial women
association centers,
 and al so it will be benefit for NGOs in particular those who operate women
empowerment activities and gender equality.
 The ministry of education and the government will use the findings to monitor and
evaluate the school environment and provide necessary facilities and equipment in
schools to promote girl education.
 The findings would enable the educational managers and planners to understand
their role of the girl’s education.

Kampala University

• The researcher used quantitative method form of enquiry. The research instruments that are
used to collect data were questionnaires, interviewing and using available information.
• The research employed a survey design. Data analysis was done using both manual and
computer aid.
• The study population comprises 5 Public Primary schools with a population of 400 individuals
including teachers, parents, students, Community Education Committees (CEC) and members
from Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Puntland Somalia.

Kampala University

• The respondents were randomly selected and categorized.

• They were comprised of both sexes but of different marital status and age

• The study was selected a sample of 40 respondents which is in line with

Mugenda and Mugenda Formula which argues that 10% is adequate to get
much information.

• The research adhered to a code of conduct as well as to ethical obligations

with regard to data
• collection, data management, storage and usage. Participation was based on
• consent and willingness to take part in the research. Furthermore,
confidentiality of all data
• was assured and was exclusively used for this research study.

• This research used the questionnaire methods in collecting data, the researcher
went to the area of study for making questionnaire method particularly used
closed ended questionnaires, the questionnaires were distributed all the
categories mentioned above Teachers, Parents of the students, school principals
and students of the selected primary schools in Bosaso, Puntland Somalia.

• Data collected from respondents will be cleaned to remove any errors. This will ensure
• The researcher used qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze data. This included
Descriptive methods where data from the field was edited before presentation in the
• The Researcher drew simple tables; tallying frequency distribution in percentages was used
as seen from the findings.
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