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At the end of the lesson, you will be able to
use common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques;

identify the various productivity and software applications that can be applied to a specific
professional track.;

identify the different techniques in using advanced productivity tools that can be applied to a
specific professional track;

synthesize the use of different ICT productivity tools; and

create a presentation that demonstrates how common productivity applications or software are
applicable to a specific professional track.
Let’s check your knowledge in ICT
Productivity Tools.

Read each item carefully. And

choose the best answer.
Productivity tools are programs that
people use to create documents,
presentations worksheets, charts, and
graphs more efficiently and
Word Processing Software
or Word Processor is a
computer program that
allows you to create, edit,
save and print documents
Interface and FONT – format the font face, font type, size, color,
Different Tools of a effects, and change the case
Word Processor

PARAGRAPH – used for bullets,

numbering, text alignment sorting
data, borders, and colors
Interface and
Different Tools of a
Word Processor

INSERT TAB – allows you to insert pages,

tables illustrations, videos, header and
footer, and symbol.
Interface and
Different Tools of a
Word Processor

LAYOUT TAB – allows you to set up your

page to margins, orientation, paper size,
columns, and paragraphs
Interface and
Different Tools of a
Word Processor

MAILING TAB – contains the

mailing options such as creating
labels and mail merge
Aside from typing letters,
what other types of
documents can you do with
word processors?
A spreadsheet is application
software that may provide
many tools to organize,
manage and compute data
Interface and
Different Tools of a
Accounting – One of the main functions of a
Where can spreadsheet is to organize, manage, and compute
spreadsheet software
numerical data. Computations are executed
be used ?
easily because of the Function Library.

Formulas :
• Financial
• Logical
• Statistical
• Engineering
• Math and Trigonometric Functions
Where can
spreadsheet software
be used ? Creating Complex Formulas – All spreadsheet
software programs compute formulas based on
the following order of operations :

1. Operations enclosed in parenthesis

2. Exponential computations (e.g., 4^2
3. Multiplication and division
4. Addition and Subtraction
Where can
spreadsheet software
be used ? Presentations - Files and illustrations can be
added to the worksheet to clearly explain some
contents. In the Insert menu, you can add
pictures, shapes, charts, tables and files. Tables
and charts can be made instantly once you enter
the data.
Where can
spreadsheet software
be used ? Inserting an object in your spreadsheet –
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), an
important feature of spreadsheets like Excel and
other software applications to include content
from other programs, such as files or documents
from a word processor.
How can spreadsheet
software help you in your
everyday life?
In this time of pandemic, each household needs to budget wisely. Below is the weekly
food budget of Santos family.
Be guided by the step-by-step instructions provided below the sample table.


5 kilos Rice, well-milled 55.00

2 kilos Fresh Chicken 165.00

1 kilo Hotdog 185.00

1 tray Eggs, medium size 175.00

12 pcs. 3-in-1 Coffee 6.00



1. Using the Spreadsheet program, create a worksheet that will compute the total
amount of food products in the table.
2. Create a table as shown below.
3. For the total amount, use the formula:
Total Amount = Quantity * Price
4. Compute also the grand total amount by adding the total amount of all the products
5. Save your worksheet as FamilyBudget_SurnameFirstname.
Presentation software crates a
sequence of slides called slide
presentations to bring your message
to your attendance.

On the other hand, a slide

presentation contains visuals and
provides information in textual or
graphic format.
reference to another file that
is presented by a word, an
image, or any document
element on a document
Activity #2
Art Gallery Presentation

You are working as a Tourist Guide in an Art Museum. You are tasked
to create an Art Gallery Presentation that will show the World’s
Famous Art.

• Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa

• Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam
• Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night
Activity #2
Art Gallery Presentation

Instructions :

1. Create an Art Gallery presentation.

2. The art piece must be shown and should be linked to a credible
website or virtual gallery where it is displayed and explained.
3. The presentation must not be more than 10 slides. Apply
4. Cite all the references used in the presentation.
5. Saves as Museum_GroupName.
Content Information about the Information about the Information about the Information about the
  topic/subject is topic/subject is topic/subject is topic/subject is
  nonexistent. lacking. somewhat complete. complete.
Design / Illustration Slides fail to attract Slides are somehow Slides are attractive Slides are attractive
  its target audience; attractive but but somehow but not distracting.
  slides are distracting. somehow distracting. distracting.
Instructions are Some instructions are Instructions are
Instructions are
obviously not not followed. Some followed. Majority of
followed. All
Accuracy and followed. Most of the information is the information is
information is
Specifications information is correctly presented correctly presented
correctly presented
incorrect including including hyperlinks. including hyperlinks.
including hyperlinks.
Why do you need to use
presentation software?

How will it improve

audience understanding
and interaction?
Written Works #2

Mini Performance Task #2

"Me, Myself and I"

Create a Powerpoint Presentation about yourself by applying the

techniques. Presentation must have used hyperlinks in each
slides.Presentation must have a minimum of at least 8 slides. Save your
presentation in a file type of Powepoint Show or .ppsx. Upload your
ouput in schoology.
2 3 4 5
Presentation is a replication of Presentation attempts to Presentation shows Presentation shows
Originality other’s ideas and shows no show originality and some originality and considerable originality and
  attempt to make it original and uniqueness. uniqueness. uniqueness.
Presentation is a disarray of Presentation content and Presentation content and ideas Presentation content and ideas
Organization & thoughts and ideas. ideas shows an attempt to are well organized. are well organized. Content
Clarity Content clarity is difficult to be organized. Content clarity is easy to clarity is easy to understand
  understand and the audience Content clarity is somewhat understand and is appropriate and is appropriate to the
  was not taken into clear but not appropriate to to the audience but still needs audience.
consideration. the audience. some improvement

Layout Overcrowded and did not Overcrowded and did not Not overcrowded; good Not overcrowded; excellent
make a good used of space; make a good used of used of space; Use various used of space; Use various
Use one layout for the entire; space; Use one to two appropriate layout for the appropriate layout for the
presentation is very difficult layouts for the entire; entire; presentation was entire; presentation was easy
to understand presentation is somewhat difficult to to understand
moderately difficult to understand

Hyperlink No hyperlink used. Apply hyperlink into one Apply hyperlink into two to Apply hyperlink to each
slides three slides slides

Compute and Go!
As a bank officer, you need to construct and generate an amortization
schedule for the loan of Rose Reyes for four months.
Loan Amount = 70,400
Interest Rate = 9%
Loan Payment = 4 months
Compute and Go!


1. Compute the total loan amount.

Loan Balance=Loan Amount + (Loan Amount *0.09)
2. Compute for the Principal payment.
Principal Payment=Loan Amount/4
3. Compute the Monthly Interest.
Monthly Interest=(Loan Amount * 0.09)/4
4. For Monthly Payment.
Monthly Payment= Principal Payment+Interest
5. For Loan Balance.
Loan Balane=Previous Loan Balance – Monthly Payment
6. Save as Amortization_SurnameFirstname

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