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Faizy, Maryum, Antonia
-Covid life for people in the pandemic
in Romania

 The pandemic has been a real stress for Romania since 2019. The pandemic has hit Romania’s rural areas
the hardest. In Romania , one in ten children do not have enough food and end up going to bed straving. A
study reveals that 60 percent of the parents in the country side did not work during the pandemic and almost
half of them are unable to provide food, medicine or hygiene products for themselves or their kids. About
40% of the people that live in Romania’s rural areas never attended online classesas more than half of them
do not own a digital device.
 Website :
-The impact of Covid 19 pandemic on
the Romanian labour market

 2.000 volunteers and staff worked daily during the lockdown. And last but not least the economic crisis.
Everybody’s attention the government’s, the local authorities’, the donors’ and the general public’s was
focused on health workers and frontline hospitals. There was less interest for the poor, isolated, for the
elderly, and for the newly poor people who the coronavirus crisis left with no jobs, repatriated workers from
the Western countries.
 Covid 19 first started on the 12th December 2019.It all started downtown Wuan, China. It has spread all over
the world and now affects all the states in the world. Research establishes that the impact the current
situation on the planet is facing mainly the covid 19 pandemic, has affected Romania as well as the labour
force market. The results mainly show that this pandemic has highly affected the Romanian workforce.
 Website :
-The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic
on the poor people

 The Covid pandemic has dramatically worsened life for the citizens and the world’s poorest countries or at
least according to the new UN report.
 Website :
 The present research aims to establish the impact that the current crisis situation the planet is facing, namely
the COVID-19 pandemic, has had so far on the Romanian labor force market. In this context, given the lack
of information and information regarding this pandemic and its effects, the administration of a questionnaire
among the population was considered to identify the research results.
 Website :
 The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented
challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work. The economic and social disruption caused
Impact of COVID-19 on people's livelihoods, their
health and our food systems

by the pandemic is devastating: tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, while
the number of undernourished people, currently estimated at nearly 690 million, could increase by up to 132
million by the end of the year.
 Millions of enterprises face an existential threat. Nearly half of the world’s 3.3 billion global workforce are
at risk of losing their livelihoods. Informal economy workers are particularly vulnerable because the
majority lack social protection and access to quality health care and have lost access to productive assets.
Without the means to earn an income during lockdowns, many are unable to feed themselves and their
families. For most, no income means no food, or, at best, less food and less nutritious food.  
 Website :'s-livelihoods-their-health-and-our
Covid 19 facts

 The total cases of covid 19 in Romania 2.22M (01/02/2022 ; 14:50). The total deaths in Romania are 60,025
 Initially, most people who tested positive for COVID-19 either came from Italy, or other countries which
already had a high number of infections, or had contact with a person who had traveled abroad.
 The Romanian authorities increased the testing capacity from at least 2,000 people per day in the first wave
of infections, up to 20,000 tests per day in the second wave.
 Website
Romanian children need serious and
immediate attention

 BUCHAREST, August 27, 2020. In the context of local and parliamentary elections, the reopening of
schools, as well as the development of new national strategies for the period 2021-2027, the National
Council of Students (CNE), the Romanian Children's Board and UNICEF propose to the Romanian
authorities a set of ten solutions to improve the condition of children, during a time when the COVID-19
pandemic put the already disadvantaged children and their families in an even more vulnerable situation.
 Website :

 :

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