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Direction: Complete the concept map by filling in the ellipses
with the appropriate words related to motion. Use words
inside the box.
Velocity 2 dimensions Time
Acceleration 1 dimension Kinematic Equation
1. Concept of Projectile Motion
2. Calculate the range, time of flight, and
maximum heights of projectiles.
Let’s Discover!
Did you know that Galileo Galilei was the first
to describe projectile motion as having two
components: horizontal (x) and vertical (y).
Materials: Activity Sheets, Writing Materials
Study the illustration below and perform the task given.
Scale: 1 grid is equal to 1 cm
1. What did you observe on the motion of the
2. Compare the motion of the projectile in the
different angles.
3. At what angle did the projectile reach the
maximum height? Lowest height? Farthest
distance? Shortest distance?
Using the grid, complete the table.
Angle (Ɵ) Horizontal Component (x) Vertical Component (y)





Kinematics: Projectile motion
• Projectile motion is the motion of an object
thrown or projected into the air, subject to
only the acceleration of gravity. The object is
called a projectile, and its path is called
its trajectory.
• Two-dimensional motion, also we called it xy-
coordinate plane or Cartesian plane.
Kinematics: Projectile motion

• What is resultant velocity?

- It is the vector sum of two velocities which
is represent the x and y component.

Applying the concept of Pythagorean theorem we can solve

the magnitude of the resultant velocity using the formula:

Vr^2 = Vx^2 + Vy^2

Kinematics: Projectile motion

sin Ɵ = opposite/hypotenuse
cos Ɵ = adjacent/hypotenuse
tan Ɵ = opposite/adjacent
Kinematics: Projectile motion

sin Ɵ = Vy/V
cos Ɵ = Vx/V
tan Ɵ = Vy/Vx
Kinematics: Projectile motion
Finding the magnitude of the total velocity vector for any
right angle triangle will be related to Pythagorean theorem:

Vr^2 = Vx^2 + Vy^2

Finding the angle or position of the total vector using:

Ɵ = tan^-1 (Vy/Vx)
Kinematics: Projectile motion
Aside from initial, final velocities, and angles, we usually
consider factors in Projectile motion:

1. time of flight (t) – the entire duration while the projectile

is at its trajectory.
2. range (R) – the horizontal distance covers by a projectile.
3. maximum height (ymax) – the maximum vertical
displacement travelled by the projectile.
Kinematics: Projectile motion
The Projectile involves two components:
Kinematics: Projectile motion
1. Horizontal (x) Component – the velocity in horizontal (x)
component is constant which means there is no acceleration. The
two kinematics equations should be written as;

velocity (Vx): vfx – vix = vx = v (cos Ɵ)  [cos Ɵ = vx/v]

position (X): X = vx(t) or v (cos Ɵ) t

vfx – the final horizontal velocity
vix – the initial horizontal velocity
vx – the horizontal velocity
X – the average horizontal position
Ɵ – the angle
t – time
Kinematics: Projectile motion
2. Vertical (y) Component – the velocity in vertical (y) component is accelerates at a
rate of (-g). Note also that when a projectile reaches its maximum height the
velocity along the vertical is zero. The two kinematics equations should be
written as;

velocity (Vy): vy = v (sin Ɵ) ; vy = 0 at ymax  [sin Ɵ = vy/v]

vfy = viy – gt

position (Y): Yf = Yi + viy(t) - ½ g(t^2)

vfy – the final vertical velocity Yi – initial vertical position
viy – the initial vertical velocity g – acceleration due to gravity
vy – the vertical velocity Ɵ – the angle
Y – the average vertical position t - time
Yf – final vertical position
Kinematics: Projectile motion
• How to find the highest point of the projectile?
t = v (sin Ɵ) / g
t = viy/g

Vfy = Viy – gt
0 = v(sinƟ) – gt
v(sinƟ) = gt
t = v(sin Ɵ) / g (time at highest point) (time from A to B)
t = 2v(sin Ɵ) / g (time from A to C)
Kinematics: Projectile motion
• How to find the range of the projectile?

R = vx(t)
R = v (cosƟ)(t)
R = v (cosƟ)[2v(sin Ɵ)]/g
R = v^2 (2sinƟcosƟ)/g

Note that 2sinƟcosƟ in trigonometry rule is sin(2Ɵ).

R = v^2 sin(2Ɵ)/g
Direction: Below is the summary of the concepts learned in this module. Fill in the
blanks with the correct word/s to complete the statement

Two Equal Graphically Angle

Magnitude Projectile motion Direction Triangle
Horizontal Resultant Component Vertical

A vector is a quantity having both (1) ___________ and (2) __________. Two or more
vectors acting at the same point may combine to form a (3) _________ whose effect
is (4) __________ to the combined effects of the (5) __________ vectors.
The resultant of two vectors may be found (6) __________ by drawing a vector (7)
__________, or it may be computed from knowledge of the vectors and the (8)
__________ between them. Its effect in each of these directions is called (9)
(10) __________ is the motion along two components; the (11) __________ and (12)
__________ component in which is independent of each other. Projectile motion
problems can be analysed using the five (5) kinematic equations. The table below
summarizes the equations applicable for its component of projectile motion. Vi refers
to the initial velocity, Vix is the initial horizontal velocity, Viy is the initial vertical
velocity and ɵ is the angle of projection.
Any Questions?

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