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Chapter 2

 Physical fitness testing is also known as fitness

assessment which composed of series of exercises that is
designed to measure and evaluate one’s ability and
capacity to do work with accordance to health-related and
skill-related components of physical fitness. There is a wide
range of standardized test used in theses assessment.
Some of the intention of these assessments is for medical
purposes and others is to determine if you are qualified into
doing something that involves extreme physical activities.
General Health Evaluation
 If you have a fitness trainer it is important to share your
medical history to him/her or you can get necessary
approvals from your doctor. Other fitness specialist may
choose to obtain your vital sign measurement such as
height, weight, resting heart rate (RHR), and resting blood
pressure (RBP). Other trainers will use PAR-Q or the
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire which composes
of 7 or more questions related to your over-all health status.
Body Composition Testing
 It pertains to the different aspects that make up your
body weight which includes your muscles, bones,
and fats. The following are the methods for
estimating body composition:
 a.Bioelectical Impedance Analysis (BIA) – Electrical signals
are sent from electrodes through the soles of your feet to
your abdomen to estimate your body composition.

 b. Body Mass Index (BMI) – A generalized calculation of

body fats in your body using your height and weight.

 c. Skinfold Measurements – Calipers are used to estimate

how much body fats in a fold of a skin.
 How to calculate Body Mass Index. Body Mass
Index is a simple calculation using a person's
height and weight. The formula is BMI = kg/m2
where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2
is their height in metres squared. A BMI of 25.0 or
more is overweight, while the healthy range is
18.5 to 24.9.
3. Cardiovascular Endurance Testing
 It is also known as stress testing. It measures the efficiency of
your heart and lungs in supplying oxygen and energy into your
body during physical activities. The following are the three
common tests used:
a. 12-minute run test – Using a treadmill, compare your pre-exercise heart
and respiration rates with your post-exercise heart and respiration rates.

b. Exercise Stress – With the help of a treadmill or stationary bike and with
the use of heart monitor and blood pressure cuff, measure your vital signs
during exercise.
c. VO2 max testing – With the use of treadmill or stationary bike and a
breathing device, measure your maximum rate of oxygen that you consume
during physical activities.
4. Strength and Endurance Testing
 It measures the maximum amount of force a muscle group can
exert at one time. It is a valuable test because it helps the trainer
determine which muscle groups and strong and which needs
more attention. The exercises used include push-up test and
core strength and stability test.
5. Flexibility Testing
 Measurement of the flexibility of your joints is important in
determining whether you have postural imbalances, foot
stability, or limitations in your range and motion. The following
are the test administer used in measuring flexibility:
a. Shoulder flexibility testing – Also known as zipper test which evaluates the flexibility
and mobility of your shoulder joint.

b. Sit-and-Reach testing – This is used to measure tightness of your lower back and
hamstring muscle.
 The test is performed while sitting on the floor with your legs fully extended.
Flexibility is measured by the number of inches your hands are from your feet when
reaching forward.

a. Trunk lift testing – It measures the tightness in your lower back.

 It is performed with your face lying down on the floor and with your arms at your side; you
will be asked to lift your upper body with just the use of back muscles. Flexibility is

 1. Warm-up. It is designed to perform mild to moderate exercises for an

individual who will engage into extreme physical activities. It helps a person to
bring out his maximum level of performance. Warm-up is also use to prevent
injuries. It is usually undertaken before a performance or practice.
 During a warm-up, a body should be in an increased body temperature.
Recommended time allotment for warm up is 5-10 minutes consist of cardio-
respiratory and muscular endurance exercises. Examples are jogging or brisk
walking or sets of jumping jacks.
 The start of stretching activities should start from head to feet. Stretching
exercises increase blood and muscle temperature for the muscles to contract and
relax with ease.
 2. Physical Core Exercise. It is the main part of the work-out
activity. Physical exercises like aerobic training and resistance
training is done in this part. Maximum of three areas of the body
per physical exercise is the suggested work plan. Always apply
the FITT principle when undergoing training.
 3. Cool-Down. Cool down include exercises that helps to recover
the heart rate and normalized the temperature of the body. It
helps in the recovering of muscle from soreness.

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