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Life : Worldly life and life after death

Presented By : Farah Syamila Binti Lazri

Matric No : 2218006
Course Code : UNGS 1301
Section :1
Presented To : Dr.Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak

Balance means avoiding doing too much or too little of something. Islam teaches us to practice
moderation in everything we do. Islam wants us to do what is necessary done in a good way. Some
religions say in order to get the god's pleasure, we have to give up with all the things that we love. They
belived the more suffering in this world, the greater the blessings that will be obtained in the afterlife. It
lead them to be too obsessed until they sacrifice their own family, property and position and cause
themselves to suffer hardship. Meanwhile, Islam teaches us to live life in a balanced way which is to
enjoy life in moderation but at the same time still pursue to do a good deeds as a supply in the akhirah.

Evidence of Balance in Islam Life After Death

In Islam it comprises the spiritual and In Islam, the phrase "akhirah" refers to life after
material domains, and the individual and social life. death. It is belief that Allah SWT determines when
Islam dose not separate the spiritual and physical someone passes away, and that the deceased
domains of our life, nor dose it conduce its remain in their graves until the Day of Judgment,
adherents to emphasize one at the cost of the other. also known as Yawm al-din, which is the final day
A good believer partakes of both. Yet Islam stress when Allah judges people based on the lives they
on moderation and it is called a religion of the have led. According to Islamic faith, dying marks
middle way. We Muslim have to liven up the the end of one's physical existence and the
mosque, as well as in the market and in the field. beginning of the hereafter. For those who do a lot
We are taught that there is time for worship and of good in the world by living a balanced way of
other times for material work. We are forbidden to life by not just chasing the world, then this group
perform prayer during certain times each day. We will find pleasure in the Jannah. Meanwhile, those
are urged to struggle to increase our productivity who perform bad deeds in their life will enter
and to perfect our product for the sake of Allah, and Jahannam (Hell). This is the place where the
to be careful not to waste time or energy because all person endures physical and spiritual suffering but
the things that man’s do will be counted on the day god is merciful and forgiving. Allah swt will not
of judgment as to how spent and how we had punish those who do evil while in this world if
invested those gifts bestowed by Allah upon us . they sincerely repent.

Muslims need to keep their lives in balance in all aspects and shouldn't separate the realms of the
spiritual and material we live. Man’s must establish good relation to ourselves, to the society, and to
Allah. It is important because of our relation to Allah as His servant and His vicegerent on earth, who is
responsible as a khalifah to prosper Islam. The concept of Al-Akhirah functions as a resource for
Muslims to always lead a balanced life by pursuing both worldly life and life after death. Hence, the
concept of balance between life also important for every Muslim to always remember that worldly life
is not everything and be prepared to face life after death.

Reference: Abdul Aziz, R. (2012, July 4). Islamic Worldview of Balance ( Al- Wustiyah ).

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