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Pollution in our

And how we can stop it
Types of
• Air pollution:
• Air pollution is the
presence of substances in
the atmosphere that are
harmful to the health
of humans and the whole
What Causes Air Pollution ?

Most air pollution comes Burning fossil fuels

  energy use and
from releases gases and
production chemicals into the air

Air pollution in the form

of carbon dioxide and
methane raises the
earth’s temperature
Soil pollution:
•Land degradation is caused by the presence of human-
made chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil
•It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural
chemicals or improper disposal of waste
What is waste ? 

• Waste are unwanted or unusable materials.

• Waste is any substance which is discarded after primary use, or is
worthless, defective and of no use
• Example of wastes include municiple solid waste (household
trash/refuse), hazardous waste , wastewater (such as sewage, which
contains feces and urine), radioactive waste and others.
Swewage waste

Types of waste:
• Household trash • Radioactive waste
The Marine pollution affects rivers,seas,oceans and the life
forms that live in the water
Causes of
There are many causes of ocean pollution. Of all
the facts, there is one constant: most pollution in
our oceans begins on land and is caused by
humans. Here are some of the major causes of
marine pollution:
Oil spills
The ships are one of the major contributors to
ocean pollution because they release oil in the
ocean and that oil remains in the ocean for years
being hard to clean
Atmospheric pollution, which refers to
objects carried by the wind to the ocean, is
a big problem. Items such as plastic bags
and styrofoam containers become
suspended in the water and don’t
Effects of
Pollution: Ocean pollution has many consequences that
directly and indirectly affect marine life, as well
as humans. Here are some of the most common
effects of ocean pollution: Like Harm to the
animals and human lives
Harmful to marine
Sea animals are common victims of ocean pollution. Oil spills, for instance,
will ensnare and suffocate marine animals by permeating their gills. When
the oil gets into seabird feathers, they may not be able to fly or feed their
young. Animals that aren’t killed by crude oil may suffer from cancer,
behavioral changes and become unable to reproduce.

Plastics are very often confused with foods by animals or they can get stuck
in them and die
A threat to
Pollutants in the ocean make their way
back to humans.Small organisms ingest
toxins and are eaten by larger predators,
many of which are seafood that we

health eventually eat.When the toxins in

contaminated animals get deposited in
human tissue, it can lead to long-term
health conditions, cancer and birth
Ways to
One of the most efficient
way to stop pollution
is recycling
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials
into new materials and objects.
Recycling dosen`t only mean to make new things it also
means to recycle trash like: paper to paper, plastic to
plastic, metal at metal and cardbord at cardbord.
• Us kids can`t do much about
pollution but we can try to
recycle as much as possible
and attract the atention of
people who polute and
explain to them what polution
is doing to our planet and
hope they learn about
polluting and try as hard as
possible to never polute again
I hope that you
learned about
pollution and how
we can prevent it
Have a good day/evening/night !

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