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Use 1:
 We use subject pronouns as subjects of sentences and object pronouns as objects: Singular subject
pronouns (I, you, he, she, it):

I kicked the ball.

You like to study.
He eats green cheese.
She likes ice cream.
It bit John.

• Plural subject pronouns (we, you, they):

We enjoy going to the movies.
You are the best students.
They are not happy.

• Singular object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it):

David kicked the ball to me.

Anna wants to talk to you.
Mary doesn't like him.
Sam kissed her.
John smashed it.

• Plural object pronouns (us, you, them):

The politician lied to us.
I wouldn't lie to you.
Mary didn't invite them.
Choose the correct form:

Where did the boy go?.-------- went to school.

1.He. 2.Him

Choose the correct form:

I didn't see----------.
1.She. 2.Her

Use 2:
 We use subject pronouns before the verb:
I saw Mr.Brown this morning.
Later we went home.

 We use object pronouns after the verb:

Can you help me?
Call them this evening.

 We also use object pronouns after prepositions and verb be:

They live near us.

That's us in the photo.
Choose the correct form:
---------talks to---------.
1.It/l. 2.She/us

Choose the correct form:

I give-----------cookies every week.
1.they. 2.them
1. NOUN + 'S OR'

 We use noun + 's or apostrophe(') to show that something belongs to someone. To form
the possessive:

• Add 's to the singular nouns:

the car of John = John's car
the garden of my mother = my mother's garden

• Add 'to the plural nouns that end in s:

the room of the girls = the girls' room
the boat of the sailors= the sailors' boat
the house of my parents = parents' house
1. NOUN + 'S OR'
• Add 's to the plural nouns that DON'T end in s:

books for children = children's books

clothes for men = men's clothes
names of the people= people's names

 We can use noun + 's or alone:

• when the meaning is clear:

That isn't our dog. It's our neighbours'.

Is this your mobile phone? No, it's John's.

• for people's homes:

Shall we go to Anthony's for lunch?

• to talk about some shops and services:

Are you going to the McDonald's?
I need to go to the dentist's.
Choose the correct form:
----------mother is running late.
1.John. 2.John's

Choose the correct form:

---------sleeps in this room.
1.John. 2.John's
2. 'OF' + NOUN

 We usually use of + noun for things and places:

I am interested in the geography of Japan.

What's the size of the screen on your monitor?
What happens at the end of the film?

 We DON'T usually use of + noun for people:

X-She is the sister of Sam.

✓ She is Sam's sister.

 We DON'T usually use noun + 's or for things:

X+didn't see the film's end

✓ I didn't see the end of the film.
Choose the correct form:
I am interested in history------------. country. 2.of my country

Which is correct?
Where is the bowl of your dog?
Where is your dog's bowl?
Where is the your dog bowl?

 Possessive adjectives tell us who things belong to. We put them before a noun: Singular
possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its):

This is my laptop.
This is not your bag.
Mary doesn't like his pants.
Her dog is small.
The chameleon can change its color.

• Plural possessive adjectives (our, your, their):

Our bird is noisy.
Your house is big.
Their car is fast.
 Be careful not to confuse its and it's:

Its = The possessive adjective for it.

The dog played with its ball.
It's= a contraction of it is.
It's very cold right now.

 We DON'T include an s to the adjective when the

noun is plural like in many other languages:
X-Ours ears are expensive.
✓ Our cars are expensive.
Choose the correct form:
----------children are intelligent.
1.Our. 2.Ours

Choose the correct form:

Thailand is famous for--------beautiful beaches.

 We can use possessive pronouns to avoid repeating information that is already clear:
This book is my book, not your book.(Sounds repetitive)
This book is mine, not yours.(Sounds more natural)

• Singular possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers):

The shirt is mine.
The book is yours.
The pillow is his.
The dog is hers.

• Plural possessive pronouns (ours, yours, theirs):

The bird is ours.
The house is yours.
The car is theirs.
 We DON'T use a, an, the or apostrophes(') with possessive adjectives and pronouns:
x-That pencil is her's
✓ That pencil is hers.
X-This shirt is the mine.
✔This shirt is mine.

 We often use 'Whose?' instead of 'Who does it belong to?':

-Whose pen is this?
-It's John's.
- Whose are these?
-I don't know - they aren't mine.
Choose the correct form:
I didn't have my umbrella so Marta lent me--------.
1.hers. 2.her's

Choose the correct form:

Her car is faster than----------.

Which is correct?
That food is ours and not her.
That food is my and not theirs.
That food is ours and not theirs.
Use 1:
 We use this (singular) and these (plural) to talk about things that are near us:
This is a nice a cup of tea.
Whose shoes are these?

 We use that (singular) and those (plural) to talk about things that are not near us:
This is our house, and that's Rebecca's house over there.
Those are very expensive shoes.

 We use a singular verb after this/that and a plural verb after these/those:
This car is expensive.
These cars are expensive.
That is beautiful.
Those are beautiful.
Choose the correct form:

--------is our house.

1.That. 2.Those

Choose the correct form:

-----‐--is new.
1.This. 2.These

Choose the correct form:

----------chocolates are delicious.
1.This. 2.These
Use 2:
 We also use this/these to talk about now or a time that is near us:
This is a good meal. (at the time of eating)
I hate these cold winter days. (the winter days we have now)

 We use that/those to talk about a situation in the past:

What did you think of that lesson yesterday? (the previous day)
There were no cars in those days. (at a time in the past)
 The expression this is is commonly used when you talk on the phone or you introduce
Hello, this is Peter, Can I speak to Sally?
Carol, this is my friend Simon. Simon, this is Carol.
Choose the correct form:

---‐---is a great game.

1.That. 2.This

Choose the correct form:

--------was a great evening.
1.That. 2.This

Choose the correct form:

--------are my friends, John and Michael.
1.This. 2.These

 We use one to replace a singular countable noun and ones to replace a plural
countable noun:
Which is your car, the red one or the blue one?
My trousers are torn. I need some new ones.

 We can use a/an/the/some + adjective + one(s):

I don't like the black T-shirt. I like the blue one.
Those are old potatoes but here are some fresh ones.
 We can't use one or ones to replace an uncountable noun:
x prefer pop-music to classical one:
I prefer pop music to classical music.
Choose the correct form:
Let's look at the photographs. The----- you took in Paris. 2.ones
Choose the correct form:
My car is the red--------. 2.ones
 We can ask people to say which thing they want or mean with Which one(s)?:

Which one do you want? I want the big one.

There are lots of books here. Which ones are yours?

 We use this/that/these/those + one(s) to say which thing we want or mean:

Which one do you want? I want that one.

Can you pass me some plates? Those ones on the top shelf.

 We use another one for an extra or a different thing:

I haven't got a student book. Have you got another one? (an extra book) I don't like that
color. I want another one. (a different color)
Choose the correct form:
You can borrow a book. Which--------do you want? 2.ones

Choose the correct form:

I prefer plain food to spicy--------.
Use 1:
 We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object are the same person or thing:
• Singular reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself):
I am teaching myself to play the piano.
You might cut yourself.
John sent himself a copy.
Carol poured herself a glass of milk.
My dog hurt itself.

• Plural reflexive pronouns (ourselves, yourselves, themselves):

We blame ourselves.
Can you help yourselves?
They cannot look after themselves.
Choose the correct form:
I've hurt---------.
1.myself. 2.himself

Choose the correct form:

My computer turns ----------- off at night..
1.himself. 2.itself
Use 2:
 We often use reflexive pronouns with these verbs (enjoy, help, behave):
I wish the children would behave themselves. (behave well)
Would you like to help yourself to another drink? (take another)
We enjoyed ourselves at the party. (had fun)

 We often use by myself, by himself, etc. It means 'alone' or 'without help':

I live by myself. (I live alone.)
She wants to do it by herself. (without any help)
 We use each other (not themselves or ourselves) when the subject and object are different:
X-Anna and Susan like themselves.
✓ Anna and Susan like each other.
(Anna likes Susan and Susan likes Anna.)
Choose the correct form:
We meet---------for lunch every Monday.
1.ourselves. 2.each other

Choose the correct form:

The children got dressed--------.
1.themselves. themselves

Which is correct?
Help yourself to some cake.
Enjoy yourself to some cake.
Behave yourself to some cake.
Use 2:
 We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people, places or things without saying exactly who,
where or what they are:
• We use pronouns ending in -body or -one for people (someone/somebody, anyone/anybody,
everyone/everybody, no one/nobody):

Everybody enjoyed the concert.

Everyone is sleeping in my bed.
I opened the door but there was no one at home.
I won't tell your secret to anyone.
You may invite anybody you want to your birthday party.
• We use pronouns ending in -thing for things (something, anything, everything, nothing):

It was a very clear day. We could see everything.

He saw something in the garden.
There is nothing to eat.
He would give anything to get into Oxford.

• We use pronouns ending in -where for places (somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere):
Keith is looking for somewhere to live.
I looked everywhere for my key.
There is nowhere as beautiful as Paris.
Max would follow you anywhere.
Choose the correct form:
You can choose---------from the menu.
1.anything. 2.anyone

Choose the correct form:

I gave everybody to Sally.
I gave everywhere to Sally.
I gave everything to Sally.
Use 2:
In positive sentence we use some+ (indefinite quantity), every+ (complete quantity) or no+

I need something to eat.

Be quiet! Everyone is asleep.
No one likes unfriendly people.

• In negative sentence we use any+:

I don't have anything to eat.
She didn't go anywhere last week.
I can't find anyone to come with me.
• In questions we mostly use any+ or every+:
Is there anything to eat?
Did you go anywhere last night?
Is everyone here?
Have you looked everywhere?

• We use some+ in questions when we ask for or offer something:

Would you like something to eat?
Can I have something to drink?
Would you like to go somewhere this weekend?
Choose the correct form:
I haven't eaten---------today.
1.anything. 2.something

Choose the correct form:

They're on holiday so--------is at home.
1.anybody. 2.nobody
Use 3:
 We use no one/nobody, nowhere and nothing with positive verbs, but the meaning is
No one is sleeping in my bed.
There is nothing to eat. (There isn't anything to eat.)

 We don't use two negatives in English:

x didn't eat nothing.
I didn't eat anything.
X Nobody isn't here
Nobody is here.
 We use a singular verb with indefinite pronouns:
x Nobody live on the moon.
✓ Nobody lives on the moon.
X-Everyone-are-sleeping in my bed.
✓ Everyone is sleeping in my bed.
Choose the correct form:
Everything---------expensive in London. 2.are

Choose the correct form:

We didn't get-----------at the supermarket today.
1.nothing. 2.anything

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