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Concept of working time

and his kinds

Prepared by Ira Denkova 1-7a
Working time is the period established by law, collective agreement or
agreement of the parties, during which employees are obliged to perform the
work stipulated in the employment contract. The required working time of the
employee reflects the norm of his working time and is calculated by the
number of hours that the employee must work during a certain calendar period.
Accounting of working time should make the owner of the enterprise.

Types of accounting of working time:

a) daily (employee has the same length of daily work);
b) weekly (every week weekly standard working hours are equally realized);
c) total (it is impossible to keep a daily or weekly standard of working time. It can be monthly, quarterly,
annual, but does not exceed 40 hours per week for each employee.

Works with special conditions and nature of work in the manner and in cases stipulated by the legislation,
the working day may be divided in part, with the condition that the total duration of work does not exceed
the established duration of the working day. This separation of working time can be set for drivers of
urban transport and livestock workers (feeding, milking cows, etc.) - in the morning and in the evening,
during peak hours, and within the day - hours free from work.
The legislation sets an different types of working hours:

1) the normal duration of working hours, that does not exceed 40 hours per week;
2) reduced working time the duration is less than normal, but with pay as normal duration.
3) part-time working time – is established by agreement between the employee and the owner or the body
authorized by him, both during hiring and afterwards. Remuneration in these cases are made in proportion to
the time spent or depending on the output;
4) unnormal working day – is a special mode of working time, which is established for a certain category of
employees in case of impossibility of standardizing the time of the labor process;
5) overtime working hours - work over a fixed working day.
6) night working hours, that labour is in a nightly change.. The night is considered a time of 10 pm to 6:00
in the morning. When working in the night сhange, the duration of work is reduced by one hour. But the
work is paid at an increased rate of installed general, sectoral (regional) agreements and collective
agreement, but not below 20 per cent tariff rate (salary) for each hour of work at night.
Shorter working time is established only by law for:

- workers aged from 16 to 18 years old - 36 hours a week, for people aged 15 to 16 (students aged 14 to 15
working in the period of holidays) - 24 hours per week, and during training, can not exceed half of the
specified maximum working time;
- workers employed at work with harmful working conditions - no more than 36 hours per week.
- specific categories of workers (teachers, teachers, doctors and other list of which are determined by law).

For women who have children under the age of 14 or a disabled child, reduced working hours may be set at
the expense of their own funds from enterprises, institutions, organizations (art. 51 of the Code labour laws
of Ukraine).
Not allowed to work at night:

1) pregnant women and women, with children under the age of three (art, 176 of the Code labour laws of
2) persons under the age of eighteen (art. 192 of the Code labour laws of Ukraine) and other categories of
workers provided for by law.
The work of women at night is not allowed, except for those sectors of the national economy, where this is
a special necessity and allowed as a temporary measure.
Work of invalids at night is permissible only with their consent and provided that this does not contradict
the medical recommendations ( art. 172 of the Code labour laws of Ukraine).
Overtime work can be applied only if:

- carrying out the work necessary for the defense of the country, as well as the prevention of civil or
natural disasters, industrial accidents and the immediate elimination of their consequences;
- carrying out urgent works on water supply, gas supply, heating, lighting, sewage, transport,
- need to finish the job begun, which, under unforeseen circumstances, could not be completed during
normal working hours, when its termination could lead to destruction or loss of state, public property or
stopping work for a significant number of employees;
- the need to perform loading and unloading works in order to prevent or eliminate the simple rolling
- missing a worker who intervenes when the work does not allow a break.
The law prohibits involve to overtime work:

- pregnant women and women, with children under the age of three (art. 176 of the Code labour laws of
- persons under the age of eighteen (art. 192 of the Code labour laws of Ukraine);
- workers who study in general education schools and vocational schools without interruption from
production, in the days of classes (art. 220 of the Code labour laws of Ukraine), etc.

Women who have children under three and fourteen years of age or a disabled child can be involved in
overtime work only with their consent (art. 177 of the Code labour laws of Ukraine).
The involvement of persons with disabilities in overtime work is possible only with their consent and
provided that this does not contradict the medical recommendations (art. 172 of the Code labour laws of
Such work must not exceed for each employee 4 hours for two consecutive days and 120 hours per year;

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