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1 Quarter Command Conference



The approved 2017 Organizational Structure sets

the following number of personnel complement per
BFP offices as ideal:

Manpower complement
of BFP Region 3 as of
March 2022 as
compared to the
Approved 2017 OS?

RANK Actual Ideal Shortage/Surplus

CSUPT 1 0 1
At present BFP Region 3 has the following SSUPT 3 1 2
number of offices as follows: SUPT 11 10 1
*One (1) Regional Office CINSP 18 19 -1
**Seven (7) Provincial Offices and SINSP 46 552 -506
***One Hundred Thirty (130) City and INSP 32 823 -791
Municipal Fire Stations SFO4 83 1,583 -1,500
SFO3 118 1,329 -1,211
This translates to, 13,281 officers and SFO2 163 1,315 -1,152
personnel with rank requirements as SFO1 304 1,825 -1,521
reflected on the given table. FO3 324 1,977 -1,653
*Surplus was due to the manpower FO2 437 1,720 -1,283
requirement set by OS 2017. FO1 1,199 1,986 -787
However, based on the Rank Modification the Sub-Total (uniformed) 2,739 13,140 -10,401
recommended no. of rank for CSUPT (1) and NUP 18 141 -123
SSUPT (6) resulting in the reflected suplus. Total (Upers + NUP) 2,757 13,281 -10,524

As an alternative approach,
fireman to population ratio of 1 FIREMAN TO POPULATION RATIO
fireman per 2000 persons indicate
the need for at least 6,212 Population
Ideal Fireman to
Actual Shortage
personnel. Population (1:2000)
12,422,172 6,212 2,757 3,455
As of March 2022, there are
only 2,757 BFP personnel
signifying the shortage of 3,455 a
124.95% deficit.

• Based on the data gathered, for fireman to population ratio the shortage is 3,455.
While 10,524 officers and personnel are still needed to meet the 2017 approved OS
manpower requirement.

• If BFP Region 3 continuously recruits an average of 300 personnel per year, it will
take at least 12 years to meet the ideal fireman to population requirement.

• In consideration with the 2017 OS rank requirement, it can be said that it is difficult
to implement due to the absence of officers and personnel with appropriate rank
requirement that cannot be resolved by recruitment alone.

BFP Mandatory Trainings

There is no defined
formal and appropriate Available trainings for Non-Officers:
training for
designations relating to • FBRC
financial and logistical • FAIIC
and other designations • FSLC
as specified in the given • FPSC and
list. • FOCC

Other specialized trainings are:

• 40-hour training for Fire Safety Inspection
• FAIOC and

• Total Number of Personnel

Total No. of Without Appropriate
assigned per designation reflects Designation Personnel
With Appropriate Training
Training (Functioned-
the total number of personnel Assigned Related)
performing the Designation as
their main function; Community Relations Officer 305 N/A N/A
Assessor 213 N/A N/A
Fire Safety Inspector 609 609 N/A
• All other designations are Plan Evaluator 199 199 N/A
considered to have training due to Fire Arson Investigator 351 351 N/A
their accumulated experiences/ EMT/Medical First
60 60
licenses and orientations;
Collecting Officer 13 N/A N/A
Collecting Agent 121 N/A N/A
• Majority of personnel in Petty Cash Custodian 18 N/A N/A
Administrative Staff/personnel are Logistics Personnel/SAO 46 N/A N/A
also those designated in operations Administrative
704 N/A
(nozzleman, lineman/ hoseman,
Driver 118 118 N/A
etc); 2,757

Based on the data presented, this office has the following

comments regarding the functional training profile for BFP Region 3

• Data reflect that 88.72% of the total BFP Region 3 personnel or an equivalent of 2,446
NOR perform at least two (2) designations or practice multi-tasking (majority of which
multi-task designation in administrative related function like clerical);

• Designations requiring technical knowledge such as FSI, FAI and BPE are considered with
appropriate training (FAIIC/ Engineers/Architects/40-Hours Seminar/Workshop on Fire
Safety Enforcement/FAIOC) due to the qualifications as set by the Fire Code and BFP SOP-
IID- 2008-01;

• Further, this office recommends development/ creation of Function-related training for

financial/ logistical and administrative functions accredited by the BFP, since no training as
such exists as of today.

• FAIIC was last conducted in Dec of 2020 and was now considered as specialized training
being replaced by FJLC, therefore, this office recommends the strengthening of FAIOC and
40 hours trainings to be conducted regularly to ensure that BFP R3 has an adequate pool of
qualified Fire Safety Inspectors and Investigators.

• MC 029-2022 “Mandatory Trainings, Deferment and Termination from Training” should be

reinforced particularly on gray areas in consideration to Psychological and Mental Incapacity.

• BFP Region 3 has initiated the • This office initiated the Year-round Weekly
conduct of 2 batches of Fire • BFP Region 3 already Orientations/ Summit per divisions where: (1)
Arson Investigation and conducted Basic Rescue updates on BFP policies and processes were
Operations Course (FAIOC) that Technique Course (BRTC) for
discussed; (2) Concerns from the counterparts
from the field were given immediate
equipped 91 BFP personnel and
95 personnel from December answers/actions.
is planning to continuously
conduct said training. 2021 to March 2022. Primary • Pre-retirement seminar was held in order to
functions of said personnel assist BFP personnel who are about to retire:
• Two (2) batches of 40 hours fall within different (1) to provide guidelines and procedures that
will simplify and expedite processing of
training were conducted for a BFP designations as mentioned payment of retirements benefits, gratuities,
Region 3 personnel that qualifies above. and SFA in compliance with the national
85 Fire Safety Inspectors. • This specialized training aims policies on Anti Red Tape and ensure the
timely release of appropriate claims; (2)
enhance the knowledge and establish standard checklist of documentary
• The 40 hours training will be skills of BFP personnel requirements to support processing of specific
referred to as the Basic Fire Code claims; and (3) Establish delegated functions,
Enforcement Course and will cater responsibilities and corresponding
accountability; and (4) Establish payments of
to another 50 personnel this all retirement benefits at the Regional Office.
coming June 20 to 24, 2022.
Thank You!

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