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The lesson deals with feeding and water quality monitoring. This include ways of
sustaining the growth of natural food, ways of sampling and analyzing formulated feed for
feed ration, methods of computing daily feed ration, and procedures in changing water to
maintain its good quality.

🐍 1. Feeds are processed and stored properly as per manufacturers’ standards.

🐍 2. Formulated feed is sampled and analyzed based on nutrient requirement.

🐍 3. Daily ration prior to feeding is computed based on fish biomass.

🐍 4. Proper feeding per species needs is observed based on their feeding requirement.

We will talk about this first.

Processing and Preparation of Feeds
Processing and preparation refers to all the operations necessary to obtain the highest
nutritional value of a feeds and the best economic returns from their use. The processing of
feeds accomplishes several purposes:

1. It removes anti-nutritional factors and toxins.

2. It lowers the moisture content of feeds to 10% or less.
3. It adjusts feed’s particles to suit a given specie and its size, and reduces waste of feed
4. It increases palatability and nutrient availability.
5. It maximizes profit through optimum processing of feeds.
Excessive heat treatment or extraction under alkaline conditions may lead to the
destruction or alteration of amino acids. In effect, the protein becomes biologically
unavailable. The effects of soaking, dehulling, and solvent extraction on the nutritive
value of protein have yet to be clarified.

● Soaking
Soaking facilitates cooking or removes some toxins especially from plant sources.
Feedstuff is usually soaked in water for 6-24 hr at room temperature. For example, ipil-
ipil leaves are soaked for 24 hr to remove mimosine and leguminouse seeds for 30mins to
remove tannins.
🐍 ● Heating and cooking

In moist heat treatment, the sample is either boiled for 30min at 100° C, pressure-cooked
for 10min at 120° C, or steamed for 30 min. In dry heat treatment, the sample is either
sun-dried for 6-12 h, oven- dried for 12 h at 60° C, or roasted for 2-5 min at 250° C.
Moist heat is more effective than the dry heat for legume seeds. Cooking improves the
digestibility and nutritional value of grains. Heat destroys the trypsin inhibitor in
soybean meal. Heat is also used to extract oil from oilseeds. Dry heat treatment
facilitates handling, and pelleting and increases the nutritional value of feeds. But
boiling, steaming, and autoclaving lower the nutritional value if processing conditions
such as temperature, pressure, and time are not optimum
🐍 ● Extraction with organic solvents

Different organic solvents are used to remove the non-nutritive components of

various feeds. For example, extraction of lipids from leguminous seeds with
alcohol and water eliminates the beany flavor. Extraction of oil from cottonseed
meal with hexane decreases the toxin gossypol.

● Chemical treatment

Chemicals reduce if not eliminate the non-nutritive component of seedstuff.

Treatment of cottonseed meal with phytase (an enzyme that acts on phytate)
makes phosphorous and proteins more available and reduces gossypol toxicity.

Cottonseed meal can also be treated with iron salt but this method produces a
darker meal unacceptable to the feed industry.
● Dehulling
Dehulling removes most of the tannins (located mostly in the seed coat or hulls)
from colored beans. Dehulling can be done by soaking the seeds in three volumes
of water for 4-6 hours followed by sun drying for 12 hr or oven drying at 80°C for
12 h and then splitting using an ordinary corn mill. Another way is by soaking the
seeds in the water for 12-48 hr and allowing them to germinate. The germinated
seeds are then dehulled and sundried
Feed Preparation (Pellet Form)
Feeds for fish and shrimp must be designed to meet the requirements of each species.
Feeds must be:

🐍 attractive and nutritious

🐍 of suitable particle size and texture
🐍 of uniform length
🐍 free of cracks or ‘fines’
🐍 stable in water for a few hours (at least 6 h in the case of shrimp feeds)
🐍 durable enough to withstand handling

To achieve these characteristics, feed preparation must follow
stringent procedures:
● Grinding
Ingredients are ground to increase the surface area. Grinding improves mixing,
digestibility, palatability, and water stability of feedstuff. The grinding equipment
varies with the nature and texture of materials with the desired particle size.
● Sieving

Ground feedstuff are sieved to obtain the desired particle size. A

sieve of no. 40 mesh size (425 nm) is usually used.

● Weighing

The feed components must be weighed as possible. A good and

accurate balance with taring device is best as it can be adjusted to

zero and allows weighing with container.

● Mixing

Feed components are sequentially added a little at a time or by

batch. There are two mixing operations, namely, premixing of
micronutrients and blending of the diet components.

● Pelleting and extrusion

Pelleting transforms the soft feed mixture into hard pellets

by forcing it through holes in a metal die plate and cutting
the noodles down to desired sizes.
• Steaming

Steaming improves the water stability and digestibility of the feed and

kills most harmful bacteria. Steamed pellets are stable in water for 4-

12 h depending on binder efficiency. Unsteamed pellets break up

within 30 minutes. Shrimp are slow eaters, so pellets for them must be
● Drying and cooling

Pellets are hot and moist after steaming and cannot be handled and stored as
they easily break. Steamed pellets have to be oven-dried at 60°C in a draft
oven with recirculating warm air that allows equal distribution of heat. Slow
and insufficient drying encourages the growth of molds. The pellets must be
cooled before storage.

● Packaging and storage

Feeds usually have a limited shelf life, which can be shortened further
if wrong packing material is used. Pellets are packed and stored in
covered plastic buckets and jars or in bags usually in 5, 10, or 25kg

amounts. Essential components of feeds may be adversely affected by

prolonged exposure to strong light, excessive moisture, poor

ventilation, or high temperature.
Factors Affecting Nutrients Stability in Feeds during
1. Moisture content of the feed. Moisture content of more than 10% encourages fungal
growth and insect infestation.
2. Relative Humidity. Relative humidity of more than 65% promotes fungal growth and
insect infestation.
3. . Temperature. High temperature destroys or reduces the availability of nutrients.
4. Oxygen supply. Oxygen promotes oxidative rancidity and growth of fungi and insects.
5. Lipid peroxidation. Lipids in feeds can form peroxides that cause rancidity and off flavors.
Peroxides may bind with proteins or vitamins and reduces their availability.
6. Insect infestation. Insect grows best at 26-37 °C. They consume the feed and introduce
bacteria through their feces.
7. . Fungal proliferation. Fungi grow best at relative humidity >65% and moisture content
>10% and in temperatures that are specific to fungal species. Fungi damage the feeds,
cause weight loss, discoloration and rancidity, and produce mycotoxins such as aflatoxin.
8. Bacterial contamination. Salmonella destroys proteins and lipids and releases toxin. Proper

storage sanitation is necessary to avoid contamination

Proper Storage Practices

1. For dry feeds and ingredients

 Provide a clean, dry, secure, and well ventilated storage area. Avoid direct exposure to
 Label feed and feed ingredients properly. Arrange feeds by kind and date.  Pile feed
bags not more than a bag high on a platform 12-15 cm off the floor.  Store dry feeds not
longer than 3 months. Use old feeds before the new deliveries. First in, first out.
 Do not walk on the sacks of feed.

2. For moist or wet feed ingredients

 Use fresh trash fish immediately and keep them frozen until use. Use moist
compounded fresh feeds.
 Keep oils and fats in sealed amber or dark colored containers inside the cold store or
refrigerator. Maintain the temperature of the cold store below 10°C. Avoid overloading

and unnecessary opening of the cold storage.

Ensuring the high quality of feeds

1. During acquisition of feeds

🐍 Obtain raw ingredients or prepared feeds from reputable sources. Choose

bags that are clean, intact, and with proper label.
🐍 Obtain feeds for up to two weeks supply. Prepared feeds are good only up to 2
months from the date of production.
2. Feed evaluation – practical methods

🐍 Sensory evaluation (smell and taste)


🐍 Spoiled feeds have characteristic smell – stale and musty or putrid; taste bitter
or sour.
Methods of Feeding
🐍 Hand Feeding. This is the most economical and practical way of feeding fish.
It is most applicable in developing countries where labor is considered cheap.
The advantage of hand feeding is that the farmer can observe the feeding
behavior and demands of the fish.
🐍 Automatic Feeders. This method is applicable in large ponds where large
quantities of feeds are given in a short period. Automatic feeders allow better
distribution of feed at regular intervals.
🐍 Demand Feeders or Self-Feeder. Using this method, fish can obtain food on
demand generally by pressing a trigger. The advantage of this method is that

the fish can obtain as much food as they require as often as they want.
Feeds can also be placed in other feeding devices such as feeding rings and feeding trays.
Feeding trays are usually placed at the bottom of the pond to prevent the feed from being
buried and can also be served to check if the feeds are eaten by the fish.
Feeding rings on the other hand are placed at the surface to prevent scattering of feeds all over
the pond and likewise allow the feeds to sink gradually.

Feeding Tips

🐍 Feed the fish not the pond.

🐍 Feeding frequency should be modified according to the size of fish and natural food
🐍 Increase feeding rate when natural food production is low
🐍 Adjust feed size according to size of the fish. Use bigger feeds as fish grow.

🐍 Broadcast the feed over a wide area. It allows for more fish to avail of given feed
minimizing size variation in fish population and feed wastage
Forms of Feeds
🐍 Mash or Powder form. It is made up of tiny particles of feeds usually less
than 1 mm in size. Fry and small fingerlings are given this form of feeds.
🐍 Crumble. This is also given to younger/smaller fish and usually contain
higher amount of protein.
🐍 Pellets. These are compacted mash or powder feeds formed into large
particles. This form of feed is usually given as soon as the amount of the fish is
big enough to swallow the smallest size of pellets. These pellets can be given
in moist form
🐍 Dough form or ball form. This is prepared by adding water to the feed while
mixing sticky mash is formed. In the absence of pelleting machine, feed

maybe prepared in this manner





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