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Theories of

Change and
I. Introduction
• Change is the law of nature as the society is not static but dynamic
• Social change can be defined as the way in which human
interactions, relationships, behavior patterns, and cultural norms
change over time.
• Social changes is the term used for all the changes that takes place
in the society and affect human interactions and interrelations.
• Some of the features of social change includes:
1. It is the ongoing process as the society witnessed continuous flux in
past, facing in present and future
2. It results from various factors like cultural, environmental, geographic
3. It may be planned or unplanned
4. May create chain reactions
5. It may be short and long term
4 Main Theories of Social

c. Modernization d. Conflict
a. Social b. Functionalism
Theory Theory &
a. Social Evolution
This theory focus on the idea
that process of social change The evolutionary theory of social change gain prominence in
the 19th century. Sociologist latched on Darwin’s theory of
follows linear way, change of
evolution, applying it to society. According to this theory,
the society from simple to
society always evolves into “higher levels”. Like organism
evolve from simple to more complex so do societies.
Societies that don’t adapt fast enough will fall behind.

Progress towards
something better.
• The basic assumption of this theory is that change
is the characteristic feature of the human society..

-Change is inevitable
-Gradual and continuous
-Sequential and certain stages
-Societies pass through the same stages of
• Unilineal evolution refers to the idea that there is a set
sequence of stages that all groups will pass through at some
point, although the pace of progress through these stages
will vary greatly. Groups, both past and present, that are at
the same level or stage of development were considered
nearly identical
Every society does not
necessarily go through
the same fixed stages of
development but the
culture of mankind
generally follows a
definite line of evolution.

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