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How to describe places and buildings

01. Part 2 地点建筑类话题的思路

Essential vocabulary for places and buildings

02. 描述地点建筑所需的的词汇和搭配

How to deal with the last prompt of Part2

03. 如何使用 Cheers 原则给出喜好的原因
雅思口语事件类话题 Part2 占比
• 据 2020 年考试数据统计,物品类话题占比约为 11%-12% ,每一季度考察 5 题左右
经典话题讲解 – 描述一个地点
1. 本题的描述对象是?
x.1 审题 2. 限定部分是?
3. 应该使用的答题时态是?

Describe a part of a city or town that you like.

You should say:

· where it is
· what is in this part of city or town
· what people do there
and explain why you like the part of the city or town.
Describe a part of a city or town that you like.

You should say:

· where it is
· what is in this part of city or town
· what people do there
and explain why you like the part of the city or town.

- Adjacent to the East Sea of China, south-east
- Provincial capital
- travelling purposes
- Political and economical significance
1. 本题的描述对象是?
x.1 审题 2. 限定部分是?
3. 应该使用的答题时态是?

Hangzhou - adjacent to the sea

- travelling purposes
West lake - unparalleled scenery, beautiful in all seasons / manual boat
experience, railer hum songs in their own dialect,
Museums - silk museum, Zhejiang Museum - related to history in general -
iconic characters / absorb ancient history (archaic events objects, affairs)
Delicacies - (with a touch/hint of sourness and sweetness integrated, lives from
the lake and river as ingredients of the dish) - Green-tea tart (Green Mocha,
sweet, crispy at the outside and tender at the inside) (commercial malls,
pedestrian roads)
x.1 审题
1. 描述对象

Describe a part of a city or town that you like. 2. 限定部分

You should say:

· where it is 3. 时态
· what is in this part of city or town
· what people do there
and explain why you like the part of the city or town.
x.2 思路讲解 请回答下列问题:

Describe a part of a city or town that you like.

You should say:

· where it is
· what is in this part of city or town
· what people do there
and explain why you like the part of the city or town.
x.2 思路讲解
what 一般城市的哪些区域是人们比较喜欢的?

Describe a part of a what 人们一般在这些区域做什么?

city or town that
you like.

why 人们喜欢这些区域的原因有哪些?
x.2 思路讲解
what 一般城市的哪些区域是人们比较喜欢的?

tourist attractions, suburbs

Describe a part of a what 人们一般在这些区域做什么?

city or town that
sightseeing, shopping, explore the nature
you like.

why 人们喜欢这些区域的原因有哪些?

relaxing and refreshing, quiet and cozy,

offers family/friends time
x.2 思路讲解


原因 / 感
背景介绍 扣题描述


背景介绍 扣题描述 原因 / 感受
开头 基本信息 设施 / 功能 放松
方位 一般设施 受欢迎的设施 自己喜欢的设施 社交
历史 常做的事 常做的事 常做的事
x.2 思路讲解
背景:共≤ 45 秒

开头 I’m going to talk about part of the city that I like, which is XXX.

It’s located in the northern part of the city, just beside the XX river and it’s
not far from where I live. It only takes me about 10 minutes to walk
Actually it used to be a dull and unattractive area with short and shabby-
历史 looking buildings in it. However, about 3 years ago, the government
spent a lot of money having it rebuilt and since then, it’s become one of
the most happening places of the city, attracting lots of both locals and
tourists to visit everyday. 
x.3 关注语言
背景 名词 (n.) 形容词 (adj.)
It’s located in the northern part of the city, dull
just beside the XX river and it’s not far 无聊的
from where I live. It only takes me about
10 minutes to walk there.  unattractive
Actually it used to be a dull and
unattractive area with short and shabby- shabby-looking
looking buildings in it. However, about 3
years ago, the government spent a lot of
money having it rebuilt and since then,
it’s become one of the most happening happening
places of the city, attracting lots of both 新潮时尚的 ( 地
locals and tourists to visit everyday.  方)
x.2 思路讲解 扣题描述:≈ 45 秒

设施 / 功能 The area is not large, but it has almost everything people

need. There are small shops and boutiques selling clothes,
handcrafts and so on and restaurants serving different types
常做的事 of food, so my friends and I often go there to shop and eat.
x.2 思路讲解

Cut to the chase, … I’d like to talk to you about …

x.2 结构讲解

It’s located at/in/besides… It used to be … / There is a huge contrast

between now and then.
x.3 关注语言
扣题描述 - 设施功能 - 一般设施 名词 (n.) 形容词 (adj.) 搭配 (collocations)

The area is not large, but it has

almost everything people need. boutique
There are small shops and 精品店
boutiques selling clothes,
handcrafts and so on and
restaurants serving different types handcraft
of food, so my friends and I often 手工艺品
go there to shop and eat.
x.2 思路讲解 扣题描述:≈ 45 秒

There is also a large square in the center of the area, where

设施 / 功能 interesting events are held. For example, last week a local
band came and gave a wonderful performance, which really
brought the place to life. 
x.3 关注语言
扣题描述 - 设施功能 - 受欢迎的设施 名词 (n.) 形容词 (adj.) 搭配 (collocations)

There is also a large square in the square

center of the area, where interesting 广场 bring sth. to life
events are held. For example, last
week a local band came and gave a
wonderful performance, which really band 力
brought the place to life.  乐队
The area contains a wide variety of xxxx, with xx and xxx being xxx.
Xxx and I would often go xxxx
x.2 思路讲解 扣题描述:≈ 45 秒

设施 / 功能 But my favorite part of this area is the wide viewing deck along the
riverside. In the evening, especially when the buildings are all lit up, you
最喜欢的设施 can go there and get a panoramic view of this whole area, which is
常做的事 stunningly beautiful!
x.3 关注语言
扣题描述 - 设施功能 - 娱乐 名词 (n.) 形容词 (adj.) 搭配 (collocations)

But my favorite part of this area is

the wide viewing deck along the light up
riverside. In the evening, especially 点亮,照亮
viewing deck panoramic
when the buildings are all lit up,
you can go there and get a 观景台 全景的
stunningly beautiful
panoramic view of this whole area, 异常得美,美轮美奂
which is stunningly beautiful!
x.2 思路讲解 原因:≈ 30 秒

Anyway, I love this part of the city because for me it’s the best place to
原因 / 感受 relax and get away from the busy life. Also, it’s a great place to get
together with my friends and have fun as there’s so much to do and we
放松 can never get bored. If I had been offered an additional chance to get
社交 another visit of the place, I would not have hesitated to immediately go
for it.
My favourite part is … One of the most prevalent features would have to be…

It’s extremely fitting for a xxxxx

One of the most prevalent features would have to be…

Simply because / as / Since / due to the fact that

x.2 思路讲解 原因:≈ 30 秒

原因 / 感受 Anyway, I love this part of the city because for me it’s the best place to
relax and get away from the busy life. Also, it’s a great place to get
放松 together with my friends and have fun as there’s so much to do and we
社交 can never get bored.

如果现在回答完后还剩 15 秒应该怎么做?
Anyway, All in all, In conclusion,

Socialising Relaxation
x.2 思路讲解 原因:≈ 30 秒

Anyway, I love this part of the city because for me it’s the best place to
原因 / 感受 relax and get away from the busy life. Also, it’s a great place to get
放松 together with my friends and have fun as there’s so much to do and we
can never get bored. Although sometimes it can be a little crowded, it’s
社交 still my favorite hangout! 
Although it might be crowded at times,

Crowded as the area may be at times, …

x.3 关注语言
原因 / 感受 – 放松,社交 名词 (n.) 形容词 (adj.) 搭配 (collocations)

Anyway, I love this part of the city

because for me it’s the best place to
relax and get away from the busy life. get together
Also, it’s a great place to get together 相聚
with my friends and have fun as there’s
so much to do and we can never get 常去的地方
have fun
bored. Although sometimes it can be a 开心
little crowded, it’s still my favorite
x.2 思路讲解
背景介绍 扣题描述 原因 / 感受
开头 基本信息 设施 / 功能 放松
方位 一般设施 受欢迎的设施 自己喜欢的设施 社交
历史 常做的事 常做的事 常做的事 可以改善的点
/ 吐槽的点
x.3 关注语言
名词( n. ) 形容词( adj. ) 搭配( collocation )
boutique 精品店 dull 无聊的 bring sth to life 让…充满
handcraft 手工艺品 unattractive 没有吸引力的 了生机,活力
Describe a square 广场 shabby-looking 外表破旧 light up 点亮,照亮
part of a city band 乐队 的 stunningly beautiful 异常
that you like. viewing deck 观景台 happening 新潮时尚的 ( 地 得美,美轮美奂
hangout 常去的地方 方) get together 相聚
panoramic 全景的 have fun 开心
x.4 语料补充
名词( n. ) 形容词( adj. ) 搭配( collocations )
mecca 圣地 out-of-the-way 偏僻的 hustle and bustle 城市的喧嚣
draw 吸引人的地 little-known 鲜为人知的 (sb) grow attached to (a palce)
方 attractive 吸引人的 对某地产生依恋
haven 安静的地方 glamorous 有魅力的 born and raised 土生土长的
描述地点的补充 hub ( 活动的 ) 中心 vibrant 有活力的 (know one place) like the back
词汇 surroundings 环境 fascinating 让人着迷的 of one’s hand 对某地特别熟悉
facility 设施 available 可用的 be off the beaten track 偏远的
fountain 喷泉 packed 拥挤的 place of interest 旅游景点
plaza 广场 bustling 热闹的,熙熙攘攘的 scenic spot 风景景点
inland 内陆的 old hunts 以前常去的地方
costal 海滨的 let off steam 释放压力
beachfront 靠海的
x.6 可套用的话题
原题 Describe a part of a city that you like.
•Describe a place where you can relax.
•Describe an interesting part of your country.
•Describe a quiet place in your city.
•Describe an interesting place where few people know.
以套用的话题 •Describe a place which a lot of people go to.
•Describe a place near the water that you enjoy visiting.
经典话题讲解 – 地点建筑题
x.1 审题 1. 本题的描述对象是?
2. 限定部分是?
3. 应该使用的答题时态是?

Describe an public building you enjoy visiting.

You should say:
· what the building is
· what it is used for
· what you often do there
and explain why you enjoy visiting it.
x.1 审题
1. 描述对象

Describe an public building you enjoy visiting. 2. 限定部分

You should say:
· what the building is
· what it is used for
3. 时态
· what you often do there
and explain why you enjoy visiting it.
x.2 思路讲解 请回答下列问题:

Describe an public building you enjoy visiting.

You should say:
· what the building is
· what it is used for
· what you often do there
and explain why you enjoy visiting it.
x.2 思路讲解
what 生活中常见的公共建筑有哪些?

Describe an public
what 公共建筑的功能有哪些?
building you enjoy

why 人们去公共建筑的原因有哪些?
x.2 思路讲解
what 生活中常见的公共建筑有哪些?

shopping mall, leisure center, public library/museum

Describe an public
what 公共建筑的功能有哪些?
building you enjoy
tourist attraction, provide services,

why 人们去公共建筑的原因有哪些?

to have fun, to relax, to socialize, to learn

x.2 思路讲解


原因 / 感
背景介绍 扣题描述

x.2 思路讲解
背景介绍 扣题描述 原因 / 感受
开头 基本信息 设施 / 功能 放松
方位 一般设施 受欢迎的设施 自己喜欢的设施 社交
历史 常做的事 常做的事 常做的事 可以改善的点
/ 吐槽的点
x.2 思路讲解

原因 / 感
背景介绍 扣题描述

开头 基本介绍 外部描述 内部描述 社交

方位 风格 内部环境 放松

设施 / 功
历史 外观 教育

x.2 思路讲解 背景:共≤ 45 秒

Although most public buildings serve to be merely a place to fulfil its

开头 dedicated task and nothing more, the public library of our city is an
exception to this..

It’s located in the heart of the city, which is not far away from where I live
方位 with only 20 minutes walk I guess. It’s a fairly new library which was built
last year. Since it‘s a public library, it’s totally free of charge. So ever
历史 since it was open to the public, it’s become one of the most popular
places for readers.
x.3 关注语言
背景介绍 名词 (n.) 形容词 (adj.) 搭配 (collocations)

I’m going to talk about a public building

I enjoy visiting, which is the public in the heart of
library of our city. 在…的中心
It’s located in the heart of the city,
which is not far away from where I live free of charge
with only 20 minutes walk I guess. It’s a
fairly new library which was built last
year. Since it‘s a public library, it’s
totally free of charge. So ever since it be open to the public
was open to the public, it’s become one 向公共开放
of the most popular places for readers.
It’s located at/in/besides… It used to be … / There is a huge contrast
between now and then.
x.2 思路讲解 扣题描述:≈ 45 秒

It’s actually not a tall building with only 3 floors I guess, but
外部描述 it’s very well designed with modern architecture. The building
features transparent glass, so it looks really beautiful and I
heard it has won several awards for that. Thus, it is definitely
风格 not a dime a dozen building as compared to many other
ones nearby.
x.3 关注语言
扣题描述 外部描述 名词 (n.) 形容词 (adj.) 搭配 (collocations)

It’s actually not a tall building with

only 3 floors I guess, but it’s very architecture
well designed with modern 建筑风格 transparent well designed
architecture. The building features
透明的 有设计感的
transparent glass, so it looks very award
beautiful and I heard it has won 奖项
several awards for that.
The interior looks … The building features …
x.3 关注语言
名词( n. ) 形容词( adj. ) 搭配( collocation )
architecture 建筑风格 transparent 透明的 in the heart of 在…的中心
award 奖项 spacious 宽敞的 free of charge 免费的
neat 整洁的 be open to the public 向公
Describe a public 共开放
building you well designed 有设计感的
enjoy visiting.
a wide range of 一系列的
well arranged 条理有序的
sth of all kind 各种各样的
avid readers 爱好阅读的人
on a regular basis 定期的
to unwind 放松
x.2 思路讲解 扣题描述:≈ 45 秒

The library inside is quite spacious with a neat and quiet

内部描述 environment. It offers an incredibly wide selection of books
and all of them are very well arranged based on writers and
topics. There’re also computers for searching and digital
设施 / 功能 index, making it very convenient for people to find what they
want to read. The staff are also nice and helpful. 
x.3 关注语言
扣题描述 内部描述 名词 (n.) 形容词 (adj.) 搭配 (collocations)

The library inside is quite spacious

with a neat and quiet environment.
It offers an incredibly wide range of spacious a wide range of
books and all of them are very well 宽敞的 一系列的
arranged based on writers and index
topics. There’re also computers for 索引
neat well arranged
searching and digital index, making
it very convenient for people to find 整洁的 条理有序的
what they want to read. The staff
are also nice and helpful. 
One contemporary features within the building is … enabling xxx to xxx
x.2 思路讲解 原因:≈ 30 秒

Anyway, I love visiting this library because I can basically find books of
all kind that I’m interested in. Also, it’s a good place to meet people who
原因 love reading. Actually I’ve made several friends who are also avid
教育 readers and we’ll share what we’ve read on a regular basis. What I like
the most about the library is that there’s a coffee bar on the second floor.
社交 Whenever I feel tired, I’ll go up there for some snacks and to unwind.
放松 While the library does have some flaws within its architectural make-up, I
would often choose to cut it some slack as the benefits that it has given
me are enormous.
x.3 关注语言
名词 搭配
原因 动词 (v.) 形容词 (adj.)
(n.) (collocations)
Anyway, I love visiting this library
because I can basically find books
of all kind that I’m interested in. sth of all kind
Also, it’s a good place to meet 各种各样的
people who love reading. Actually
I’ve made several friends who are unwind avid readers
also avid readers and we’ll share
what we’ve read on a regular basis. 放松 爱好阅读的人
What I like the most about the
library is that there’s a coffee bar on on a regular basis
the second floor. Whenever I feel 定期的
tired, I’ll go up there for some
snacks and to unwind.
Anyway, All in all, In conclusion,

Socialising Relaxation
名词( n. ) 形容词( adj. ) 搭配( collocation )
layout 布局 magnificent 雄伟的 (sth is) steeped in history
blueprint 蓝图 sublime 令人赞叹的 历史悠久的;
ground plan 平面图 captivating 有魅力的,迷人 the build environment 建
fengshui 风水 的 筑环境
high rise 高层建筑 breathtaking 令人惊叹的
描述建筑的词汇 skyscraper 摩天大楼 well-appointed 装修豪华的
补充 rooftop 房顶 self-contained 设施齐全的
cellar 酒窖 snug 温暖舒适的
garage 车库 iconic 标志性的
icon 标志
shelter 避难所
corridor 走廊
courtyard 中庭
vibe 氛围
ambience 氛围,环境
Part 2 - Technique 3 Idiomatic Language
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Cut to the chase

It’s a long story, but cut to the chase — I failed the interview.

I wasted the whole day trying to come up with a better plan. But only failures were met.

The employer didn’t have much idle time for his subordinate, so he asked them to get straight
to the point.

The team didn’t need that much time to finish the work. They knew exactly what to do.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Cut to the chase 开门见山 / 长话短说

It’s a long story, but cut to the chase — I failed the interview.

I wasted the whole day trying to come up with a better plan. But only failures were met.

The employer didn’t have much idle time for his subordinate, so he asked them to get straight
to the point.

The team didn’t need that much time to finish the work. They knew exactly what to do.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

A blessing in disguise

Believe it or not, failing can be a blessing in disguise sometimes.

I regretted making that decision. However, further contemplation made me change my

It was perfectly reasonable for you to forget some of the things you did. It happens to everyone.

I was simply devastated after hearing the news. But, it turned out to have produced positive
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

A blessing in disguise 塞翁失马

Believe it or not, failing can be a blessing in disguise sometimes.

I regretted making that decision. However, further contemplation made me change my

It was perfectly reasonable for you to forget some of the things you did. It happens to everyone.

I was simply devastated after hearing the news. But, it turned out to have produced positive
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Go back to the drawing board

When confronted with failures, she would always go back to the drawing board, and start

The inability to achieve what’s been expected frustrates the family, making them
Time after time, the number of unsuccessful attempts has discouraged the team entirely.

It’s a truly difficult project, and has caused endless failures for the team. But their attitude was
always to recommence.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Go back to the drawing board 重头再来

When confronted with failures, she would always go back to the drawing board, and start

The inability to achieve what’s been expected frustrates the family, making them
Time after time, the number of unsuccessful attempts has discouraged the team entirely.

It’s a truly difficult project, and has caused endless failures for the team. But their attitude was
always to recommence.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Better late than never

I started formal learning very late. But hey! It’s better late than never, right?

It is a problem of Mike’s to always procrastinate. However, he feels powerless to change it.

Always strive for the best! The words of her mom’s always resonates around Jenny’s ears.

He regretted finishing tasks so late. But, he is proud of the fact that at least he has done it.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Better late than never 迟做总比不做好

I started formal learning very late. But hey! It’s better late than never, right?

It is a problem of Mike’s to always procrastinate. However, he feels powerless to change it.

Always strive for the best! The words of her mom’s always resonates around Jenny’s ears.

He regretted finishing tasks so late. But, he is proud of the fact that at least he has done it.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Every cloud has a silver lining

The situation confronted was detrimental. However, I believe that every cloud has a silver

Some artists were just too vulnerable to overcome some of their psychological problems.

I wouldn’t easily become anxious anymore, as I have learned that there is a positive side to
every problem in life.

There are some issues that are simply just too difficult to conquer.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Every cloud has a silver lining
The situation confronted was detrimental. However, I believe that every cloud has a silver

Some artists were just too vulnerable to overcome some of their psychological problems.

I wouldn’t easily become anxious anymore, as I have learned that there is a positive side to
every problem in life.

There are some issues that are simply just too difficult to conquer.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Wrap your head around sth.

As I was trying to wrap my head around the maths problem, she came to help.

Complex problems often surround people’s daily lives. They simply need to think about
effective clues, or solutions.
Well, this is certainly a difficult question. I think the resolution to the problem doesn’t exist.

I don’t usually feel regretful towards something. However, when I do, I would lock myself up.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Wrap your head around sth. 想想办法

As I was trying to wrap my head around the maths problem, she came to help.

Complex problems often surround people’s daily lives. They simply need to think about
effective clues, or solutions.
Well, this is certainly a difficult question. I think the resolution to the problem doesn’t exist.

I don’t usually feel regretful towards something. However, when I do, I would lock myself up.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Actions speak louder than words

I spent the past three years on it, as I believe that actions always speak louder than words.

I didn’t want to put in my endeavour. I think it’s simply a waste of time.

I was often told not to brag about my achievements or future plans by my parents. They believe
things are always better done than said.

The real turning point is when he figured out that his ideas were not realistic at all.
还可以这么说 - Idiomatic Language

Actions speak louder than words 说到不如做到

I spent the past three years on it, as I believe that actions always speak louder than words.

I didn’t want to put in my endeavour. I think it’s simply a waste of time.

I was often told not to brag about my achievements or future plans by my parents. They believe
things are always better done than said.

The real turning point is when he figured out that his ideas were not realistic at all.
x.5 关注 strategy
x.5 关注 strategy

社交 Communication ,
健康 Health ,
金钱 Economy/money ,
教育 Education ,
娱乐 Recreation/entertainment ,
放松 Stress/relaxation

cheers 原则
x.5 关注 strategy
社交 Communication: e.g. It’s a great place for family or friends gathering.
健康 Health: e.g. It’s a wonderful place where I can do exercise to keep fit.
金钱 Economy/money: e.g. Everything available here is affordable and accessible.
教育 Education: e.g. It’s a fairly good place for me to study or acquire knowledge.
娱乐 Recreation/entertainment: e.g. It’s where we can have fun.
放松 Stress/relaxation: e.g. It’s a nice place to relax.

cheers 原则
x.6 可套用的题目
原题 Describe an public building you enjoy visiting.

• Describe a historical building you have visited.

• Describe a restaurant you often go to.
其他可迁移话题 • Describe a tall building in your city.
• Describe a flat you once visited.
• Describe a public facility that improves your area.

题型 Part 2 地点建筑类话题
• 通过方位历史,外部内部以及设施功能等思路
方法 来描述该类话题
• 通过 cheers 原则给出原因
• 描述地点建筑常见词汇和搭配
• 描述地点建筑时的常用句式和句型
Be able to describe people in IELTS speaking part 2
01. 学生能够完成 Part2 人物类部分问题作答。

Be able to extend answer by using ‘Concession‘ strategy

02. 学生能够习得一种思路扩展方式 – “让步”。

Be able to know more language about “people”

03. 学生能够习得更多关于“人物”内容的语言。

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