Testing Your Time Perspective

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1. Metaphor:
Which Image do you prefer?
▶ A Quiet lake ▶ A moving plane

High achiever project motion, direction and value.

2. Description 3. Time Concept
✔ Acute ⮚ Write down the time on your watch
✔ lively
✔ boring ⮚ Check the time by tuning in the television or radio
✔ calm
Time shown on watch/phone:
✔ Exerting Time shown on your television/radio:
✔ Depressing
✔ distinct

You watch is accurate slow or fast?

High achiever set their time ahead to give them

extra time.
4. Time Estimate
Using your stopwatch, estimate the 15 minutes break

Your estimation…

High achiever estimate accurately or overestimate .

Low achiever’s estimate is under-estimate , normally less active, less impatient,

less bothered by loss of time or passively absorbed in their thoughts.
5. Individual vision and mission with the organization.
6. Discuss in your group the reason why:

a. We don’t have time

b. Some other time
c. Not so sure
d. Next time
7. Rank six time wasters, then look closely at your list.
Which of your major time wasters are caused by you?

Which is caused by outside force?

What are your possible solutions to your problems?

Where Time Goes Wasted Time
1. Routine work 1. Lack of focus
2. Regular job duties 2. Failure to delegate
3. Special assignment 3. Failure to communicate
4. Must perceive and 4. If no foresight, no
prepare alternative plan preparation
5. Well planned meeting 5. Failure to prepare or
announce meeting
Conservation of Time Popular Time Wasting Habit
1. Communication 1. Difficulty in getting started
2. Procrastination- postponement or avoidance of
2. Cut down paper works
unpleasant task.
3. Make decision 3. Decision by committee- variety of opinions routine

4. Control interruption matters

4. Not following through- failure to comply to the planned
5. Set specific time
program or schedule.
6. Make written notes
Thank You

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