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An introduction paragraph of an essay is like a funnel introduction .

It begins with one or two general sentences about the topic.

Then, the sentence will become increasingly focused until the last
sentence, where it will state specifically what the essay is about.

Do you use social media, apps, or YouTube? Modern American youth

are flooded with opportunities to access information and entertainment,
often at the touch of a fingertip. Although many of these technological
outlets have a negative connotation of “wasted brain space”, not all
technology and screen time should be considered of little worth, or
purely for mindless entertainment. In fact, because of technology’s
widespread appeal and accessibility, it can be easily used to incorporate
educational purpose into a daily routine. Technology’s ability to
captivate and engage a targeted audience can be harnessed and
redirected from mindless entertainment into powerful tools which are
not limited to amusement alone.

Games, televisions, and apps can be used to appeal to a

child’s intellect while developing technical skills; this creates a
wealth of opportunities to enhance the behavioural and
scholastic development of an adolescent. The use of technology
and screen time can be positive for children as it allows children
to excel academically by experiencing the expanding definitions
of classrooms and literacy as a whole, improves low-performing
developmental skills, and can supplement in-class education for
more academically-advanced students.
This section is to pull readers' interest to the topic so that they will continue reading.
It should be fresh and original. For example, you should avoid dictionary definitions as
the technique is stale and overused.
Offer surprising statistic(s) that convey something about the problem to be addressed in
the paper.
Find an interesting quote that nicely sums up your argument.

Use rhetorical questions that place your readers in a different situation in order to get
them thinking about your topic in a new way.


For example;
If you have a personal connection to the
topic, you might use an anecdote or story to At eighteen, Michelle had a lifetime of
get your readers emotionally involved. promise in front of her. Attending college
on a track scholarship, she was earning
good grades and making lots of friends.
Then one night her life was forever
• This is where you give some relevant background on the specific
purpose of the essay.
• This section helps readers see why you are focusing on this topic
and makes the transition to the main point of the paper.
• In the example given before, the anecdote about Michelle might
capture readers’ attention, but the essay is really not about Michelle. 
• The attention grabber given is to make readers’ think about how
drunk driving can destroy people’s lives, but it does not introduce
the topic of the need for stricter drunk driving penalties.
Therefore, you need to bridge
the gap between your attention
grabber and your thesis with This is where you begin to narrow
some transitional discussion. your focus of the topic and explain
why the attention grabber is
relevant to the specific area you will
be discussing. You should introduce
your specific topic and provide
necessary background information
that readers would need in order to
understand the problem that you are
presenting in the paper. You can
also define any key terms that are
not familiar to readers.
• Example of transitional section:
Michelle’s story is not isolated. Each year 10 000 lives are lost due to drunk-
driving accidents.
• You could follow this with a short discussion of how serious the problem is and why
readers should care about the problem.
• This effectively moves readers from the story about Michelle to your real topic, which
might be the need for stricter penalties for drinking and driving.

• Finally, the introduction must conclude with a clear statement

of the overall point that you would like to make in your paper.
• This is called the “thesis statement”.
• It is the narrowest part of the funnel introduction, and states
exactly what your essay will be all about.
• Example:
Drunk drivers should face stricter penalties for driving under the
influence because it can result in unnecessary premature deaths,
permanent injury for survivors, and spending thousands of dollars on
medical expenses.

• Your thesis should clearly state the main point that your essay is trying to
make, and in this case, it would be to have stricter penalties for drunk

• Although the introduction is usually in just one paragraph for short

essays, longer argument or research papers may require a more
substantial introduction.
• This would usually involve more than one paragraph.
• The first paragraph might consist of just the attention grabber and some
narrative about the problem.
• Next,  you might have one or more paragraphs that provide background
on the main topics of the paper.
• Then, the final paragraph would state the overall argument, concluding
with your thesis statement.

Everyone uses math during their entire lives. Some people use math
on the job as adults, and others use math when they were kids. The
topic I have chosen to write about for this paper is how I use math in
my life both as a child and as an adult. I use math to balance my
checkbook and to budget my monthly expenses as an adult. When I
was a child, I used math to run a lemonade stand. I will be talking more
about these things in my paper.

• The opening line does not grab readers’ attention. The statement is
obvious and mundane.
• The second sentence is not very specific. An effective attention grabber
would point out a specific, or perhaps surprising, instance when adults
use math in their daily lives.
• The statement “ The topic I have chosen..” is too generic and not as

• With a partner or in groups, try and improve the ineffective

introduction to an effective introduction using the tips
given. Discuss your answers with your class instructor.

Good Luck!

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