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• Water keeps going around and around.

• In the water cycle, water moves from the land and sea to the air and
back again.
• Water cycle happens mainly because of evaporation and condensation.
1. Water evaporates from the plants, lakes, rivers, soil, ocean etc. To the air and
stay in the gaseous state (water vapour).
2. This happens dur to the heat gained by the sun.
3. So formed water vapour condensed to form clouds. Clouds are made up of
tiny water droplets.
4. Then, these condensed water fall onto the land as rain or snow. We call this
process as precipitation.
5. So fallen rain and snow flows back to the rivers and ocean.
6. This evaporation and condensation happens as a cycle to maintain the water
cycle in the earth.
Fill in the blanks.

Water vapour Condenses evaporates

• Water on the Earth’s surface …… EVAPORATES …………………..and moves

up into the air as water ………… VAPOUR ………………
• The water vapour cools and …………… CONDENSES ……………… it
rises into the air.
• Rain and snow bring …… WATER …………….back to the Earth’s surface.

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