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as yet been exposed to the amazing and wonderful teachings presented in the ancient VEDAS.

Africa is the second largest continent in the world and has 53 countries, 2,000 languages, and a population of over 900 Yet majority of this continent have not million.

Until now!!!!!

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust or BBT is now in Africa to facilitate this His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta, Swami, Srila Prabhupada (the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) mentioned that we should focus more on the indigenous people. It is an African

International trustees resolved to focus on translations into African languages, as well as to promote greater distribution of French and English books, headed by His Holiness Srila Jayadvaita Swami Maharaja a leading disciple of Srila Prabhupada and a team of dedicated professionals. The mission of the African BBT is to get all of Srila Prabhupadas books translated into the major African languages and more importantly, to facilitate the distribution of these translations.

Enthusiastic devotees gather for history in the making at the opening of the BBT Africa House opening in Lombardy East, Johannesburg, South Africa. This shall serve as the heart of African translation and printing of Vedic Books

I am delighted that Africa now has its own division of the BBT, and still more delighted about the rapid progress it has made in getting started, under the able direction of Sriman Govardhana Prabhu. (Dr Manny Singh) Srila Prabhupada wanted the message of Krishna spread vigorously in Africa, and especially to the Africans. And helping serve that desire is the purpose of the African BBT. We need to develop a vision in which distributing books helps people all over Africa become Krishna conscious, become happy in this life, and at the end of life go back home, back to Godhead. Let us all play a part in this pioneering effort. Hare Krishna!

2000 Languages, 900 million people and 53 countries is a staggering statistic. At BBT Africa we have identified that we have a major role to play in bringing this crest jewel, The Vedas to the second largest continent in the world. The founder of ISKCON or the Hare Krishna Society, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada has toiled day and night to translate Vedic literature into the English language. He instructed It is an African country, we should be preaching to them.


t f ooks lr tr sl t i to ili, Z l , X osa, frikaans, r nch, to name a few.

Volumes of Vedic books are currently being translated into various African languages by the BBT Africa. To ensure that the message is presented, As It Is, without deviation, we have acquired the services of A Sanskrit scholar A trained translator A trained editor In house Graphic Designer This to highlight how serious we are taking this long awaited and most important project. We require your assistance in many ways and importantly financially to ensure that the translation of Vedic Scriptures into the major African languages goes on without cessation.

Children on stage dancing and gently waving the newly translated and printed ulu book s at the Durban Ratha Yatra was a powerful sign that publishing more books will start to flood Africa with Krishna consciousness or God Consciousness, in

Sign a monthly debit order as your contribution towards history in the making thus receiving boundless blessings and mercy of the Lord. This also assists in sponsoring books to a fortunate individual. Kindly find Subs form attached and we thank you in advance for your kind assistance.

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