4 Training and Development

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Human Resource Management

Training and Developing Employees

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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
8.1 Summarize the purpose and process of employee orientation.
8.2 List and briefly explain each of the steps in the training process.
8.3 Explain how to use training techniques.
8.4 List and briefly discuss management development methods.
8.5 List and briefly discuss the importance of the steps in leading
organizational change.
Orienting and Onboarding New
• Employee orientation
– or onboarding
– a procedure for providing new employees with basic
background information about the firm
• Every manager should know how to orient and train
The Purposes of Employee
• Welcome
• Basic information
• Understanding the organization
• Socialization
Overview of the Training Process
• Training means giving new or current employees the skills that
they need to perform their jobs
• Fosters engagement
The ADDIE Five-Step Training Process
• 1. Analyze
• 2. Design
• 3. Develop
• 4. Implement
• 5. Evaluate
1. Conducting the Training Needs Analysis
• Strategic training needs analysis
• Current employees’ needs analysis
– Task Analysis
– Performance Analysis
Is the Problem Can’t Do or Won’t Do?
• Uncovering why performance is down is the heart of
performance analysis.
• Distinguish between can’t-do and won’t-do problems
Person Analysis
2. Designing the Training Program
• Design means planning the overall training program
• Setting learning objectives
• Creating a motivational learning environment by:
– Make the learning meaningful
– Make skills transfer obvious and easy
• Reinforce the learning
• Ensure transfer of learning on the job
3. Developing the Program
• Assemble training content and materials
• Training Methods
– iPads
– Workbooks
– Lectures
– PowerPoint slides
– Web- and computer-based activities course activities
– Trainer resources and manuals
– Support materials
4. Implementing the Training Program
• Types of training Programs
– Off the job training
▪ Case study method
▪ Computerized management games
▪ Outside seminars
▪ Role-playing
– On the job training
▪ Coaching or Understudy
▪ Job rotation
▪ Special assignments
▪ Peer training
Steps of OTJ Training
Step 1: Prepare the learner

Step 2: Present the operation

Step 3: Do a try-out

Step 4: Follow-up
Ways of Managerial OTJ Training
• Coaching / Understudy approach
– trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the
person he or she is to replace
• Action learning
– give managers released time to work analyzing and
solving problems in departments other than their own
• Stretch assignments
– Push beyond comfort zone

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Other Types of Training
• Audiovisual-based
• Vestibule Training
• Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS)
• Computer-Based Training (CBT)
• Online/Internet-Based training
• The virtual classroom

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5. Evaluating the Training Effort
Cost benefit analysis
• Training Effects to
– Cognitive
– Skill based
– Affective
– Results

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Outcomes of Training Evaluation

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