Defending A Stand

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Defending a Stand

Maricar L. Relator
Subject Teacher
Objectives you are expected to:
• 1. identify effective ways to defend a
stand in writing a position paper;
• 2. list arguments in an organized
manner to defend a stand;
• 3. analyze arguments presented by
other writers;
Objectives you are expected to:
• 4. present factual evidences or proofs
to support each argument; and
• 5. defend a stand on an issue by
presenting reasonable arguments
• through properly citing factual
Guidelines in Defending a
Stand Effectively
• exchange of information and persuade listeners that you are an
• speaker. The same is true with writing. The need to present
your ideas in a
• manner that is convincing requires enough knowledge and
effort of reading
• and researching just so you could present a sensible paper
Guidelines in Defending a
Stand Effectively
• More often than not, daily
conversation includes the challenge of
• presenting personal opinion and
supporting your claim to establish a
Activity 2 Identifying an Issue
Directions: Read the short introductory
paragraph of a position paper to
complete the diagram which follows after the
• Do Anti- Smoking Ads campaigns really help?
• We all have seen those scary ads that warn people
about the
• horrible consequences smoking can bring. However,
• to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, more
Activity 2 Identifying an Issue
Directions: Read the short introductory
paragraph of a position paper to
complete the diagram which follows after the
• fifteen of every one hundred people in the
United States aged 18
• and older smoke today.
• They, too, see those ads. But they simply do
not stop them from
• this dreadful habit. Or do they?
Identifying an Issue
• What is
• What the
is the possible What is
Issue position your
of the position
• Many may agree that writing is not everybody’s cup of tea but with the activity

• you have just completed, you may reconsider your position on this and start to

• appreciate how easy it was for you to interact with the text and present your

• analysis through writing. You may think that for someone to produce a

• Group 1
comprehensive written report, a degree in written courses should be earnedAdd
your first bullet point here

• Add your second bullet point here

• Add your third bullet point here Group 3

Group 5
Analyzing an Issue and Defending an
• Make sure that the issue is
of genuine controversy and
• Lastly, see to it
uncertainty. Then that the scope of
• start conceptualizing at the issue is
least two distinct positions.
Decide which side are you narrow
• personally interested in.
• enough to be
Analyzing an Issue and Defending an Argument

• Once you have finally • This time you

established your
stance on an issue, • need to tap on
the challenge your innate
• of presenting a ability to reason
strong argument is out and defend
just beginning to
your side.
heat up.
Analyzing an Issue and Defending an
• You can do this with the help of
comprehensible researches and factual
evidences that would strengthen your claim.
Ensure that your position is well supported.
• Listing the pro and con sides of the topic will
help you examine your ability to support your
counterclaims along with the list of supporting
evidences for both sides.
verifiable and
agreed upon
by almost
Factual Knowledge
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