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Policy and Guidelines on

Presented by:
Kim Joey J. Zamora
 Task of Prefect of Discipline
 Categoryof School Offenses, and the
equivalent disciplinary processes and
 Haircut inspection
 Hair color
 Flag Ceremony Policies
Prefect of Discipline (POD)
 We are tasked to maintain an atmosphere of friendly
cooperation, peace, discipline and unity among the
 We act a liaison to the Principal in investigating
incidents of violations of disciplinary rules occurring in
the school or on school property.
 We collaborate with partners to ensure that the
circumstances that cause students to behave in a
challenging way are addressed.
 Weassist the School stakeholders in formulating
programs that promote good behavior.
POD Structure



Prefect of Discipline (POD)
 Council of School POD  Grade Level POD
 RAMIL GAMIL(Head)  Grade 7
 Grade 11
 Grade 12
Categories of Offenses
 CategoryA(Minor Offenses) – Standard
Classroom Policies
 Category B(Major Offenses with one
 Category
C(Major Offenses directly do
community services)
 Category D(Major Offenses force to
Category A - Offenses cont..
 The students should refrain from doing of
the following offenses:
 Continuous talking in the class
 Failure
to fulfill a certain academic
requirement, homework, etc.
 Unexcused tardiness
 Unexcused absences
 For being NOT in Uniform
 Sleeping or eating in the classroom during class
Category A Offenses
 Being late from classes after recess
 Talking during Flag Ceremony
 Failure to report for cleaning duties
 Leaving the classroom WITHOUT permission
 Loitering in the school campus during class
 Using
cellular phones, headphones or similar
Category A – Disciplinary Measures
 1stto 6th Offense – The teacher reprimands the student
and ask him/her to fill-up the warning form. The
teacher will submit the warning form to the adviser for
safe keeping and tabulation.
 During the 2nd offense, the adviser requires the student
to fill-up a promissory note.
 During the 3rd offense, the adviser requires the student
to do a class community service such as:
 Sweeps the floor
 Throws the garbage
 Wipes the glass slide of the windows
 Segregates the classroom garbage
Category A – Disciplinary Measures
 During the 4th Offense, the adviser CALL the
parent/guardian attention and refers to year
level POD. The student will fill-up the
PROMISSORY NOTE signed by the parents.
 Duringthe 5th Offense, the teacher REFERs the
case to the school POD and the CALL the
parent/guardian attention. The one-day
COMMUNITY SERVICES agreement will be
SIGNED by the person’s concern. Then the
student/s will DO some of the following tasks:
Category A – Disciplinary Measures
 Gardening
Tanum og bulak
Tanum og gulay
 Landscaping
 Ground sweeping
Category A – Disciplinary Measures
 Environmental/Eco-system protection and
Maghimo og Compost pit
Garbage segregation
 Note:The students do the community services in
the morning and make a life-long learning
reflection in the afternoon at the guidance office
with the intervention of the guidance counsellor.
Category A – Disciplinary Measures
 Duringthe 6th Offense, the adviser calls the
parent/guardian attention. The Advice to
Transfer agreement will be signed by the
person’s concern. The student will transfer
to other school immediately if the case
happens before December, otherwise,
he/she renders school based community
services and transfer on the other school on
the succeeding school year.
Category B Offenses
 Leavingthe classroom without permission, cutting classes,
leaping off the school fences/premises.
 Smoking and gambling inside the school campus
 Disrespectful in Speech and in Action towards the Teacher
 Vandalism,such as defacing or tampering notices of the
school property/ies.
 Drinkingalcoholic beverages in the campus or coming to
school drunk.
 Stealing
– any student found or caught stealing in or out of
the school.
 Cheating– any student who is found, giving or scanning
his/her notebook or any prepared material related to the
exam or quiz
Category B - Offenses cont..
 Fighting – any student involved directly or
indirectly in a fight inside or outside the school
 Extortion or asking money from others.
 Immorality – possessing and circulating immoral
literature in the school
 Committing acts that lead to public scandal
 Acts of lasciviousness or showing sexual desire.
 Instigating, leading, or participating in concerted
activities leading to stoppage of classes.
Category B – Disciplinary Measures
 1stOffense – The adviser REPRIMANDs the
student/s, CALL the parent/guardian, and
refers to the year level POD. The student
will fill-up a PROMISSORY NOTE. This
promissory note indicates that in the event
of doing another offense falls in Category
B, the student will be suspended with
community services or be transferred on
the other school.
Category B – Disciplinary Measures cont..
 2nd Offense – The adviser REFERs the case to the school
POD and the CALL the parent/ guardian attention. The
parent/guardian will decide either, their student will
be suspended within three (3) days with COMMUNITY
SERVICE or transfer to the other school. If the parent
will choose the first, then he/she will sign a
community service agreement. It is included in the
agreement that in the event of doing another offence
falls in Category B, the student will be transferred on
the other school. The following task could be done by
the student/s during suspension time:
Category B – Disciplinary Measures cont..
 Gardening
 Lampisa
 Tanum og bulak
 Tanum og gulay
 Landscaping
 Ground sweeping
Category B – Disciplinary Measures cont..
 Environmental/Eco-system protection and
 Magkanal
 Maghimo og Compost pit
 Garbage segregation
 Note:The students do the community services in
the morning and make a life-long learning
reflection in the afternoon at the guidance office
with the intervention of the guidance counsellor.
Category B – Disciplinary Measures cont..
 Ifthe parent chooses the later, then he/she will sign a
transfer agreement. His/her student will be transferred
immediately if the case happens before December,
otherwise, his/her student will transfer on succeeding
school year.
 3rdOffense – The teacher calls the parent/guardian
attention. As indicated in community agreement form, the
student will be transferred on the other school forcefully.
The student will transfer to other school immediately if
the case happens before December, otherwise, he/she will
transfer on the other school on the succeeding school year.
Category C Offenses
 Instigating/
engaging in activity/ies that resulting
damage to school or school facility/ies or
 Forgingor tampering school records or transfer
forms or securing or using such forged transfer
credential. Including forging or tampering
signature/s of teacher/s or any school
 Hazingin any form or manner whether inside or
outside the school premises.
Category C
 1st
Category D Offenses
 Bringing/carrying
the school campus.
 Possession of ILLEGAL DRUGS or peddling
illegal drugs inside or outside the school
 PHYSICAL ASSAULT to a teacher or any
school authority or his agents or students
Category D – Disciplinary Measures

 1stOffense – The student will be referred to

the Juvenile Police Officer for police record
and action.
 Thestudent will transferred on the other
Haircut Inspection
 It should be done every 2nd week of the month.
 The adviser is allowed and ordered to cut the
hair of the student “pahak” during the monthly
haircut inspection in respective classroom.
 The CPOD is allowed and ordered to cut the
hair of the students “pahak” within the school
premises and during the monthly haircut
Haircut Inspection

2 inches

2 fingers
3 fingers
Haircut Color
 Thehair color of the students should be
naturally black or blond and NO hair color
 Exception: The hair dressing students and his
or her models are excepted due to the
necessity of the hair dressing field of study.
The hair dressing models should submit a
letter of request to the office of the Prefect
of Discipline for approval.
Haircut Color cont..

 Incase of violation, the following action should

be taken:
 1stOffense – The teacher/POD REPRIMANDs the
student/s and the student/s fill-up the
 2ndOffense – The adviser or the POD are ordered
and allowed to cut the hair of the students after
the given time to change the hair color.
Flag Ceremony Policies

 Attendance should be checked by the

 Late comers’ will do the flag ceremony
Flag Ceremony Policies cont..

 Latecomers’ disciplinary measures on the

following accumulated tardiness:
 3rdto 4th late  1 day classroom based community
 5th
to 6th late  2 days classroom based
community services
 7th
late and more  1 day school based
community services

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