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Effectiveness of Social Media
Marketing: A Study on
Khulna City
Supervised By Prepared By:

Md.Mehedi Hasan MD .Mirajul Islam

Senior Lecturer Department of Business
Department of Business Administration
Administration North Western University,
North Western University, Khulna

Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses of

all sizes to reach prospects and customers. Your customers
are already interacting with brands through social media,
and if you're not speaking directly to your audience
through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
and Pinterest, you're missing out! Great marketing on
social media can bring remarkable success to your
business, creating devoted brand advocates and even
driving leads and sales.

1. To examine the extent, social media that helps

consumers in buying decision making.
2. To study the gap between consumer
expectation from Social media and its
3. To suggest strategies to bridge the gap between
expectation and performance to improve its
Types of Research
In order to complete my thesis paper on “Effectiveness of Social Media
Marketing: A Study on Khulna City”, I have conducted descriptive type of
Sources of Data:
The study is based on descriptive research design. A questionnaire has
been designed, to know the point of view of respondent regarding the
extent of social media that helps consumers in buying decision making.
Both primary data and secondary data will be used in this thesis. The parts
are virtually separate from one another.
Primary Data
Primary data is being gathered through questionnaires.
Secondary Data
 Different web site.

 Various journals.

 Various Internship & thesis reports.

Sample size
The sample size is 100.
Sampling Technique
To confirm every respondent at the sample size has the equivalent
chance to be selected as a sample, so here use random sampling
method as a sampling technique.
Tools and Techniques of Data Analysis
After collecting the data, it was analyzed by Microsoft Word &Excel
and Google form & Google Spread sheet then the findings was made.
Based on the findings, the present situation was explained and
recommendation was made.
Data Collection Instruments
A structured questionnaire of closed ended was used for primary data
collection. To evaluate the respondents’ opinion & attitudes, Likert
scale ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’ was used.
5.1.4 Follow social media channel
60 57
50 52
40 34
10 11
7 3
Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram Pinterest Blog Others

From the above figure it is seen that 84 out of 100 respondents are answered
that Facebook is main social media channel that they follow. 57 out of 100
respondents are answered that YouTube is main social media channel that
they follow. 52 out of 100 respondents are answered that Instagram is main
social media channel that they follow. 34 out of 100 respondents are
answered that Twitter is main social media channel that they follow.
5.1.5 Time spent on social networking sites per day

Less than one hour 38%
one to two hours 46%

Two to three hours 10%

More than three hours 6%


From the above figure, It is found that 46 (46%) out of 100 (100%)
respondents answered that they spend one to two hours on social
networking sites per day. 38 (38%) out of 100 (100%) respondents
answered that they spend less than one hour on social networking sites
per day. 10 (10%) out of 100 (100%) respondents answered that they
spend two to three hours on social networking sites per day.
5.1.6 Main reason of using social networking sites

13% 23%
Exchanging views about product and service
18% 23%
Connecting with friends 62%
Playing contests/game 18%
Other activites 13%


From the above figure, It is seen that 62 (62%) out of 100 (100%)
respondents answered that the main reason of using social networking
sites is for connecting with friends. 23 (23%) respondents answered that
their main reason of using social networking sites is for exchanging views
about product and service. 18 (18%) respondents answered that their main
reason of using social networking sites is playing contests/game.
5.1.7 Considering social media in buying decision


36% Always 36%

Most often 42%

Rarely 21%

Never 1%

From the above figure, It is seen that most 42 (42%) out 100 (100%) of the
respondents are using social media networks are considering social media
before starting of buying decision making process. 36 (36%) out 100 (100%)
of the respondents are always considering social media networks at the time
of getting into purchase decision. 21 (21%) out 100 (100%) of the
respondents are rarely considering social media networks at the time of
getting into purchase decision.
5.1.8 Social media marketing is better than traditional marketing

Strogly agree 26%

Agree 36%

Neutral 7%

Disagree 19%
Strongly disagree 12%

From the above figure it is seen that 26 (26%) out of 100 (100%)
respondents are strongly agree that social media marketing is better than
traditional marketing. 36 (36%) respondents are agree about this
statement. 7 (7%) respondents are in neutral position about this statement.
12 (12%) respondents are strongly disagree about this statement. And 19
(19%) respondent are disagreeing with this statement.
5.1.9 Social media marketing is costlier than traditional marketing

Disagree 43%
10% 43%
Strongly disagree 27%
Neutral 10%
Agree 13%
27% Strongly agree 7%

From the above figure it is seen that 43 (43%) out of 100 (100%) respondents
are disagree that social media marketing is costlier than traditional
marketing. 27 (27%) respondents are strongly disagree about this statement.
10 (10%) respondents are in neutral position about this statement. And 13
(13%) respondent are agreeing with this statement. But it is found that only 7
(7%) respondent are in strongly agree position with this statement.
5.1.10 Where do you prefer to get the information
70 74
50 52
40 43 40
10 9
Social media Advertisement Web sites Stores Email Others

From the above figure it is seen that, 74 out of 100 respondents are
prefer to get information through social media. 52 out of 100
respondents are prefer to get information through advertisement. 43
out of 100 respondents are prefer to get information through web sites.
40 out of 100 respondents are prefer to get information through social
5.1.11 Social networking sites is safe

39% 54%
Yes 54%

Neutral 7%
No 39%

From the above figure it is seen that, 54 (54%) out of 100 (100%)
respondents are think that social media is safe. 39 (39%) out of 100
(100%) respondents are think that social media is not safe. And the
rest respondents are neutral position in this statement
5.1.12 Problems facing in the social networking sites

60 63

30 34


Security problem Network problem Service facility Time consuming

From the above figure it is seen that, 63 out of 100 respondents are
think that they face network problem in social networking sites. 47 out
of 100 respondents are thinking that they face security problem in
social networking sites. 34 out of 100 respondents are thinking that
they face service facility problem in social networking sites.
5.1.13 Purchase made from the online store

Yes 37%

No 63%

From the above figure it is seen that, 63 (63%) out of 100 (100%)
respondents are not purchase made from the online store. And 37
(37%) out of 100 (100%) respondents are purchase made from the
online store.
5.1.14 Social media marketing is an effective

Strongly agree 27%
Agree 34%
Neutral 7%
34% Disagree 19%
Strongly disagree 13%

From the above figure it is seen that, 27 (27%) out of 100 (100%)
respondents are strongly agree that social media marketing is really
effective. 34 (34%) respondents are agree about this statement. 7 (7%)
respondents are in neutral position about this statement. 19 (19%)
respondents are disagree about this statement. And only 13 (13%)
respondent are strongly disagree with this statement.
5.1.15 Have you any suggestions
70 73
40 41
Service improvement Security enhance Network development Others

Among various sorts of question suggestions is one. To identify what

types of suggestions, amendment, rectification and attachment to
present service or deduction from present service customer expect.
This question was asked to customer. Among 100 respondents 73
respondents are suggests for service improvement, 68 respondents are
suggests for network development, 41 respondents are suggests for
security enhance and 9 respondents are suggests for others.
 63 out of 100 respondents are thinking that they face network
problem in social networking sites. 47 out of 100 respondents are
thinking that they face security problem in social networking sites.
34 out of 100 respondents are thinking that they face service
facility problem in social networking sites. And the rest
respondents are thinking that they face time consuming problem in
social networking sites.
 27 (27%) out of 100 (100%) respondents are strongly agree that
social media marketing is really effective. 34 (34%) respondents
are agree about this statement. 7 (7%) respondents are in neutral
position about this statement. 19 (19%) respondents are disagree
about this statement. And only 13 (13%) respondent are strongly
disagree with this statement.
 Among 100 respondents 73 respondents are suggests for service
improvement, 68 respondents are suggests for network
development, 41 respondents are suggests for security enhance and
9 respondents are suggests for others.
 54 (54%) out of 100 (100%) respondents are think that social media is
safe. 39 (39%) out of 100 (100%) respondents are think that social
media is not safe. And the rest respondents are neutral position in this
 46 (46%) out of 100 (100%) respondents answered that they spend one
to two hours on social networking sites per day. 38 (38%) out of 100
(100%) respondents answered that they spend less than one hour on
social networking sites per day. 10 (10%) out of 100 (100%)
respondents answered that they spend two to three hours on social
networking sites per day. And the rest respondents are answered that
they spend more than three hours on social networking sites per day.
 62 (62%) out of 100 (100%) respondents answered that the main reason
of using social networking sites is for connecting with friends. 23 (23%)
respondents answered that their main reason of using social networking
sites is for exchanging views about product and service. 18 (18%)
respondents answered that their main reason of using social networking
sites is playing contests/game. And the rest respondents are answered
that their main reasons of using social networking sites is for others
 42 (42%) out 100 (100%) of the respondents are using social media
networks are considering social media before starting of buying
decision making process. 36 (36%) out 100 (100%) of the
respondents are always considering social media networks at the
time of getting into purchase decision. 21 (21%%) out 100 (100%)
of the respondents are rarely considering social media networks at
the time of getting into purchase decision. And the rest respondents
are never considering social media networks at the time of getting
into purchase decision.
 26 (26%) out of 100 (100%) respondents are strongly agree that
social media marketing is better than traditional marketing. 36
(36%) respondents are agree about this statement. 7 (7%)
respondents are in neutral position about this statement. 12 (12%)
respondents are strongly disagree about this statement. And 19
(19%) respondent are disagree with this statement.
 Modify your website to complement your Social Media Strategy.
 Identify the Actions you want your Customers and Prospects to
 Implement your Conversations

 Provide the Content your Visitors Want.

 Maintain a consistent Communication Style

 Send Advertisements.

 Use your Web Properties to drive people to take the actions you are
 Develop the proper context of your message

 Create an appropriate draw.

 Create the proper content that engages

 Provide a sample offering


The aim of the study was to find out how the customers in experience
marketing and social media activities and whether the social media
accounts are able to serve customers as planned. The thesis also
focused on discovering whether social media is an effective in social
media marketing. As a conclusion, this research is about the factors
influencing the effectiveness of social media marketing among
online performance in Khulna City. It can be concluded all the
independent variables gives the moderate relationship. However,
customer brand attitudes show that the highest value of correlation
which is better than other factors. So this variable are the most
significant contributed to the online performance.

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