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The Impact of Discrimination to the Wellbeing Practices and

Self-Esteem of LGBTQ+ Community on Selected 4th year

College Students of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao

Cherry P. Francisco
Jay-Cris A. Pascaran
Meshel P. Suello

Albert Ray Maggay


This study aims to precise the causes of discrimination that lgbtq+ community face nowaday and
its effects on self-esteem and well being practices. In particular, lgbtq+ college students who have
experienced discrimination must have this research now to develop an prevention strategies. The
purpose of this study is to develop solutions to address discrimination against fourth-year lgbtq+
college students at St. Vincent College of Cabuyao.

• William Institute Reading Room, introducing by Michelle Forcier and Ilana Sherer (2021),
experiencing more bullying than their non-LGBTQ peers. Bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and questioning youths stems from stigma, which is the social devaluation and
discrediting that occurs when several processes co-occur and are reinforced by power, including
labeling, stereotyping, separation, status loss, and discrimination. It can help pediatric primary care
providers can do much to combat stigma and discrimination for their LGBTQ+ patients.
Additionally, the use of gender neutral, third person singular pronouns in publications can help to
dissipate gendered assumptions. The incorporation of LGBTQ+ friendly children's books into
waiting room collections and avoidance of gender-segregated toy areas can also support
developing brains and encourage children's self-expressions. As physicians empowered with
LGBTQ+ health competency, we can break down the cycles of ignorance, shame, and toxic stress
that harm children who identify as LGBTQ+ and improve their chances of leading happy, healthy
adult lives.
Statement of the Problem

The study was conducted to determine the impact of discrimination to the wellbeing practices and self-
esteem of LGBTQ+ community, Specifically, the study aimed to provide answers to the following questions.
1. What is the personal profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Course

2. What is the level of discrimination in terms of:

2.1 Psychological Health
2.2 Depression
3. What is the level of wellbeing practices in terms of:
3.1 Physical abuse
3.2 Harassment

4. What is level of self- esteem in terms of:

4.1 Gender identity/ sexual orientation
4.2 Mental Issues

5. Is there a significant relationship between the discrimination to the wellbeing practices and self-
esteem of lgbtq+?
( 1) Well-being practices
• Harassment
The impact of • Physical abuse
( 2) Self-esteem
• Mental issues
e • Sexual orientation/
gender identity

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Figure 1. Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework of the study shows the significant relationship between the independent variable and
the effects of discrimination to the well-being practices and Self- esteem. Accordingly, the dependent variable in
this study is the respondents' level of wellbeing practices and self-esteem in terms of their sexual orientation,
gender identity, physical abuse, mental health problems, and harassment.
Significance of the Study

The significance point of this study is to explore the impact of discrimination to the wellbeing practices and
self-esteem of the LGBTQ+ community. The researchers aim to help out the following:

For the Learners - Discrimination's negative health effects are widely documented, and studies show that
being discriminated against is linked to poor physical and mental health outcomes in both schoolchildren and
adults. This research may help the students assess and improve how they interact with others
For the Teachers - Raising awareness among students about the role of the whole group has an impact on
maintaining discrimination, and enhancing anti- discrimination norms and responses within classrooms is
crucial. It is also highly important that teachers clearly communicate their anti-discrimination attitudes to
For the Parents - Involving parents seems to strengthen the effects, as does the use of disciplinary practices
that discriminate. Parents are the role models of their children and can influence them in some aspects. This
study may help parents to support and teach their children to build good characteristics and social skills.
For the School - Encourage students to speak up if they notice someone else being discriminated against.
Instruct students to report any discrimination by school officials or to intervene and stop the discrimination if
they are able and feel safe doing so. If it is feasible to require schools to report and investigate discrimination
incidents, these statutes are effective anti-discrimination instruments. Discrimination is not only unacceptable,
but it is also illegal ends.
For the Community - With the help of authorities and by implementing anti- discrimination programs, victims
of discrimination will be lessened. Given the fact that discrimination is inevitable, somehow there is a way to
protect an individual and to inform the discriminates that they will not gain anything by hurting a person.
Scope and Limitation

This study mainly focused on the impact of discrimination to the well-being practices and self
esteem of LGBTQ+ community to the selected 4th year students.

This study is only limited of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao in Laguna, as our respondent. The
researchers will conduct a survey questions, concern the respondent of our study. It will include any
personal information of our respondent.

This study directly involves discrimination and how they get. It aims to gain deeper knowledge
about who experienced discrimination and how it happened to them. The researcher surveyed 100
selected lgbtq students from 1000 estimated fourth-year college at St. Vincent College of Cabuyao.
Target Locale/ Population and sampling
The researchers population consisted of the selected 100 LGBTQ fourth-year students from St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
who were chosen. Since the researcher use the selected 100 of the estimated 1000 population, the researchers preferred to use
purposive sampling which refers to a group of non-probability sampling techniques in which units are selected because they have
characteristics that you need in your sample. In other words, units are selected “on purposive sampling

• Construction- this is a 30-item survey questionnaire using a frequency scale. This will developed to measure and explore the
discriminaton that experience lgbtq students nowadays. The researcher also used own made survey questionnaire using a
frequency scale ranging from 1-5, always, often, sometimes, rarely, and never. It explores the experiences of lgbtq students
facing discrimination.

• Validation- the researchers sent it to the thesis advisor and other panel members for further refinement and finalization to
ensure the accuracy of the questionnaire.
Review of Related Literature
• Cited by Egemen Hanimoglu (2019), Journal of Education and Training Studies 7 (1): 23–29 The range of issues
that LGBT adolescents face at school is enormous, and these issues include drug usage, depression, and suicidal
thoughts. Students, instructors, and the school administration regularly fail to protect LGBT adolescents from this
bullying and prejudice in schools. Student dropout rates among LGBT youth are high. As a result, our society
socially disadvantages the LGBT people. This study identified existing laws to protect LGBT rights in light of the
history mentioned above. On the basis of an analysis of the 10 NASP (The National Association of School
Psychologists) areas, the study also looked at the role of school psychologists in easing difficulties LGBT students
have in the classroom and provided crucial recommendations to ease such difficulties.
• Cited by Waleed Sweileh (2022), Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people face discrimination,
verbal harassment, rejection, and physical violence, all of which have a negative impact on their mental health
and well-being. Adolescence is a critical period in the development of mental health and well-being. The goal
of this study is to examine research publications on the mental health and well-being of LGBT adolescents.

• Gaelle (2021), LGBTQ+ children in the Philippines frequently experience discrimination and during their
time in school, they were subject to discrimination, and to make matters worse, they were sexually abused.
Researcher claims that the majority of prejudice against LGBTQ+ youngsters comes from the institutions they
attend. One illustration is Carlos, a 19-year-old student from Olongapo City who claimed to have been
harassed. However, physical abuse such as pushing and punching continue while being called "gay" or
"faggot," adding that they were being followed even after they left school. Although it seemed that verbal
bullying was the most prevalent issue that LGBTQ+ people faced. Both physical and sexual abuse of students
were shockingly prevalent. Although students were probably the bullies, teachers frequently ignored or even
participated in bullying, which has an adverse effect on the victims' self- esteem and mental health. When
students deal with these issues on their own or in groups, the learning environment may become difficult or

According to McCombes (2022), a hypothesis is a claim that can be verified through scientific
investigation. It outlines your expectations for the results of your research. It is a speculative solution
to your research problem that hasn't yet been put to the test. Therefore, the researchers propose the
following straightforward theory:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the discrimination to the wellbeing practices and
self-esteem of lgbtq+ community.
Data Gathering

• Conceptualization- the topic or concept will conceptualized and forwarded to the head
department office after several consultations with the researcher and their advisor. The experts
from the panel were monitored to ensure the accuracy of its content. In the refining offered by the
panel was weighed before its objective implementation takes place.

• Data Analysis- the researcher gathered all the needed information and resources. The researcher
summarized the data from the online and printed copies, and then their statistician presented it for
analysis. When the statistician presents the findings, the researcher must arrange the tables to
better convey the main points of the study.
• Implementation - a request letter for data collection was first prepared by the researcher at the
participating school at the St. Vincent College of Cabuyao, Laguna, following the validation of the
research instruments and approval of the requested permission to conduct the study from the
school principal and respondents by using a separate procedure. And after the department head's
approval to assist them in conducting the study, the researcher sent a second letter to the
respondents after delivering the first letter to the respondents' school. Each respondent received a
soft copy of the questionnaire from the researcher . After that, the researcher went to retrieved the
answered survey questionnaire but not all the respondents return the said instrument.
• References
• Waleed Sweileh (2022), Bibliometric analysis of peer-reviewed literature on mental health and well-being of LGBT adolescents,
• Jones, K. N., & Brewster, M. E. (2017). From awareness to action: Examining predictors of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) activism for heterosexual
people. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 87(6), 680–689.
• Hanimoglu, Egemen (2019), The Role of School Psychologists in Addressing Challenges Facing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Students,
• Michelle Forcier and Ilana Sherer (2021), LGBTQ+: support care. Part 1, Combatting stigma and discrimination, https://

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